ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 99
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 24
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
History of ArtAreas:
History of ArtCenter
Faculty of Geography and HistoryCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
The student will know and understand:
1 - The characteristics, functions and basic lines of art between Late Roman times and the 10th century.
2 - The different formal and visual languages.
3 - The different artistic techniques
4 - The most important sources, epochs, periods and artistic and architectural manifestations.SYLLABUS:
1st /2+2 /expository/ The beginnings of Christianity and the adaptation of art to serve the new faith. The catacombs. Figurative arts at the beginning of Christianity: catacomb wall paintings. Post-Constantinian mosaics.
2nd / 2+2 / expository / From the domus ecclesiae to the first Christian temples. The basilica. The martyria and baptisteries. From St. Peter's in the Vatican to the Anastasis in Jerusalem.
3rd / 2 / Exhibition / Early Christian sculpture. Sarcophagi.
3rd / 1st / interactive / The sarcophagus of Junius Basso.
4th / 2 / exhibition / A visual culture at the service of the new Byzantine Empire. From the foundation of Constantinople to the development of artistic manifestations in Justinian's time.
4th / 1 / interactive / Mosaics in Justinian's Ravenna.
5th / 2 / expository / The Second and Third Golden Ages of Byzantine architecture. From the Greek monasteries to the Russian development in the 14th and 15th centuries. Siculo-Norman art.
5th / 1 / interactive / The great dispute over images in Byzantium: the Iconoclastic Quarrel.
6th / 2 / interactive / The iconographic postulates derived from the Iconoclastic Quarrel. Mural painting and mosaics. Some of the most outstanding examples.
6th / 1st / interactive / The birth of a new religion: Islam. The formation of the Islamic empire. Al-Andalus.
7th / 2/ expository/ Introduction to Islamic art. Architectural typologies and figurative motifs. Some examples.
7th / 1 / interactive / The fall of the Western Roman Empire. The origins of the medieval Christian kingdoms.
8th / 2 / interactive / Artistic manifestations under the Ostrogoths, Lombards and Merovingians. Introduction to art in Hispania under Visigothic rule.
8th / 1st / interactive / Introduction to early Christian and Suevician Gallaecia.
9th / 2 / interactive / Hispano-Visigothic art in the Iberian Peninsula.
9th / 1 / interactive / The settlement and development of Christianity in Ireland and the British Isles. From St. Patrick to Bede the Venerable.
10th /2nd / interactive / The Atlantic Art of Ireland, the British Isles and the Vikings.
10th / 1st / interactive / Charlemagne and the Carolingian Renovatio: between Rome and Byzantium.
11th / 2 / Pre-Romanesque Carolingian Art. Palatine and monastic architecture. Sculpture. Introduction to miniatures.
11th / 1 / Interactive / Carolingian miniature.
12th / 2 / Ottonian Germanic Art. The prelude to the Romanesque.
12th / 1 / Interactive / The Shaping of the Christian Kingdoms of the North of the Iberian Peninsula. Beatus of Liébana.
13th / 2 / interactive / Art under the Asturian kings: between tradition and innovation.
13th / 1 / interactive / Introduction to the origins of Santiago de Compostela and its two pre-Romanesque basilicas.
14th / 2 / interactive / 10th century art in the Iberian Peninsula. From architectural novelties to the exaltation of the Apocalypse.
14th / 1 / interactive / The miniature of the blessed.
15th / Tutorial week.BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY:
DICCIONARIO Enciclopédico de la Biblia. Barcelona 1993
DURLIAT,M.: Introducción al arte medieval en occidente. Madrid 1980
GERARD, A.M.: Diccionario de la Biblia. 1995
HISTORIA DEL ARTE MEDIEVAL (dir. J.V. García Mansilla; C. Mancho i Suárez; I. Ruiz de la Peña González), Valencia, 2012.´
HISTORIA DEL ARTE DE LA ALTA Y PLENA EDAD MEDIA (Monteira Arias, I.; Vidal Álvarez, S.; Alegre Carvajal, E.; Vallejo Triano, A.), Madrid, Editorial Universitaria Ramón Areces-UNED, 2014 (https://historiasdelarteuned.wordpress.com/category/historia-del-arte-e…)
JANSON,H.W.: Historia General del Arte. 2. La Edad Media. Madrid 1990
KOSTOF, S.: Historia de la arquitectura. Madrid 1988
OLAGUER FELIU,F.: El arte medieval hasta el año 1000. Madrid 1989
PEÑA GÓMEZ, Mª del Pilar de la: Manual básico de Historia del Arte (en línea: https://www3.unex.es/publicaciones/files/1562-Manual%20b%C3%A1sico%20de…)
RAMIREZ, J. (coord.) La Edad Media (vol. 2 de Historia del Arte.), Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 1996.
TUSELL GARCÍA, G.: Historia del arte de la Antigua Edad media. Madrid 2009
YARZA LUACES,J.: Historia del Arte Hispánico. II. La Edad Media. Madrid 1980
YARZA LUACES,J.: Arte y arquitectura en España. 500-1250. Madrid 19
BANGO TORVISO, I.G.: Arte prerrománico hispano: el arte en la España cristiana de los siglos VI al XI (vol. VIII-II de Summa Artis), Madrid, 2001.
BECKWITH, J.: Arte paleocristiano y bizantino, Madrid, 1997.
BIFFI, I.: Atlas histórico de la Cultura Medieval, Madrid, 2007.
GRABAR, A.: Las vías de creación de la iconografía cristiana, Madrid, 1985.
KRAUTHEIMER, R.: Arquitectura paleocristiana y bizantina, Madrid, 1984.
NÚÑEZ RODRÍGUEZ, M.: Arquitectura prerrománica (Arte galega), Madrid, 1978.
WEBGRAPHY (on line):
https://www.bibliotecadigsan.com/edad-media?fbclid=IwAR3U7LMsI7LmBbFqcf…SPECIFIC COMPETENCES
The student will be able to:
1 - Use the most appropriate historiographical tools.
2 - Develop a scientific methodology specific to the History of Art.
3 - Acquire skills in the use of new technologies.
4 - Design a comprehensive project for the knowledge, protection and dissemination of cultural heritage.
5 - Become involved in the defence and conservation of cultural heritage.
The student will be able to:
1 - Analyse and synthesise the knowledge acquired.
2 - Solve the professional questions that arise
3 - Work in a team
4 - Maintain and increase knowledge of the profession.In order to facilitate and rationalise the teaching of the subject, the following techniques will be used:
- Lectures in which the theoretical contents will be explained.
- Interactive classes in which the activities will be practical and related to the theoretical contents of the subject.
- For the field practices, a one-day scheduled visit to some centres of interest for the contents of the subject is foreseen, even outside Santiago (in this case if funding from the USC-Faculty for a bus is available). If this is not possible, it will take place in the classroom.
- Personalised tutorials.
- In the expository and interactive classes, the most important aspects of the most representative lessons of the syllabus (contents) of the subject will be explained and dealt with, being, in any case, the totality of this and the explicit content of each one of them, object of evaluation through the different tests that will be carried out.The final assessment will consist of:
1) A written test (exam), which will account for 60% of the final mark (6 points). In order to be added to the rest of the marks, a minimum of 50% of this mark must be achieved (i.e. a minimum of 3 points out of 6 points in the exam).
2) Participation in interactive classes (debates, comments on images and texts), and the completion and submission of a series of short practical assignments, including a review of a text. The sum of these practical tasks will account for 40% of the final mark (4 points). As in the previous case, in order to be added to the exam mark, a minimum of 50% of this mark must also be achieved here (i.e. a minimum of 2 points must be obtained in these practicals out of the 4 points involved).
Students will take a written test (exam) on the official date set by the Faculty of Geography and History. The mark obtained in the exam -as long as it exceeds the stipulated minimum- will be added to the marks obtained in the interactivity, from which the final mark of each student will be derived.
Students who do not pass or fail the first opportunity may opt for the second opportunity (with a maximum validity of 6 points). The mark obtained in the second opportunity -as long as it exceeds the stipulated minimum- will be added to the marks obtained in the practicals and assignments during the continuous assessment, from which the final mark of each student will be derived.
Students who do not complete or pass the seminars, practicals and assignments corresponding to the continuous assessment during the course must hand them in to the teacher at the place and time of the written test (exam) scheduled for the second opportunity (all seminars, practicals and assignments must be handed in by those who did not complete them previously for the first opportunity; or only those seminars, practicals or specific assignments that are missing or failed must be handed in by those who did not complete or pass them during the continuous assessment during the course). These seminars, practicals and assignments will maintain the maximum validity of 4 points in their totality.
Students who are granted dispensation from class attendance (according to the Instruction No. 1/2017 of the General Secretariat on the dispensation of class attendance in certain circumstances), will be evaluated with a specific final exam that will represent 100% of the qualification.
Para los casos de realización fraudulenta de ejercicios o pruebas será de aplicación lo recogido en la Normativa de evaluación del rendimiento académico de los estudiantes y de revisión de cualificaciones.TIME SPENT BY STUDENTS IN THE CLASSROOM:
Expository teaching....................... 32 hours
Interactive teaching...................... 16 hours
Personal tutoring........................... 3 hours
It is advisable to have a good command of other languages such as English and French in their written dimension, which will facilitate access to certain bibliography.
David Chao Castro
Coordinador/a- Department
- History of Art
- Area
- History of Art
- Phone
- 881812595
- david.chao@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: Temporary PhD professor
1º Semester - September 09th-15th Monday 11:00-13:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 10 Wednesday 09:00-11:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 10 Exams 01.21.2025 16:00-18:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 10 01.21.2025 16:00-18:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 12 06.26.2025 15:30-18:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 12