ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 3ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 51
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 9
Interactive Classroom: 12
Total: 75Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Center
Faculty of Geography and HistoryCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
Sin Docencia (En Extinción)Enrolment:
No Matriculable (Sólo Planes en Extinción) -
-Manager del artistic and architectural heritage
-Historia del Arte
-Cultural Advisor
-Documentary filmmaker
1 to provide knowledge about the cultural management.
2 provide de basic skills to join to the
professional field
3 get that students can draw up coherent and
become a project management-related artistic or
architectural- María de los Reyes Hernández Socorro
I.Política y gestión cultural en España.
1.Centros públicos y privados. Tipologías y
2.La desaparición de un modelo de gestión exitoso en
España.Pasado, presente y futuro de las Cajas de
Ahorros como agentes del Patrimonio Artístico.
3.La gestión del patrimonio de las Universidades.
II.Análisis de casos.
- Juan Conde Roa (Consorcio Ciudad de Santiago S.A)
1.Las colecciones municipales. Una propuesta de puesta
en valor.
- María Jesús Busto Castiñeiras (Auditorio de Galicia)
2.La gestión de un espacio expositivo. El Auditorio
de Galicia de Santiago de Compostela.
- Francisco Singul Lorenzo(S.A. Xacobeo)
3.La gestión desde la perspectiva de un órgano autómono.
La Sociedad de Xestion XacobeoANTIGÜEDAD DEL CASTILLO-OLIVARES, Mª Dolores (directora) y MARTÍNEZ PINO, Joaquín (coordinador),(2013): Mediación y Gestión del Patrimonio en Europa ,Editorial Universitaria Ramón Areces, Madrid.
BALLART HERNÁNDEZ, Josep y JUAN I TRESSERRAS, Jordi (2001): Gestión del Patrimonio cultural, Ariel, Madrid.
Cajas de ahorros : nueva normativa / José María Méndez Álvarez-Cedrón (coordinador), (2011),Fundación de las Cajas de Ahorros, Madrid.
BELCHER, Michael (1997): Organización y diseño de exposiciones: su relación con el museo, Trea, (Colección Biblioteconomía y Administración Cultural, núm. 5), Gijón.
BONET, Lluís; CASTANER, Xavier y FONT, Josep (2010): Gestión de proyectos culturales, Editorial Ariel, Barcelona.
CALS GÜELL, Joan (2005) El éxito de las cajas de ahorros: historia reciente, estrategia competitiva y gobierno, Ariel, Barcelona.
CASARES MARCOS, Ana Belén(2011): "Crónica de una muerte anunciada : reestructuración y ocaso de las cajas de ahorro españolas". En Revista Jurídica de Castilla y León, n. 25, p. 219-290.
CATTANEO, Marco (2002): Monumentos, arte e historia, Librería Universitaria, Madrid.
COMÍN, Francisco (2011): Las cajas de ahorros : 1900-1975. En: Un siglo de historia del sistema financiero español / José Luis Malo de Molina y Pablo Martín-Aceña (eds.), Alianza Editorial, Madrid.
CULLELL, Josep M (2011): "La función social de las cajas de ahorros en la España de las autonomías". En Temas para el Debate, n. 198, p. 42-43
CHOAY, Françoise (2007): Alegoría del Patrimonio, Gustavo Gili, Barcelona.
GARCÍA BLANCO, Ángela (2009): La exposición, un medio de comunicación, Akal, (Colección Arte y Estética, nº 55), Madrid
GARCÍA MORALES, Mª Victoria y SOTO CABA, Victoria (2011): Patrimonio Histórico Artístico, Editorial Universitaria Ramón Areces, Madrid.
GARCÍA ROA, José (1994): Las cajas de ahorros españolas: cambios recientes, fusiones y otras estrategias de dimensionamiento. Editorial Civitas, Madrid.
GONZÁLEZ-VARAS, Ignacio (2006): Conservación de Bienes Culturales. Teoría, historia, principios y normas, Manuales Cátedra, Madrid.
GUINDOS, Luis de, MARTÍNEZ PUJALTE , Vicente y SEVILLA, Jordi (directores), Ana Torme, coordinadora (2009): Pasado, presente y futuro de las Cajas de Ahorro, Aranzadi, Cizur Menor (Navarra).
HERNÁNDEZ MARTÍ, G.M (2005): La memoria construida: Patrimonio Cultural y Modernidad, Tirant lo Blanc, Valencia.
HERNÁNDEZ SOCORRO María de los Reyes (2009):" La Entidad y su Patrimonio Artístico". En La Entidad y su Patrimonio. Fondos artísticos de La Caja de Canarias. La Caja de Canarias, T.1, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, pp. 9-33. Coordinación, 2 Tomos.
HERNÁNDEZ SOCORRO María de los Reyes (2009): Catálogo de la Exposición La Entidad y su Patrimonio. Fondos artísticos de La Caja de Canarias, 2 Tomos. La Caja de Canarias, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Centro de Iniciativas Culturales de La Caja de Canarias .
LEÓN ALONSO, Aurora (2010): El Museo: teoría, praxis y utopía. 8ª ed. Cátedra, Madrid.
MACARRÓN, MIGUEL, Ana Mª y GONZÁLEZ MOZO, Ana(2003): La Conservación y la restauración en el siglo XX. Editorial Tecnos, Madrid.
MACARRON MIGUEL, A.Mª(2008): Historia de la conservación y la restauración desde la Antigüedad hasta el siglo XX, Editorial Tecnos, Madrid.
MORALES MARTÍNEZ, Alfredo(1996): Patrimonio histórico-artístico. Conservación de bienes culturales, Historia 16, Madrid.Basic skills:
1. that the students know how to apply the knowledge
acquired and their problem solving ability in
new environments or little known within contexts
more extensive (or multidisciplinary) associated with your
area of study.
2. that the students know how to communicate its conclusions and
the knowledge and latest reasons underpinning them to
public specialised and non-specialised in a way
clear and unambiguous.
3 that the students be able to de integrate
knowledge and confront the complexity de
formulate judgements from information which,
being incomplete or limited, including reflections on
the social and ethical responsibilities related to the
application de their knowledge and judgment.
4 prepare to work in interdisciplinary teams.
5 train to apply knowledge to practice
Cross-disciplinary skills.
1. adapt to the changes, capable de apply
new and advanced technologies and other developments
relevant, with initiative and entrepreneurial spirit
2.-capacity analysis, critique and synthesis
Specific skills
1. provide the critical capabilities required for the
Professional or research activity in art,
cultural heritage-related architecture, city
historic preservation and exhibition spaces of the
artistic heritage and art market
2. give sufficient knowledge to merge
to the professional field in the taught disciplines taught in
the master
3.-prepare the graduate, where appropriate, to carry out de
a doctoral thesis in the own areas de the
disciplines de history del art, architecture, music,
audiovisual and cultural heritageIn order to facilitate and streamline the teaching of the subject the following will be used
The teaching will include exhibition developed by the teacher, through approaches
theoretical and practical examples that will be the starting point for the participation of the
student in the development of the same.
On the other hand, will be proposed to all students to apply the methodology and knowledge
acquired in carrying out a compulsory work a:
The cultural policy of a public Centre in the framework of the European CommunityCriteria of evaluation
The evaluation will consist of three parts: assistance, participation in the classroom, and assessment of the
capacity of interpretation and application of the contents made available through a job
mandatory need to be exposed in the classroom
Evaluation systems
-Assistance continued to class and participation active in the classroom in the programmed activities:
-Realization of compulsory labour that must be expuestp in class: 60
De qualification criteria
-Assistance continued to class and participation active in the classroom in the programmed activities: is
be assessed de zero to ten (0 to 10)
-Performing compulsory labour which must be expuestp in class de: plus de zero to ten
(0 to 10)
Scientific context:
-Public debate and exchange of ideas of the different
teachers with students in each of the sessions,
theoretical and practical nature that has been structured the
Professional background:
-The compulsory works have a
aimed professional orientation towards the
management de centres de art and de public institutions and
Social context:
-Discussion, analysis and understanding, in classes
practices, de events related to the world
de management de centres de art and de institutions
public and private de nature regional, national and
Following the Instruction Nº 1/2017 of Secretaría Xeral, students who are exempt from attendance in certain situations will be evaluated with a specific final exam (100%). Exemption from attendance must be authorized in advance by the university.STUDY TIME AND PERSONAL WORK
Training activity hours attendance
9 80 exhibition classes
12 80 interactive classes
2 80 group tutoring
Individualized tutoring. 1 100
Work and exposure. 3 100
Act. Autonomous EST. 58 100Specific bibliography.
Audiovisual and electronic resources
Individual face-to-face attention
Face-to-face tutorials will be made, upon request of appointment or by email ectronico.
Groups de work eye care
The attention to students to carry out de works will be held, request de appointment, or
by e-mail to the responsible teacher: María de los Reyes Hernández Socorro (ULPGC)-Acquire a rational and critical knowledge of the
asset management
-Raise awareness of the importance of the cataloging of the
artistic heritage as the knowledge base and the
asset management
-Apply the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired to
the recovery of the heritage in different scenarios
-Reflect on the need and importance de
know, to preserve and to bequeath to future generations the
artistic heritage
Exams 01.17.2025 12:00-14:00 Grupo de examen Classroom 13 06.23.2025 16:00-18:00 Grupo de examen Classroom 15