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Tuna skin as bioresource for gelatine: Extraction with ionic liquid

Paula Souto-Montero, Cristina Gallego, José Antonio Vázquez, Eva Rodil, Ana Soto
Separation and Purification Technology, 2025, 132144


Extraction and characterisation of gelatine from yellowfin tuna skin pretreated with a eutectic solvent
Cristina Gallego, Eva Rodil, Héctor Rodríguez, Ana Soto
Food Hydrocolloids 2025, 110652



Tris(2-hydroxyethyl)ammonium based protic “ionic liquids”: Synthesis and characterisation
Emilia Tojo, Alexandra Cáceres, Alba Somoza, Carlos A. Pena, Ana Soto
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 69 (2024) 3427-3434.
Invitation. Special Issue en honor a Eugenia Macedo
Solubility of seven amino acids in two acetate ionic liquids from 298.15 K to 328.15 K
Paula Souto-Montero, Eva Rodil, Ana Soto
Fluid Phase Equilibria 2024, 114075
Invitation. Special Issue en honor a Ralf Dohrn
Enhancing hexachlorocyclohexane solubility with surfactants and ionic liquids
Zoe Chaos, María Balseiro-Romero, Beatriz Calviño-Vázquez, Alba Somoza, Ana Soto, Carmen Monterroso.

Journal of Molecular Liquids 2024, 399, 124329


Capacity of Aqueous Solutions of the Ionic Liquid 1‑Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium Acetate to Partially Depolymerize Lignin at Ambient Temperature and Pressure
Carlos A. Pena, Eva Rodil, Héctor Rodríguez
J. Agric. Food Chem. 2024, 72 (2), 1136-1145


Laccase-mediator system for the ionic liquid-assisted treatment of a technical lignin with partial dissolution
Carlos A. Pena, Lina F. Ballesteros, Héctor Rodríguez, Eva Rodil, José A. Teixeira, Michele Michelin
Biomass and Bioenergy  2023, 177, 106928
Evaluation of Surface-Active Ionic Liquids in Smart Water for Enhanced Oil Recovery in Carbonate Rocks   
Nestor Tafur, Aleksandr Mamonov, Md Ashraful Islam Khan, Ana Soto, Tina Puntervold, Skule Strand
Energy & Fuels  2023, 37, 11730-11742
Experimental evaluation of blends containing lineal alkylbenzene sulfonates for surfactant flooding in carbonate reservoirs.
Somoza, A.; Rodríguez-Cabo, B.; Barrio, I.; García-Mayoral, M.; Soto, A.
SPE Res Eval & Eng  2023, 26(04) 1309-1322. SPE-215828-PA
Experimental evaluation of foams stabilized by ionic liquids for enhanced oil recovery
Alba Somoza, Ana Soto, Jieqiong Pang, Kishore K. Mohant
Journal of CO2 Utilization  2023, 72, 102507


A formulation based on a cationic surface-active ionic liquid and an anionic surfactant for enhanced oil recovery at a carbonate reservoir.
Alba Somoza; M. Flor García-Mayoral; Ana Soto.
Fuel  2023, 346, 128363
Assesment of a Surface-active ionic liquid formulation for EOR applications: experimental and simulation studies.
Tafur, N.; Somoza, A.; Muñuzuri, A.; Rodríguez-Cabo, B.; Barrio, I.; Panadero, A.; García
Mayoral, M.; Soto, Ana.
Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 2023, 211619
Challenges in using ionic liquids for cellulosic ethanol production(review)
Francieli Colussi, Héctor Rodríguez, Michele Michelin, José A. Teixeira
Molecules 2023, 28(4),1620.
Solubility of Amino Acids in the Eutectic Solvent Constituted by Sodium Acetate Trihydrate and Urea and in Its Mixture with Water
Cristina Gallego, Héctor Rodríguez and Ana Soto
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2023, 24(2), 1550.
Improvement of a Surfactant Blend for Enhanced Oil Recovery in Carbonate Reservoirs by Means of an Ionic Liquid
Nestor Tafur, Alberto P. Muñuzuri and Ana Soto
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2023, 24(1),726.
Nanofluid based on 1-dodecylpyridinium chloride for enhanced oil recovery 
Akram Al-Asadi, Alba Somoza, Alberto Arce, Eva Rodil, Ana Soto
Petroleum Science, 20, 2023, 600-610



Nanoparticles in Chemical EOR: a Review on Flooding Tests
Akram Al-Asadi, Eva Rodil, Ana Soto
Nanomaterials, 12(23), 2022, 4142
Evaluation of surfactant blends for enhanced oil recovery through activity maps
Nestor Tafur, Alba Somoza, Ana Soto
Journal of Molecular Liquids 2022, 364, 119984
Enhanced oil recovery with nanofluids based on aluminum oxide and 1-dodecyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride ionic liquid
Akram Al-Asadi, Alberto Arce, Eva Rodil, Ana Soto
Journal of Molecular Liquids 2022, , 363, 119798
Liquid Systems Based on Tetra(n-butyl)phosphonium Acetate for the Non-dissolving Pretreatment of a Microcrystalline Cellulose (Avicel PH-101)
Carlos A. Pena, Alberto V. Puga, Andreas Metlen, Ana Soto and Héctor Rodríguez
Biomacromolecules 23, 2022, 5, 1970-1980
Acetone + 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate phase diagram: a correlation challenge
Antonio Marcilla, María del Mar Olaya, Paloma Carbonell-Hermida, Marta K. Wojtczuk, Héctor Rodriguez, Eva Rodil, Ana Soto
Fluid Phase Equilibria 2022, 557,113419
Design and performance analysis of a formulation based on SDBS and ionic liquid for EOR in carbonate reservoirs
Alba Somoza, Néstor Tafur, Alberto Arce, Ana Soto
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering  2022, 209,109856
Revising Concepts on Liquid–Liquid Extraction: Data Treatment and Data Reliability
Alberto Arce, Alberto Arce Jr., and Oscar Rodriguez
Journal of Chemical Engineering Data 2022, 67, 286-296
Recovery of dialkylimidazolium-based ionic liquids from their mixtures with acetone or water by flash distillation
Nuria Caeiro, Marta K. Wojtczuk, Héctor Rodríguez, Eva Rodil, Ana Soto
Journal of Molecular Liquids  2022, 346, 118292
Oil recovery tests with ionic liquids: A review and evaluation of 1-decyl-3-methylimidazolium triflate
Alba Somoza, Alberto Arce, Ana Soto
Petroleum Science 2022, 19, 1877-1887



AOT + Polyethylene Glycol Eutectics for Enhanced Oil Recovery
Cristina Gallego, Alba Somoza, Héctor Rodríguez, Ana Soto
Applied Sciences, 2021, 11, 8164
Solid-liquid phase behavior of mixtures of 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)amides involving long alkyl side chains
Olga Stolarska, Anna Pawlowska-Zygarowicz, Héctor Rodríguez, Emilia Frydrych-Tomczakb, Marcin Smiglak
Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2021, 116805
Good reporting practice for thermophysical and thermochemical property measurements (IUPAC Technical Report)
A. Bazyleva, J. Abildskov, A. Anderko, O. Baudouin, Y. Chernyak, J.C. de Hemptinne, V. Diky, R. Dohrn, J.R. Elliott, J. Jacquemin, J.N. Jaubert, K.G. Joback, U.R. Kattner, G. Kontogeorgis, H. Loria, P.M. Mathias, J.P. O’Connell, W. Schröer, G.J. Smith, A. Soto, S. Wang, R.D. Weir.
Pure Applied Chemistry, 2021, 93(2), 253-272
Highly viscous fluid displaced by a chemically controlled reactive interface
N. Tafur, D.M. Escala, A. Soto, A. Pérez-Muñuzuri
Chaos  2021, 31, 023135
Nanomaterial synthesis in ionic liquids and their use on the photocatalytic degradation of emerging pollutants
R. Corchero, R. Rodil, A. Soto, E.Rodil
Nanomaterials 2021, 11(2),411
Tetrabutylphosphonium acetate and its eutectic mixtures with common-cation halides as solvents for carbon dioxide capture
C. Pena, A. Soto, H. Rodríguez
Chemical Engineering Journal 2021, 409, 128191
Ionic liquids in the pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass
Héctor Rodríguez
Acta Innovations2021, 38(3), 23-36
Recovery of lactose and proteins from cheese whey with poly(ethylene)glycol/sulfate aqueous two-phase  systems
M. González-Amado, A.P.M.Tavares, M.G. Freire, A. Soto, O. Rodríguez
Separation and Purification Technology 2021, 255,N:117686


Separation of Linalool from Limonene via Extractive Distillation with 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate: as entrainer
Fernanda Ganem, Silvana Mattedi, Eva Rodil, Ana Soto
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2020, 59(43), 19449-19457
Desterpenation of citrus essential oil with 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate: a comparison of unit operations
Fernanda Ganem, Silvana Mattedi, Oscar Rodríguez, Eva Rodil, Ana Soto
Separation and Purification Technology 2020, 250, N:117208
Recovery of the ionic liquids [C2mim][OAc] or [C2mim][SCN] by distillation from their binary mixtures with methanol or ethanol
Marta K. Wojtczuk, Nuria Caeiro, Héctor Rodríguez, Eva Rodil, Ana Soto
Separation and Purification Technology 2020, 248, 117103
Insights on the laccase extraction and activity in ionic-liquid-based aqueous biphasic systems
E.V. Capela, A.I. Valente, J.C.F. Nunes, F.F. Magalhães, O. Rodríguez, A. Soto, M.G. Freire, A.PM. Tavares
Separation and Purification Technology  2020, 248, 117052
Phase equilibrium for polymer/ionic liquid aqueous two-phase systems
Y.P. Jiménez, C. Román Freijeiro, A. Soto, O. Rodríguez
Fluid Phase Equilibria 2020, 506, 112387
Towards improving the sustainability of bioplastics: Process modelling and life cycle assessment of two separation routes for 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid
Sara Bello, Pedro Méndez-Trelles, Eva Rodil, Gumersindo Feijoo, Maria Teresa Moreira 
Separation and Purification Technology 2020, 233, 116056,
Aqueous two phase systems: a correlation analysis
Gonzalez-Amado, O. Rodriguez, A. Soto, P. Carbonell Hermida, M. M. Olaya, A. Marcilla
Industrial and Engineering chemistry Research 2020, 59 (13), 6318-6328
Design and Characterization of Naphthalene Ionic Liquids
Fernández-Stefanuto, A. Somoza, R. Corchero, E. Tojo, A. Soto
Frontiers in Chemistry 8, 2020, 208


Equilibria and correlation of systems involving 1-hexyl-3-methylpyridinium trifluoromethanesulfonate
Corchero, A. Marcilla, M. M. Olaya, P. Carbonell-Hermida and A. Soto
RSC Advances, 2019, 9, 42524 – 42532
Improved Reactivity of Cellulose via its Crystallinity Reduction by Non-Dissolving Pretreatment with an Ionic Liquid
Carlos Pena, Ana Soto, Alistair King, Héctor Rodríguez 
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 7, 2019, 9164-9171
Environmental sustainability assessment of HMF and FDCA production from lignocellulosic biomass
Sara Bello, Iana Salim, Pedro Méndez-Trelles, Eva Rodil, Gumersindo Feijoo, Maria Teresa Moreira 
Holzforschung, 73(1), 2019, 105–115,
Phase equilibria of 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate with water and oil
R. Corchero, I. Rodríguez-Escontrela, O. Rodríguez, A. Soto
Fluid Phase Equilibria, 483, 2019, 144-152
Thermo-rheology of a proline-based surface active ionic liquid and their binary and ternary mixtures with water and n-octane
M.D. Torres, R. Corchero, I. Rodríguez-Escontrela, A. Soto, R. Moreira
Chemical Engineering Technology 42, 2019, 1952–1959


Thermal behaviour of mixtures of 1-alkylpyridinium halides with and without a common ion
Olga Stolarska, Ana Soto, Héctor Rodríguez, Marcin Smiglak
Journal of Molecular Liquids, 268, 2018, 781-790.  
Polyethylene Glycol (1500 or 600) - Potassium Tartrate Aqueous Two-Phase Systems
Marlen González-Amado, Eva Rodil, Alberto Arce, Ana Soto, Oscar Rodríguez
Fluid Phase Equilibria, 420, 2018, 120-125,
Measurements of the density, refractive index, electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity and dynamic viscosity for Tributylmethylphosphonium and Methylsulfate based Ionic Liquids
E. Rodil, A. Arce Jr., A. Arce and A. Soto
Termochimica Acta, 664, 2018, 81-90 
Ionic Liquids Derived from Proline: Application as Surfactants
Verónica Fernández, Stefanuto, Raquel Corchero, Iria Rodríguez Escontrela, Ana Soto, Emilia Tojo
ChemPhysChem, 19, 2018, 2885-2893 
Data quality and assessment, validation methods and error propagation through the simulation software
M. Mathias, A. Soto, L. Fele-Zilnik , J.-C. de Hemptinne,A. Bazyleva, J. Abildskov
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 137, 2018, A1-A8


Photocatalytic degradation of methyl orange, methylene blue and rhodamine B with AgCl nanocatalyst synthesised from its bulk material in the ionic liquid [P6 6 6 14]Cl
B. Rodríguez-Cabo, I. Rodríguez-Palmeiro, R. Corchero, R. Rodil, E. Rodil, A. Arce, A. Soto
Water Sci Technol 75 (2017) 128-140
Aqueous two-phase systems with thermo-sensitive EO/PO co-polymer (UCON) and sulfate salts: Effect of temperature and cation
X. Rico-Castro, M. Gonzalez-Amado, A. Soto, O. Rodriguez
Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 108 (2017) 136-142
Efficiency of hydrophobic phosphonium ionic liquids and DMSO as recyclable cellulose dissolution and regeneration media
J. Holding, A. Parviainen, L. Kilpeläinen, A. Soto, A.W.T. King, H. Rodríguez
RSC Adv. 7 (2017) 17451-17461
Tributyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium Chloride Ionic Liquid for Surfactant-Enhanced Oil Recovery
I. Rodriguez-Palmeiro, I. Rodriguez-Escontrela, O. Rodriguez, A. Soto, S. Reichmann, M.M. Amro
Energy & Fuels 31 (2017) 6758–6765
Ionic liquids for low-tension oil recovery processes: Phase behavior tests
I. Rodriguez-Escontrela, M.C. Puerto, C.A. Miller, A. Soto
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (2017), 504, 404-416
Non-ideal behavior of ionic liquid mixtures to enhance CO2 capture
C. Moya, M. Gonzalez-Miquel, F. Rodriguez, A. Soto, H. Rodríguez, J. Palomar
Fluid Phase Equilibria 450 (2017) 175-183


Thermophysical characterization of the mixtures of the ionic liquid 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate with 1-propanol or 2-propanol
M. Castro, A. Arce, A. Soto and H. Rodríguez
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 61 (2016) 2299-2310
Liquid-liquid equilibria of mutually immiscible ionic liquids with a common anion of basic character
M. Castro, A. Arce, A. Soto and H. Rodríguez
Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 102 (2016) 12-21
Correlation of three-liquid-phase equilibria involving ionic liquids
I. Rodríguez-Escontrela, A. Arce, A. Soto, A. Marcilla, M.M. Olaya, J.A. Reyes-Labarta
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (2016) 21610-21617
The effect of temperature on polyethylene glycol (4000 or 8000)-(sodium or ammonium) sulfate Aqueous Two Phase Systems
M. Gonzalez-Amado, E. Rodil, A. Arce, A. Soto, O. Rodriguez
Fluid Phase Equilibria 428 (2016) 95-101


Liquid-liquid-liquid equilibria for water + [P 6,6,6,14][DCA] + dodecane ternary system
Iria Rodríguez-Escontrela, Iago Rodríguez-Palmeiro, Oscar Rodríguez, Alberto Arce, Ana Soto
Fluid Phase Equilibria, v. 405, 124-131, 2015 
Characterization and interfacial properties of the surfactant ionic liquid 1-dodecyl-3-methyl imidazolium acetate for enhanced oil recovery
Iago Rodríguez-Palmeiro, Iria Rodríguez-Escontrela, Oscar Rodríguez, Alberto Arce, Ana Soto
RSC Advances, v. 5, 37392-37398, 2015
Phase behavior of the surfactant ionic liquid trihexyltetradecylphosphonium bis(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl)phosphinate with water and dodecane
Iria Rodríguez-Escontrela, Iago Rodríguez-Palmeiro, Oscar Rodríguez, Alberto Arce, Ana Soto
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, v. 480, 50-59, 2015
Properties modification by eutectic formation in mixtures of ionic liquids
Olga Stolarska, Ana Soto, Héctor Rodríguez, Marcin Smiglak
RSC Advances, 5, 2015, 22178-22187
Synthesis of AgCl nanoparticles in ionic liquid and their application in photodegradation of Orange II
Borja Rodríguez-Cabo, Iago Rodríguez-Palmeiro, Rosario Rodil, Eva Rodil, Alberto Arce and Ana Soto
Journal of Materials Science, 50, 3576-3585, 2015
Measuring and PC-SAFT modelling three-phase behaviour
Iago Rodríguez-Palmeiro, Oscar Rodriguez, Ana Soto, Christoph Held
Physical Chemistry-Chemical Physics, v. 17, 1800-1810, 2015
Effect of Temperature on Salt-Salt Aqueous Biphasic Systems: Manifestations of Upper Critical Solution Temperature
Meghna Dilip, Nicholas J. Bridges, Héctor Rodríguez, Jorge F. B. Pereira, Robin D. Rogers
Journal of Solution Chemistry, 44, 2015, 454-468
Influence of methanol on the dissolution of lignocellulose biopolumers with the ionic liquid 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate
María C. Castro, Alberto Arce, Ana Soto, Héctor Rodríguez
Eng. Chem. Res., 54 (39), 2015,9605–9614


Density of mixtures containing sugars and ionic liquids: experimental data and PC-SAFT modeling
Aristides P. Carneiro, Oscar Rodríguez, Christoph Held, Gabriele Sadowski, Eugénia A. Macedo 
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 59(10), 2942–2954, 2014
Stability and kinetic behavior of immobilized laccase from Myceliophthora thermophila in the presence of the ionic liquid 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium ethylsulfate [emim][EtSO4]
María Fernández-Fernández, Diego Moldes, Alberto Domínguez, Ana Paula M. Tavares, Oscar Rodríguez, Eugénia A. Macedo, M. Ángeles Sanromán
Biotechnology Progress, 30(4), 790–796, 2014
Separation of carbohydrates and sugar alcohols from ionic liquids using antisolvents
Aristides P. Carneiro, Oscar Rodríguez, Eugénia A. Macedo
Separation and Purification Technology, 132, 496–504, 2014
The Perfumery Radar 2.0: a step towards fragrance design and classification
Miguel A. Teixeira, Lucas Barrault, Oscar Rodríguez, Cindy C. Carvalho, Alírio E. Rodrigues
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 53 (21), 8890–8912, 2014
Dual Functional Ionic Liquids as Antimicrobials and Plasticisers for Medical Grade PVCs
Seong Ying Choi, Héctor Rodríguez, H. Q. Nimal Gunaratne, Alberto Vaca, Deirdre Gilpin, Stephanie McGrath, Joseph S. Vyle, Michael M. Tunney, Robin D. Rogers, Tony McNally
RSC Advances, 4(17), 2014, 8567-8581
Mixtures of ethanol and the ionic liquid 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate for the fractionated solubility of biopolymers of lignocellulosic biomass
María C. Castro, Héctor Rodríguez, Alberto Arce, Ana Soto
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 53(29), 2014, 11850-11861
Surface tension of binary mixtures of 1-alkyl-3-methyl-imidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ionic liquids with alcohols
E. Andreatta, E. Rodil, A. Arce and A. Soto
Journal of solution chemistry, 43, 2014, 404-420
Improved concentration of citrus essential oil by solvent extraction with acetate ionic liquids
S. Lago, H. Rodríguez, A. Arce, and A. Soto
Fluid Phase Equilibria, 361, 2014, 37-44
Extractive and oxidative-extractive desulfurization of fuels with ionic liquids
B. Rodríguez-Cabo, H. Rodríguez, E. Rodil, A. Arce and A. Soto
Fuel, 117A, 2014, 882-889
Combined physical and chemical absorption of carbon dioxide in a mixture of ionic liquids
M. Pinto, H. Rodríguez, A. Arce and A. Soto
Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 77, 2014, 197-205
Water/Oil/[P6,6,6,14][NTf2] phase equilibria
S. Lago, B. Rodríguez-Cabo, A. Arce, and A. Soto
Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 75, 2014, 63-68


Desulfurization of fuel-oils with [C2mim][NTf2]: a comparative study
B. Rodríguez-Cabo, A. Soto and A. Arce
Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 57, 2013, 248-255
Absorption of carbon dioxide in two binary mixtures of ionic liquids
M. Pinto, H. Rodríguez, Y.J. Colon, A.Arce Jr., A. Arce and A. Soto
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 52, 2013, 5975-5984
Synthesis and characterization of highly concentrated AgI-[P6,6,6,14]Cl ionanofluids
I Rodríguez-Palmeiro, B Rodríguez-Cabo, E Rodil, A Arce, J M Saiz-Jabardo and A Soto
Journal of Nanoparticles Research, 15, 2013, 1881
Desulfurization of fuels by liquid-liquid extraction with 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium ionic liquids
B. Rodríguez-Cabo, A. Arce and A. Soto
Fluid Phase Equilibria, 356, 2013, 126-135
Carbon dioxide absorption in the ionic liquid 1-ethylpyridinium ethylsulfate and in its mixtures with another ionic liquid
M. Pinto, H. Rodríguez, A. Arce and A. Soto
Journal of Greenhouse Control, 18, 2013, 296-304
Enhanced Oil Recovery with the Ionic Liquid Trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium Chloride: A Phase Equilibria Study at 75 °C
S. Lago, M. Francisco, A. Arce, and A. Soto
Energy and Fuels, 27, 2013, 5806-5810


Preparation of metal oxide nanoparticles in ionic liquid medium
B. Rodríguez-Cabo, E. Rodil, A. Soto and A. Arce
Journal of Nanoparticles Research , 14, 2012, 938
Liquid-Liquid interfacial tension of equilibrated mixtures of ionic liquids and hydrocarbons
Rodríguez, A. Arce and A. Soto
Science China Serie B , 55, 2012, 1519-1529
Enhanced oil recovery using the ionic liquid trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium chloride ionic liquid: phase behaviour and properties
S. Lago, H. Rodríguez, M. Khoshkbarchi, A. Soto and A. Arce
RSC Advances, 2, 2012, 9392-9397
Alkylpyridinium Alkylsulfate Ionic Liquids as Solvents for the Deterpenation of Citrus Essential Oil
Sara Lago, Héctor Rodríguez, Ana Soto and Alberto Arce
Separation Science and Technology, 47(2), 2012, 292-299
Direct Preparation of Sulfide Semiconductor Nanoparticles from the Corresponding Bulk Powders in an Ionic Liquid
Borja Rodríguez-Cabo, Eva Rodil, Héctor Rodríguez, Ana Soto and Alberto Arce
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 51(6), 2012, 1424-1427
Hexyl dimethylpyridinium ionic liquids for desulfurization of fuels. Effect of the position of the alkyl side chains
Borja Rodríguez-Cabo, María Francisco, Ana Soto and Alberto Arce
Fluid Phase Equilibria, 314, 2012, 107-112
Insight into the Interactions That Control the Phase Behaviour of New Aqueous Biphasic Systems Composed of Polyethylene Glycol Polymers and Ionic Liquids
Mara G. Freire, Jorge F. B. Pereira, María Francisco, Héctor Rodríguez, Luis Paulo N. Rebelo, Robin D. Rogers and Joao A. P. Coutinho
Chemistry-A European Journal, 18(6), 2012, 1831-1839
Physicochemical properties of maize cob cellulose powders reconstituted from ionic liquid solution
Chukwuemeka P. Azubuike, Héctor Rodríguez, Augustine O. Okhamafe and Robin D. Rogers
Cellulose, 19(2), 2012, 425-433


Where are ionic liquid strategies most suited in the pursuit of chemicals and energy from lignocellulosic biomass?
Ning Sun, Héctor Rodríguez, Mustafizur Rahman and Robin D. Rogers
Chemical Communications, 47(5), 2011, 1405-1421
Reaction of elemental chalcogens with imidazolium acetates to yield imidazole-2-chalcogenones: direct evidence for ionic liquids as proto-carbenes
Héctor Rodríguez, Gabriela Gurau, John D. Holbrey & Robin D. Rogers
Chemical Communications, 47(11), 2011, 3222-3224
Deterpenation of Citrus Essential Oil by Liquid-Liquid Extraction with 1-Alkyl-3-methylimidazolium Bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)amide Ionic Liquids
Sara Lago, Héctor Rodríguez, Ana Soto and Alberto Arce
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 56(4), 2011,1273-1281
Addition of ammonia and/or oxygen to an ionic liquid for delignification of miscanthus
Héctor Rodríguez, Sasisanker Padmanabhan, Geoffrey Poon & John M. Prausnitz
Bioresource Technology, 102(17), 2011, 7946-7952
Isobaric vapor-liquid equilibria and physical properties for isopropyl acetate + isopropanol + 1-butyl-3-methyl-imidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide mixtures
Alfonsina E. Andreatta, María Francisco, Eva Rodil, Ana Soto and Alberto Arce
Fluid Phase Equilibria 2011, 300(1-2), 162-171
Recovery of glucose from an aqueous ionic liquid by adsorption onto a zeolite-based solid
Maria Francisco, Anton Mlinar, Brian Yoo, Alexis T. Bell and John M. Prausnitz
Chemical Engineers Journal, 172(1), 2011, 184-190
Demonstration of Chemisorption of Carbon Dioxide in 1,3-Dialkylimidazolium Acetate Ionic Liquids
Gabriela Gurau, Héctor Rodríguez, Steven P. Kelly, Peter Janiczek, Roland S. Kalb and Robin D. Rogers
Angewandte Chemie International Edition  2011 , 50(50),12024-12026
Dual functional ionic liquids as plasticizers and antimicrobial agents for medical polymers
Seong Ying Choi, Héctor Rodríguez, Arsalan Mirjafari, Deirdre F. Gilpin, Stephanie McGrath, Karl R. Malcolm, Michael M. Tunney, Robin D. Rogers and Tony McNally
Green Chemistry 2011, 13(6), 1527-1535
Synthesis and characterization of new polysubstituted pyridinium-based ionic liquids: application as solvents on desulfurization of fuel oils
Pedro Verdia, Emilio J. González, Borja Rodríguez-Cabo and Emilia Tojo
Green Chemistry, 13(10), 2011, 2768-2776


Isomer effect in the separation of octane and xylenes using the ionic liquid 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis{(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl}amide
Alberto Arce, Martyn J. Earle, Héctor Rodríguez, Kenneth R. Seddon and Ana Soto
Fluid Phase Equilibria, 294(1-2), 2010, pp. 180-186
Liquid-liquid equilibrium and interfacial tension of the ternary system heptane + thiophene + 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide
Héctor Rodríguez, María Francisco, Ana Soto and Alberto Arce
Fluid Phase Equilibria, 298(2), 2010, pp. 240-245
Evaluation of the polysubstituted pyridinium ionic liquid [hmmpy][Ntf(2)] as a suitable solvent for desulfurization: Phase equilibria
Arce A, Francisco M, Soto A
Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 2010, 42, 712-718
Physico-chemical Properties of Binary and Ternary Mixtures of Ethyl Acetate plus Ethanol+1-Butyl-3-methyl-imidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide at 298.15 K and Atmospheric Pressure
Andreatta A.E., Arce A, Rodil E,  Soto A
Journal of Solution Chemistry 2010, 39, 371-383
Isobaric Vapor-Liquid Equilibria at 101.32 kPa and Densities, Speeds of Sound, and Refractive Indices at 298.15 K for MTBE or DIPE or TAME+1-Propanol Binary Systems
Gomez-Marigliano AC, Arce A, Rodil E, Soto A
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 2010, 55, 92-97
Physical properties and phase equilibria of the system isopropyl acetate plus isopropanol+1-octyl-3-methyl-imidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide
Andreatta A.E, Arce A, Rodil E, Soto A
Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2010, 287, 84-94


Biphasic liquid mixtures of ionic liquids and polyethylene glycols
Héctor Rodríguez, María Francisco, Mustafizur Rahman, Ning Sun, Robin D. Rogers
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2009, 11, 10916-10922
Mixing Properties of Tris(2-hydroxyethyl) methylamonium methylsulfate, water and methanol at 298.15 K. Data treatment using several correlation equations
Arce, Alberto; Soto, Ana; Ortega, Juan; Sabater, Gisela
Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 2009, 41, 235-242 
Bis{(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl}amide ionic liquids as solvents for the extraction of aromatic hydrocarbons from their mixtures with alkanes: effect of the nature of the cation
Arce, M.J. Earle, H. Rodríguez, K.R. Seddon and A. Soto
Green Chemistry 2009, 3, 365-372
Physical Properties of Binary and Ternary Mixtures of Ethyl Acetate, Ethanol and 1-Octyl-3-methyl-imidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide at 298.15 K
Andreatta, Alfonsina E.; Arce, Alberto; Rodil, Eva; and Soto, Ana
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 2009, 54, 1022-1028
Physical and excess properties of methyl acetate + methanol + 1-octyl-3-methyl-imidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide and its binary mixtures at 298.15 K and atmospheric pressure
Andreatta, Alfonsina E.; Arce, Alberto; Rodil, Eva; and Soto, Ana
Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2009, 41, 1317-1323
Measurement of Ion Activity Coefficients in Aqueous Solutions of Mixed Electrolyte with a Common Ion: NaNO3 + KNO3, NaCl + KCl, and NaBr +NaCl
Rodil Eva; Arce, Alberto; Wilczek-Vera, Grazyna; Vera, Juan
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 2009, 54, 345-350


Phase behaviour of 1-methyl-3-octylimidazolium bis[trifluoromethylsulfonyl]imide with thiophene and aliphatic hydrocarbons: the influence of n-alkane chain length
Alonso, Luisa; Arce, Alberto; Francisco, María; Soto, Ana
Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2008, 263, 176-181
Viscosities and volumetric properties of binary and ternary mixtures of tris(2-hydroxyethyl) methylammonium methylsulfate + water + ethanol at 298.15 K
Arce, Alberto; Soto, Ana; Ortega, Juan; Sabater, Gisela
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 2008, 53, 770-775
Solvent extraction of thiophene from n-alkanes (C7, C12 and C16) using the ionic liquid [C8mim][BF4]
Alonso, Luisa; Arce, Alberto; Francisco, María; Soto, Ana
Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2008, 40, 966-972 
Liquid-liquid Equilibria for [C8mim][NTf2] + Thiophene + 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane or + Toluene
Alonso, Luisa; Arce, Alberto; Francisco, María; Soto, Ana
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 2008, 53, 1750-1755
Liquid-Liquid equilibria of ([C2mim][EtSO4] + thiophene + 2,2,4 trimethylpentane) and ([C2mim][EtSO4] + thiophene + toluene): experimental data and correlation
Alonso, Luisa; Arce, Alberto; Francisco, María; Soto, Ana
Journal of Solution Chemistry, 2008, 37, 1355-1363
1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis{(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl}amide as solvent for the separation of aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons by liquid extraction – Extension to C7- and C8-fractions
 Arce, M.J. Earle, H. Rodríguez, K.R. Seddon and A. Soto
Green Chemistry, 2008, 12, 1294-1300
Experimental Data and Correlation of Liquid-liquid Equilibria for the [C8mim][NTf2] + Thiophene + 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane or Toluene Ternary Systems
Alonso, Luisa; Arce, Alberto; Francisco, María; Soto, Ana
J. Chem. Eng. Data, 2008, 40, 1750-1755
Thiophene separation from aliphatic hydrocarbons using the 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium ethylsulfate ionic liquid
Alonso, Luisa; Arce, Alberto; Francisco, María; Soto, Ana
Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2008, 270, 97-102
Preparation of AgX (X = Cl, I) nanoparticles using ionic liquids 
Rodil, Eva; Aldous, Leigh; Hardacre, Christopher; Lagunas, M. Cristina
Nanotechnology, 19(10), 2008, 105603/1-105603/8
Ionic Liquid-Based Preparation of Cellulose-Dendrimer Films as Solid Supports for Enzyme Immobilization
Mozhgan Bagheri, Héctor Rodríguez, Richard P. Swatloski, Scott K. Spear, Daniel T. Daly & Robin D. Rogers
Biomacromolecules 2008, 9(1),  381-387
Application of mutually immiscible ionic liquids to the separation of aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons by liquid extraction: a preliminary approach
Alberto Arce, Martyn J. Earle, Suhas P. Katdare, Héctor Rodríguez & Kenneth R. Seddon
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2008, 10(18), 2538-2542
Ionic liquids for liquid-in-glass thermometers
Héctor Rodríguez, Margaret Williams, John S. Wilkes & Robin D. Rogers
Green Chemistry 2008, 10(5),501-507
(Liquid-Liquid) Equilibria of [C8mim][NTf2] ionic liquid with a sulfur-component and hydrocarbons
Alonso, Luisa; Arce, Alberto; Francisco, María; Soto, Ana
Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 2008, 40, 265-270


Gasoline Desulfurization using Extraction with [C8min][BF4] Ionic Liquid
Alonso, A. Arce, M. Francisco, O. Rodríguez and A. Soto
AIChE Journal 2007, 53, 3108-3115
Preparation of AgBr Nanoparticles in Microemulsions Via Reaction of AgNO3 with CTAB Counterion
Husein, Maen M.; Rodil, Eva; Vera, Juan H
Journal of Nanoparticle Research 2007, 9, 787-796
Measurement and correlation of Liquid-Liquid Equilibria of two imidazolium ionic liquids with thiophene and methylcyclohexane
Alonso, A. Arce, M. Francisco and A. Soto
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 2007, 52, 2409-2412
Citrus essential oil terpenless by extraction using 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium ethylsulfate ionic liquid: Effect of the temperature
Arce, A. Pobudkowska, O. Rodríguez and A. Soto
Chemical Engineering Journal 2007, 133, 213-218
Liquid-Liquid Equilibria for systems composed by 1-methyl-3-octylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ionic liquid, thiophene and n-hexane or cyclohexane
Alonso, A. Arce, M. Francisco, O. Rodríguez and A. Soto
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data2007, 52, 1729-1732
Phase equilibria of mixtures of mutually immiscible ionic liquids
Alberto Arce, Martyn J. Earle, Suhas P. Katdare, Héctor Rodríguez and Kenneth R. Seddon
Fluid Phase Equilibira 2007, 261, 427-433
The third evolution of ionic liquids: active pharmaceutical ingredients
Whitney L. Hough, Marcin Smiglak , Héctor Rodríguez , Richard P. Swatloski , Scott K. Spear , Daniel T. Daly , Juliusz Pernak , Judith E. Grisel , Richard D. Carliss , Morgan D. Soutullo , James H. Davis, Jr. and Robin D. Rogers
New Journal of Chemistry 2007, 31, 1429-1436
Separation of Benzene and Hexane by Solvent Extraction with 1-Alkyl-3-methylimidazolium Bis{(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl}amide Ionic Liquids: Effect of the Alkyl-Substituent Length
Arce, A.; Earle, M. J.; Rodriguez, H.; Seddon, K. R
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2007, 111, (18), 4732-4736
Isobaric vapor-liquid equilibria of 1,1-dimethylethoxy-butane + methanol or ethanol + water at 101.32 kPa
Arce A.; Arce Jr, A.; Martinez-Ageitos, J. M.; Soto, A
Fluid Phase Equilibira 2007, 259, 57-65
Activities of aqueous Na+ and Cl- ions from homoionic measurements with null junction potentials at different concentrations
Arce A.; Wilczek-Vera, G.; Vera, Juan H
Chemical Engineering Science 2007, 62, 3849-3857
Use of a green and cheap ionic liquid to purify gasoline octane boosters
Arce, A.; Rodríguez, H.; Soto, A
Green Chemistry 2007, 9, 247-253
Separation of aromatic hydrocarbons from alkanes using the ionic liquid 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis{(trifluoromethyl) sulfonyl}amide
Arce A.; Earle M.J.; Rodríguez H.; Seddon K.R
Green Chemistry 2007, 9, 70-74


Arce, A., Jose Tojo Obituary
Fluid Phase Equilibria 2006, 244, (1), 1-1
Mutually immiscible ionic liquids
Arce, A.; Earle, M. J.; Katdare, S. P.; Rodriguez, H.; Seddon, K. R.
Chemical Communications 2006, (24), 2548-2550
Essential oil terpenless by extraction using organic solvents or ionic liquids
Arce, A.; Marchiaro, A.; Rodriguez, O.; Soto, A.
AIChE Journal 2006, 52, (6), 2089-2097
Volumetric and viscosity study for the mixtures of 2-ethoxy-2-methylpropane, ethanol, and 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium ethyl sulfate ionic liquid
Arce, A.; Rodil, E.; Soto, A.
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 2006, 51, (4), 1453-1457
Physical and excess properties for binary mixtures of 1-methyl-3-octylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate, [Omim][BF4], ionic liquid with different alcohols
Arce, A.; Rodil, E.; Soto, A.
Journal of Solution Chemistry 2006, 35, (1), 63-78
Purification of ethyl tert-butyl ether from its mixtures with ethanol by using an ionic liquid
Arce, A.; Rodriguez, H.; Soto, A.
Chemical Engineering Journal 2006, 115, (3), 219-223
Effect of anion fluorination in 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium as solvent for the liquid extraction of ethanol from ethyl tert-butyl ether
Arce, A.; Rodriguez, H.; Soto, A.
Fluid Phase Equilibria 2006, 242, (2), 164-168
A comparative study on solvents for separation of tert-amyl ethyl ether and ethanol mixtures. New experimental data for 1-ethyl-3-methyl imidazolium ethyl sulfate ionic liquid
Arce, A.; Rodriguez, O.; Soto, A.
Chemical Engineering Science 2006, 61, (21), 6929-6935
A novel approach for the preparation of AgBr nanoparticles from their bulk solid precursor using CTAB microemulsions
Husein, M. A.; Rodil, E.; Vera, J. H.
Langmuir 2006, 22, (5), 2264-2272
Temperature and composition dependence of the density and viscosity of binary mixtures of water plus ionic liquid
Rodriguez, H.; Brennecke, J. F.
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 2006, 51, (6), 2145-2155
A complete discussion of the rationale supporting the experimental determination of individual ionic activities
Wilczek-Vera, G.; Rodil, E.; Vera, J. H.
Fluid Phase Equilibria 2006, 244, (1), 33-45
Towards accurate values of individual ion activities - Additional data for NaCl, NaBr and KCl, and new data for NH4Cl
Wilczek-Vera, G.; Rodil, E.; Vera, J. H.
Fluid Phase Equilibria 2006, 241, (1-2), 59-69


(Liquid plus liquid) equilibrium of (dibutyl ether plus methanol plus water) at different temperatures
Arce, A.; Rodriguez, H.; Rodriguez, O.; Soto, A.
Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 2005, 37, (9), 1007-1012
Physical and excess properties of binary and ternary mixtures of 1,1-dimethylethoxy-butane, methanol, ethanol and water at 298.15 K
Arce, A.; Arce Jr, A.; Soto, A.
Thermochimica Acta 2005, 435, (2), 197-201 
Citrus essential oil deterpenation by liquid-liquid extraction
Arce, A.; Marchiaro, A.; Martinez-Ageitos, J. M.; Soto, A.
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 2005, 83, (2), 366-370
Isobaric vapor-liquid equilibria for systems composed by 2-ethoxy-2-methylbutane, methanol or ethanol and water at 101.32 kPa
Arce, A.; Arce Jr., A.; Rodil, E.; Soto, A.
Fluid Phase Equilibria 2005, 233, (1), 9-18 
A novel method for the preparation of silver chloride nanoparticles starting from their solid powder using microemulsions
Husein, M. M.; Rodil, E.; Vera, J. H.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2005, 288, (2), 457-467
Partitioning of antibiotics in a two-liquid phase system formed by water and a room temperature ionic liquid
Soto, A.; Arce, A.; Khoshkbarchi, M. K.
Separation and Purification Technology 2005, 44, (3), 242-246


On the activity of ions and the junction potential: Revised values for all data
Wilczek-Vera, G.; Rodil, E.; Vera, J. H.
Aiche Journal 2004, 50, (2), 445-462
Thermodynamics of diglycine and triglycine in aqueous NaCl solutions: Apparent molar volume, isentropic compressibility, and refractive index
Soto, A.; Arce, A.; Khoshkbarchi, M. K.
Journal of Solution Chemistry 2004, 33, (1), 11-21
Surfactant precipitation and polar solvent recovery of alpha-chymotrypsin and ribonuclease-A
Shin, Y. O.; Rodil, E.; Vera, J. H.
Biochemical Engineering Journal 2004, 17, (2), 91-97
Precipitation and recovery of cytochrome c and hemoglobin using AOT and acetone
Shin, Y. O.; Rodil, E.; Vera, J. H.
Separation Science and Technology 2004, 39, (5), 1005-1019
Removal of aluminum from aqueous solutions using sodium di-(n-octyl) phosphinate
Rodil, E.; Dumortier, R.; Vera, J. H.
Chemical Engineering Journal 2004, 97, (2-3), 225-232
Formation of silver bromide precipitate of nanoparticles in a single microemulsion utilizing the surfactant counterion
Husein, M.; Rodil, E.; Vera, J. H.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2004, 273, (2), 426-434
Selective removal of gallium(III) from aqueous solutions containing zinc or aluminum using sodium di-(n-octyl) phosphinate
Dumortier, R.; Rodil, E.; Weber, M. E.; Vera, J. H.
Water Research 2004, 38, (7), 1745-1752
Experimental determination of liquid-liquid equilibrium using ionic liquids: tert-amyl ethyl ether + ethanol + 1-octyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride system at 298.15 K
Arce, A.; Rodriguez, O.; Soto, A.
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 2004, 49, (3), 514-517
Liquid-liquid equilibria of linalool + ethanol + water, water + ethanol + limonene, and limonene + linalool + water systems
Arce, A.; Marchiaro, A.; Soto, A.
Journal of Solution Chemistry 2004, 33, (5), 561-569
Liquid-liquid equilibria for butyl tert-butyl ether + (methanol or ethanol) + water at several temperatures
Arce, A.; Rodriguez, O.; Soto, A.
Fluid Phase Equilibria 2004, 224, (2), 185-192
tert-amyl ethyl ether separation from its mixtures with ethanol using the 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium trifluoromethanesulfonate ionic liquid: Liquid-liquid equilibrium
Arce, A.; Rodriguez, O.; Soto, A.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2004, 43, (26), 8323-8327
Phase stability of the system limonene + linalool+2-aminoethanol
Arce, A.; Marchiaro, A.; Soto, A.
Fluid Phase Equilibria 2004,226, 121-127
Sorption and transport of water vapor in thin polymer films at 35 degrees C
Arce, A.; Fornasiero, F.; Rodriguez, O.; Radke, C. J.; Prausnitz, J. M.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2004, 6, (1), 103-108


Selective precipitation of lysozyme from egg white using AOT
Shin, Y. O.; Rodil, E.; Vera, J. H.
Journal of Food Science 2003, 68, (2), 595-599
Apparent molar volume, isentropic compressibility, refractive index, and viscosity of DL-alanine in aqueous NaCl solutions
Rodriguez, H.; Soto, A.; Arce, A.; Khoshkbarchi, M. K.
Journal of Solution Chemistry 2003, 32, (1), 53-63
Solubilities and diffusivities of water vapor in poly(methylmethacrylate), poly(2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate), poly(N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) and poly(acrylonitrile)
Rodriguez, O.; Fornasiero, F.; Arce, A.; Radke, C. J.; Prausnitz, J. M.
Polymer 2003, 44, (20), 6323-6333
The activity of ions: analysis of the theory and data for aqueous solutions of MgBr2, CaBr2 and BaBr2 at 298.2 K
Rodil, E.; Vera, J. H.
Fluid Phase Equilibria 2003, 205, (1), 115-132
Erratum to "The activity of ions: analysis of the theory and data for aqueous solutions of MgBr2,CaBr2 and BaBr2 at 298.2 K" (vol 205, pg 115, 2003)
Rodil, E.; Vera, J. H.
Fluid Phase Equilibria 2003, 211, (2), 289-289
Formation of silver chloride nanoparticles in microemulsions by direct precipitation with the surfactant counterion
Husein, M.; Rodil, E.; Vera, J.
Langmuir 2003, 19, (20), 8467-8474
(Vapour + liquid) equilibrium of (DIPE + IPA + water) at 101.32 kPa
Arce, A.; Arce Jr A.; Martinez-Ageitos, J.; Rodil, E.; Soto, A.
Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 2003, 35, (6), 871-884
Propanediols for separation of citrus oil: liquid-liquid equilibria of limonene + linalool + (1,2-propanediol or 1,3-propanediol)
Arce, A.; Marchiaro, A.; Soto, A.
Fluid Phase Equilibria 2003, 211, (1), 129-140


Liquid-liquid equilibrium of diisopropyl ether + ethanol + water system at different temperatures
Arce, A.; Marchiaro, A.; Rodriguez, O.; Soto, A.
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 2002, 47, (3), 529-532 
Liquid-liquid equilibria of limonene + linalool + diethylene glycol system at different temperatures
Arce, A.; Marchiaro, A.; Rodriguez, O.; Soto, A.
Chemical Engineering Journal 2002, 89, (1-3), 223-227
Vapor-liquid equilibrium of the ternary system ethyl acetate + hexane + acetone at 101.32 kPa
Acosta, J.; Arce, A.; Martinez-Ageitos, J.; Rodil, E.; Soto, A.
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 2002, 47, (4), 849-854
A thermodynamic study on binary and ternary mixtures of acetonitrile, water and butyl acetate
Acosta, J.; Arce, A.; Rodil, E.; Soto, A.
Fluid Phase Equilibria 2002, 203, (1-2), 83-98


Individual activity coefficients of chloride ions in aqueous solutions of MgCl2, CaCl2 and BaCl2 at 298.2 K
Rodil, E.; Vera, J. H.
Fluid Phase Equilibria 2001, 187, 15-27
Determination of them activity of H+ ions within and beyond the pH meter range
Rodil, E.; Persson, K.; Vera, J. H.; Wilczek-Vera, G.
Aiche Journal 2001, 47, (12), 2807-2818 
Measurement and correlation of the activity coefficients of individual ions in aqueous electrolyte solutions of Na2SO4 and K2SO4
Rodil, E.; Vera, J. H.
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 2001, 79, (5), 771-776
Thermophysical properties for 1-butanol + ethanol + 2-methoxy-2-methylbutane ternary system
Arce, A.; Martinez-Ageitos, J.; Rodil, E.; Soto, A.
Fluid Phase Equilibria 2001, 187, 155-169
(Liquid + liquid) equilibria of (tert-amyl ethyl ether + ethanol + water) at several temperatures
Arce, A.; Martinez-Ageitos, J.; Rodriguez, O.; Soto, A.
Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 2001, 33, (2), 139-146
Liquid-liquid equilibrium for tert-amyl ethyl ether + methanol + water
Arce, A.; Martinez-Ageitos, J.; Rodriguez, O.; Soto, A.
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 2001, 46, (3), 557-561 
Property changes of mixing for the 1-butanol + methanol + 2-methoxy-2-methylbutane system at 298.15 K and atmospheric pressure
Arce, A.; Rodil, E.; Soto, A.
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 2001, 46, (4), 962-966
Physical properties and their changes on mixing at 298.15 K and atmospheric pressure for the 2-ethoxy-2-methylbutane + methanol + water system
Arce, A.; Arce Jr A.; Rodil, E.; Soto, A.
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 2001, 46, (5), 1261-1265
Densities, speeds of sound, refractive indices, and the corresponding changes of mixing at 25 degrees C and atmospheric pressure for systems composed by ethyl acetate, hexane, and acetone
Acosta, J.; Arce, A.; Rodil, E.; Soto, A.
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 2001, 46, (5), 1176-1180


Physical and equilibrium properties of diisopropyl ether + isopropyl alcohol + water system
Arce, A.; Arce Jr A.; Martinez-Ageitos, J.; Rodil, E.; Rodriguez, O.; Soto, A.
Fluid Phase Equilibria 2000, 170, (1), 113-126 
Density, refractive index, and speed of sound for 2-ethoxy-2-methylbutane + ethanol + water at 298.15 K
Arce, A.; Arce Jr A.; Rodil, E.; Soto, A.
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 2000, 45, (4), 536-539 
Phase equilibria involved in extractive distillation of 2-methoxy-2-methylpropane + methanol using 1-butanol as entrainer
Arce, A.; Martinez-Ageitos, J.; Rodil, E.; Soto, A.
Fluid Phase Equilibria 2000, 171, (1-2), 207-218 
Experimental determination of the vapor-liquid equilibrium at 101.32 kPa of the ternary system 1-butanol + methanol + TAME
Arce, A.; Rodil, E.; Soto, A.
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 2000, 45, (6), 1112-1115


Effect of cation and anion of an electrolyte on apparent molar volume, isentropic compressibility and refractive index of glycine in aqueous solutions
Soto, A.; Arce, A.; Khoshkbarchi, M. K.
Biophysical Chemistry 1999, 76, (1), 73-82
Measurements and modelling of the solubility of a mixture of two amino acids in aqueous solutions
Soto, A.; Arce, A.; Khoshkbarchi, M. K.; Vera, J. H.
Fluid Phase Equilibria 1999, 160, 893-901 
Molar volume, refractive index, and isentropic compressibility at 298.15 K for 1-butanol + ethanol + 2-methoxy-2-methylpropane
Arce, A.; Pardillo, E.; Rodil, E.; Soto, A.
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 1999, 44, (2), 291-295 
Determination and correlation of liquid-liquid equilibrium data for the quaternary system 1-octanol+2-methoxy-2-methylbutane + water + methanol at 25 degrees C
Arce, A.; Blanco, M.; Soto, A.
Fluid Phase Equilibria 1999, 160, 949-96
Physical properties of the ternary system 1-butanol + methanol + 2-methoxy-2-methylpropane at 298.15 K: Measurement and prediction
Arce, A.; Rodil, E.; Soto, A.
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 1999, 44, (5), 1028-1033
Thermodynamic behaviour of ethanol + methanol+2-ethoxy-2-methylpropane system. Physical properties and phase equilibria
Arce, A.; Martinez-Ageitos, J.; Rodil, E.; Soto, A.
Fluid Phase Equilibria 1999, 165, (1), 121-139 
Extractive distillation of 2-methoxy-2-methylpropane + ethanol using 1-butanol as entrainer: Equilibria and simulation
Arce, A.; Rodil, E.; Soto, A.
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 1999, 77, (6), 1135-1140


Effect of the cation and the anion of an electrolyte on the solubility of DL-aminobutyric acid in aqueous solutions: measurement and modelling
Soto, A.; Arce, A.; Khoshkbarchi, M. K.; Vera, J. H.
Biophysical Chemistry 1998, 73, (1-2), 77-83
Experimental data and modelling of apparent molar volumes, isentropic compressibilities and refractive indices in aqueous solutions of glycine + NaCl
Soto, A.; Arce, A.; Khoshkbarchi, M. K.
Biophysical Chemistry 1998, 74, (3), 165-173
Experimental VLE at 101.32 kPa in binary systems composed of ethyl methanoate and alkan-1-ols or alkan-2-ols and treatment of data using a correlation with temperature-dependent parameters
Soto, A.; Hernandez, P.; Ortega, J.
Fluid Phase Equilibria 1998, 146, (1-2), 351-370
Liquid-liquid equilibria of 1-octanol + 2-methoxy-2-methylpropane + water + methanol at 25 degrees C
Arce, A.; Blanco, M.; Soto, A.
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 1998, 43, (2), 255-258
Quaternary liquid-liquid equilibria of systems with two partially miscible solvent pairs: 1-octanol + 2-methoxy-2-methylpropane + water + ethanol at 25 degrees C
Arce, A.; Blanco, M.; Soto, A.
Fluid Phase Equilibria 1998, 146, (1-2), 161-173
Vapor-liquid equilibria at 101.32 kPa of the ternary systems 2-methoxy-2-methylpropane + methanol + water and 2-methoxy-2-methylpropane + ethanol + water
Arce, A.; Martinez-Ageitos, J.; Soto, A.
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 1998, 43, (5), 708-713
Measurement and prediction of isobaric vapour-liquid equilibrium data of the system ethanol + methanol + 2-methoxy-2-methylpropane
Arce, A.; Martinez-Ageitos, J.; Rodil, E.; Soto, A.
Fluid Phase Equilibria 1998, 146, (1-2), 139-153
Use of physical properties for compositional analysis of ternary mixtures. Application to mixtures of 2-methoxy-2-methylbutane, methanol, and 2,2,4-trimethylpentane or methylcyclohexane
Arce, A.; Blanco, M.; Rodil, E.; Soto, A.; Vieitez, J. A.
Journal of Solution Chemistry 1998, 27, (7), 601-619
Molar volume, molar refraction, and isentropic compressibility changes of mixing at 25 degrees C for the system ethanol + methanol + dibutyl ether
Arce, A.; Rodil, E.; Soto, A
Journal of Solution Chemistry 1998, 27, (10), 911-923
Isobaric (vapour + liquid) equilibrium of (ethanol + methanol + 2-methoxy-2-methylbutane)
Arce, A.; Martinez-Ageitos, J.; Rodil, E.; Soto, A
Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 1998, 30, (11), 1363-1372


Phase equilibria of water + methanol + hexyl acetate mixtures
Arce, A.; Blanco, A.; Soto, A.; Vidal, I
Fluid Phase Equilibria 1997,128, (1-2), 261-270
Vapour-liquid equilibrium data for the recovery of 1-octanol from ternary mixtures with methanol and water
Arce, A.; Perez, J. C.; Soto, A
Fluid Phase Equilibria 1997, 129, (1-2), 187-195
Vapor-liquid equilibria of 2-methoxy-2-methylbutane + methanol + water at 101.32 kPa
Arce, A.; Blanco, A.; Martinez Ageitos, J.; Soto, A
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 1997, 42, (3), 434-437
Water + ethanol + 2-methoxy-2-methylbutane: Properties of mixing at 298.15 K and isobaric vapour-liquid equilibria at 101.32 kPa
Arce, A.; Martinez-Ageitos, J.; Mendoza, J.; Soto, A
Fluid Phase Equilibria 1997, 141, (1-2), 207-220
Molar volumes, molar refractions, and isentropic compressibilities of (ethanol + methanol + 2-methoxy-2-methylpropane) and (ethanol + methanol + 2-methoxy-2-methylbutane) at 298.15 K
Arce, A.; Rodil, E.; Soto, A
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 1997, 42, (4), 721-726
Activity coefficients of the electrolyte and the amino acid in water + NaNO3 + glycine and water + NaCl + dl-methionine systems at 298.15 K
Ana M. Soto-Campos, Mohammad K. Khoshcarchi, Juan H. Vera
Biophysical Chemistry 1997, 67(1-3), 97-105
Interaction of DL-threonine with NaCl and NaNO3 in aqueous solutions: e.m.f. measurements with ion-selective electrodes
Ana M. Soto-Campos, Mohammad K. Khoshcarchi, Juan H. Vera
The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 1997, 29(5), 609-622
Interactions of DL-serine and L-serine with NaCl and KCl in aqueous solutions
Mohammad K. Khoshcarchi, Ana M. Soto-Campos, Juan H. Vera
Journal of Solution Chemistry 1997, 26(10), 941-955


Extraction equilibria of the type 2: Ternary liquid mixture {x(1)tert-butyl methyl ether + x(2)water + (1-x(1)-x(2))1-octanol} at 298.15 K and 308.15 K
Arce, A.; Blanco, M.; Soto, A.; Vidal, I
Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 1996, 28, (1), 3-6
Densities, refractive indices, speeds of sound, and isentropic compressibilities of water + methanol + 2-methoxy-2-methylbutane at 298.15 K
Arce, A.; MartinezAgeitos, J.; Mendoza, J.; Soto, A
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 1996, 41, (4), 724-727
VLE measurements of binary mixtures of methanol, ethanol, 2-methoxy-2-methylpropane, and 2-methoxy-2-methylbutane at 101.32 kPa
Arce, A.; MartinezAgeitos, J.; Soto, A
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 1996, 41, (4), 718-723
VLE for water + ethanol + 1-octanol mixtures. Experimental measurements and correlations
Arce, A.; MartinezAgeitos, J.; Soto, A
Fluid Phase Equilibria 1996, 122, (1-2), 117-129 


Isobaric Vapor-Liquid-Equilibria of Methanol + Hexyl Acetate and Ethanol + Hexy Acetate
Arce, A.; Blanco, A.; Martinezageitos, J.; Soto, A
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 1995, 40, (2), 515-518
Densities, Refractive-Indexes, and Excess Molar Volumes of Water + Methanol + 2-Methoxy-2-Methylpropane at 298.15 K
Arce, A.; Martinez Ageitos, J.; Mendoza, J.; Soto, A
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 1995, 40, (3), 647-649
Isobaric Vapor-Liquid-Equilibria of Methanol + 1-Octanol and Ethanol + 1-Octanol Mixtures
Arce, A.; Blanco, A.; Soto, A.; Tojo, J
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 1995, 40, (4), 1011-1014
Isobaric Vapor-Liquid-Equilibria of Water + Ethanol + Hexyl Acetate
Arce, A.; Soto, A.; Orge, B.; Tojo, J
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 1995, 40, (5), 1094-1096
Densities, Refractive-Indexes, and Excess Molar Volumes of Water + Ethanol + 2-Methoxy-2-Methylpropane at 298.15 K
Arce, A.; Blanco, A.; Mendoza, J.; Soto, A
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 1995, 40, (6), 1285-1287


Densities, Refractive-Indexes, and Excess Molar Volumes of Water Plus Methanol Plus Hexyl Acetate and its Binary Submixtures at 298.15 K
Arce, A.; Blanco, A.; Perez C. J.; Soto, A.
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 1994, 39(1), 95-97
Liquid-Liquid equilibria of water + methanol + (MTBE or TAME) mixtures
Arce, A.; Blanco A.; Blanco M.; Soto, A.; Vidal I.
The Canadian journal of Chemical Engineering 1994, 72(5), 769-946
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