The USC has established bibliographic exchange agreements with more than 1300 cultural and scientific institutions.
Scientific exchange relations are currently maintained with organizations from all over the world, from which they receive their periodic publications and much of their bibliographic novelties.
The exchange agreements, signed in conformity with the principles of reasonable balance and mutual benefit, are essentially of two kinds:
- regular exchange: a journal for a journal or a subscription for a subscription.
- occasional exchange: orders of works from the respective catalogues. Most of the books included in our Publications Catalogue can be obtained in exchange for other publications of a similar nature.
If your institution wishes to take part in these programmes of bibliographic exchange with the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, please complete the corresponding form and send an email with your proposal to sepinter [at] usc.es (sepinter@usc.)gal or a letter to our postal address. Attach a copy of the journal that you intend to exchange with us or of your institution’s publications catalogue. Do not forget clearly to indicate your postal and shipping addresses.
Scientific Exchange Unit
- Gradín House
- Campus Vida, 15782Santiago de Compostela
- (+ 34) 881 812 393
- sepinter [at] usc.es