- Gender Equality Office. Students Pavilion. 1.st floor
Rúa de Lope Gómez de Marzoa, 4. Campus Vida , 15782Santiago de Compostela
oix [at] usc.gal
The Gender Equality Office has the fundamental aim of making effective USC’s commitment with society to achieve real equality between men and women, assuming the principles of human dignity, regardless of sex, and gender equality and equity as fundamental elements of university activity.
The Office coordinates the preparation and execution of the USC Equality Plan; promotes initiatives to develop the culture of equality and introduce the gender perspective in the different sectors of knowledge; promotes information, training and specific research in gender studies; activates policies for the reconciliation of work, personal and family life for all University workers; and detects and mediates in cases of gender conflicts in teaching and labour relations.
Sonia Esperanza Rodríguez Boente
- Job title
- Coordinadora
- 881 811 310
- oix [at] usc.gal
Vanessa Vidal Freire
- Job title
- Posto base
- 881 811 309
- oix [at] usc.gal
Centro de crise 24h Santiago de Compostela
- Address
- Complejo Hospitalario Gil Casares (Rúa da Choupana, s/n., C.P. 15706, Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña)
981 955 976 - centrodecrise.santiago [at] xunta.gal
- Schedule
- 24 horas
Centro de Crise 24h Lugo
- Address
- Hospital Universitario Lucus Augusti (Rúa Dr. Ulises Romero 1, C.P. 27003, Lugo)
- 982 296 761
- centrodecrise.lugo [at] xunta.gal
- Schedule
- 24 horas