Procedure for registering a student association.
In order to register a student association, an application accompanied by a series of documents must be submitted to the General Registry of the USC or any of its auxiliary registries.
The documentation required for registration is:
- Application form for registration of the Association addressed to the Vice-chancellor’s office for Students and Culture.
- Founding charter signed by all the members of the Association.
- By-laws signed, in the margins of all the pages, by all the members of the Association.
- Members of the governing body with their identification details.
- Registered address for notification purposes. The association's registered office will preferably be at one of the USC's premises. If so, the authorisation of the Dean, Director of the centre, and, if the premises are located in a residence hall or residential college, the authorisation of their Director, with the corresponding address for the purposes of communication, must be provided.
- Declaration signed by the chairperson that if there is any change in the governing body, address, telephone number, termination of the Association, or any other information, the Vice-chancellor's office for Students will be informed.
- Declaration by the chairperson of the association on the number of its members
- Application for registration.
- Founding act form.
- By-laws form.
- Composition of the Governing Body.
- Authorisation to publish data on the USC website.
- Statement from the chairperson committing themselves to update the association's details.
- Statement from the chairperson with the number of persons associated with the organisation
- Asemblea de Humanidades
- Asemblea de Investigadoras de Compostela (AIC)
- Asociación Cultura e Solidariedade
- Asociación de Estudantes de Medicina da USC
- Asociación de Estudantes de Odontoloxía de Santiago (AEOS)
- Asociación de Estudiantes de Intercambio de Santiago de Compostela
- Asociación Grupos Bíblicos da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
- Asociación Investigadores AgroMar
- Asociación IV Ciclo Universitario
- Asociación Universitaria Arosa
- Club Debate Compostela
- Comunidad Médica en Formación (CoMeF)
- Erguer. Estudantes da Galiza
- Finance Association (FAU)
- Grupo Universitario de Etología Clínica Aplicada (GUECA)
- Medicina Intercambios Galicia
- Rede Galega de Estudantes e Persoal Investigador Predoutoral de Farmacia (REGEIFAR )
Student Grants and Services Department
- Students Pavilion, floor
- Rúa de Lope Gómez de Marzoa, 4. Campus Vida , 15782Santiago de Compostela
- 881 814525
- 881 814560
- 881 814523