- Research Support Building (CACTUS)
- Rúa de Constantino Candeira, 1. Campus Vida , 15782Santiago de Compostela
- Phones
- 881 816 255
- sxevibra [at] usc.es
- Schedule
- Monday to Friday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Instrument for Raman spectra.

The Reflex version provides the system with self-alignment, self-calibration and self-validation (optimisation of the operation of the equipment). These operations are fully automated, motorised and controlled via software.
Technical specifications
- Detector: High sensitivity, ultra-low noise CCD chamber.
- Excitation lines available: Renishaw 785 nm laser diode, 514 nm Air Ion Laser.
- Filters for the Rayleigh region.
- Internal calibration for each wavelength.
- Filters for laser power control.
- Variable laser spot 1 to 300 µm depending on the target and wavelength used.
- Two high resolution diffraction grids.
- Leica DM confocal microscope.
- Confocality control, allowing the selection of the focal plane for Raman signal acquisition, its main advantage is the possibility of recording Raman scattering from very specific areas of the sample without the contribution of the environment.
- Colour video camera and binocular head. Possibility of viewing the sample with or without the laser incident on the sample.
- XYZ motorised platform for Raman mapping.
- Database of inorganic materials.
- Wire 3.0 software in Windows environment for instrument control and data processing.
Linkan THS94 environmental chamber
For temperature-controlled sample analysis in the -196- 600 °C range.
Articulated arm
For analysis of samples that cannot fit on the base of the microscope due to their size or geometry.
IR-Raman unit
- Research Support Building. Santiago
- Rúa de Constantino Candeira, 1. Campus Vida , 15782Santiago de Compostela
- 881 816 255
- 881 816 203 (Fax)