Scientific Committee of the Conference

Adrián Casanova Chiclana
Research group ACUIGEN (USC)- adrian.casanova [at]
Biology Graduate
Master's Degree in Environmental Engineering
Postdoctoral Researcher "Campus Terra"

Alba Díaz Geada
Grupo de Investigación HISTAGRA (USC)- alba.diaz [at]
Licenciada en Historia
Doutora en Historia Contemporánea
Investigadora Ramón y Cajal

Alberto González Remuiñán
Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares - CEIS20 at Coimbra University (UC, CEIS20)- alberto.g.remuinan [at]
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in the project "ReSEED - Rescuing seed's heritage: engaging in a new framework of agriculture and innovation since the 18th century", funded by the European Reasearch Council.

Ana Barreiro Buján
Grupo de investigación UXAFORES (USC)- ana.barreiro.bujan [at]
Biology Graduate
PhD in Environmental Science and Natural Resources
Juan de la Cierva Postdoctoral Researcher

César Pérez Cruzado
Research group PROEPLA (USC)- cesar.cruzado [at]
PhD in Forest Engineering
Master's Degree in Engineering for Rural Development
Master's Degree in Applied Statistics
Ramón y Cajal Researcher

David Mateo Fouz Varela
Research group CIGEO (USC)- davidmateo.fouz.varela [at]
Degree in Civil Engineering (USC)
Master's Degree in Project Management (USC)
PhD student (Campus Terra) in the field of Hydraulic Engineering (Department of Agroforestry Engineering) at USC

Joana Castro
Institute for Agrarian and Veterinary Research I. P. (INIAV)- joana.castro [at]
Ph.D. degree in Biomedical Sciences at University of Porto

José Victor Ramos
Post-doctoral researcher at CIIMAR- Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research- jvramos [at]

Mariana Alvoco Andrade
INSA | National Institute of Health Doutor Ricardo Jorge- mariana.andrade [at]
Ph.D. degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences - Food Science and Water Analysis at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Coimbra

Marina Pampín Iglesias
Research group ACUIGEN (USC)- marina.pampin.iglesias [at]
Degree in Veterinary Science
PhD student University of Santiago de Compostela

Óscar Cruz de la Fuente
Research group BIOAPLIC (USC)- oscar.cruz [at]
Degree in Environmental Sciences
Doctorate in Renewable Energies and Energy Sustainability

Pablo Souza Alonso
Membro do Grupo de investigación UXAFORES- pablo.souza [at]
Investigador Posdoutoral
Departamento de Edafoloxía e Química Agrícola

Patricia Cazón Díaz
Research Group on Sensory Analysis, Nutritional Evaluation, and Development of New Foods (USC)- patricia.cazon.diaz [at]
Doctor in Innovation in Food Safety and Technologies
Postdoctoral Researcher, Xunta de Galicia Program

Rui Campos
INL (International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory)- rui.campos [at]

Sara Illodo
Research Group in Biophysical Chemistry, Photophysics, and Spectroscopy (USC)- sara.illodo.brea [at]
Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry (USC)
PhD student (Xunta de Galicia Fellowship)

Sergio Fernández Boo
CIIMAR | Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research of the University of Porto- sboo [at]
Graduate in Marine Biology by the University of Santiago de Compostela

Uxía Yáñez Ramil
Research group Reproduction and Obstetrics (USC)- uxia.yanez.ramil [at]
Bachelor's Degree in Veterinary Science (USC)
PhD student (Campus Terra Fellowship) USC

Vanesa García Menéndez
Grupo de Investigación Laboratorio de Referencia de Escherichia coli (LREC) (USC)- vanesag.menendez [at]
Licenciada en Biología
Doctora en Biotecnología Alimentaria
Investigadora postdoctoral

Yacine Benhalima
Research assistant in research project- yacinebenhalima [at]
Research assistant in research project: assessment of primary fire break network efficiency for Portugal (project funded by ICNF Portugal), Centro dos estudos Florestais (CEF), ISA ulisboa.
- Post-fire resilience mechanisms of cork oak and its post fire long term effects in resilience and cork quality.
- Flammability tests for forest species along with cork carbonization.
- Long-term post-fire effect on soil properties.
- Carbon emission risk modeling, post-fire carbon restoration and monitoring.
- Fire behavior modeling and fire risk exposure assessment.