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Bodies of the Quality Assurance System


Centre Quality Committee

  • Chairship. Pilar Bermejo Barrera. Dean
  • Members:
    • Susana López Estévez. Quality manager at the Faculty
    • Pedro Rodríguez Dafonte. Quality Manager of the Centre
    • Ramón J. Estévez Cabanas. Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Organic Chemistry.
    • Pilar Bermejo Barrera. Coordinator of the Degree in Chemistry, Coordinator of the Double Degree in Chemistry and Biology, and Coordinator of the University Master's Degree in Chemical Research and Industrial Chemistry
    • Saulo Vázquez Rodríguez. Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling
    • Raquel Domínguez González. Teaching and research staff representative of the Analytical Chemistry Area
    • Flor Rodríguez Prieto. Teaching and research staff representative of the Physical Chemistry area
    • Teresa Pereira Lorenzo. Teaching and research staff representative of the Inorganic Chemistry area
    • Francisco Javier Benavente Martínez. Teaching and research staff representative from the external area
    • Daniel de la Torre Miguez. Teaching and research staff representative.

The main duties of the Centre's Quality Committee are:

  • The main duties of the Centre's Quality Committee are:
  • To carry out the design, implementation, monitoring and improvement of the QAS at the centre.
  • To draw up the centre's quality report (CQR)
  • To encourage the implementation and regular monitoring of the centre's annual improvement plan.
  • To stimulate the participation of all groups involved in the assessment and improvement of the quality of the degrees taught at the centre.
  • To track the results of the centre.
  • To propose the information to the management team, which should be public.
  • The committee prepares or proposes modifications if necessary, to the results or follow-up/accreditation reports prepared by the degree committees.

Committee of the Degree in Chemistry

  • Degree coordinator. M.ª Pilar Bermejo Barrera. Dean
  • Quality Manager of the Centre. Pedro Rodríguez Dafonte. Vice Dean
  • 1st year Coordinator. Ana García Deibe
  • 2nd year Coordinator. Emilio Martínez Núñez
  • 3rd year Coordinator. M.ª Carmen Barciela Alonso
  • 4th year Coordinator. Vacant
  • Module 1 coordinator: General Chemistry. María del Carmen Ríos Rodríguez
  • Module 2 coordinator: Analytical Chemistry. María del Carmen Casais Laíño
  • Module 3 Coordinator: Chemical Physics. Antonio Fernández Ramos
  • Module 4 coordinator: Inorganic Chemistry. Matilde Fondo Busto
  • Module 5 Coordinator: Organic Chemistry. Diego Peña Gil
  • Module 6 coordinator: Biochemistry and Chemical Engineering. Cristina Díaz Jullien
  • Module 7 coordinator: Transversal Mandatory Training. Rita Paleo Pillado
  • Module 8 coordinator: Basic Transversal Training. Carolina Torrón Casal
  • Module 9 coordinator: Advanced Chemistry. Carmen García Jares
  • Coordinator for the end of degree projects. M.ª Pilar Bermejo Barrera
  • Work Placement Coordinator. Jesús Sanmartín Matalobos
  • Management Unit Manager. J. Daniel de la Torre Míguez
  • Students' representative. Alexandre Blanco González

Committee for the End-of-Degree Project (EDP)

  • Chairship. M.ª Pilar Bermejo Barrera. Dean
  • Substitute Chairship. Pedro Rodríguez Dafonte. Vice-Dean
  • Secretary. Jesús Sanmartín Matalobos. Centre Secretary
  • Members:
    • Sarah Fiol López. Teaching and Research Staff
    • Carmen María García Jares. Teaching and Research Staff
    • Antonio Sousa Pedrares. Teaching and Research Staff
    • M.ª del Carmen Villaverde Cameron-Walker. Teaching and Research Staff

Inter-University Academic Committee for the Master's Degree in Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry

  • General coordinator of the master's degree and local coordinator of the USC. Pilar Bermejo Barrera. University professor Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry USC
  • Local coordinator of the UDC master's degree. Carlos Jiménez González. University professor Knowledge area: Inorganic Chemistry UDC.
  • Local coordinator of the UVIGO master's degree. Ignacio Pérez Juste. University professor Knowledge area of Physical Chemistry UVIGO.
  • Coordinator of the compulsory training module for Advanced Chemistry. Luis Sarandeses da Costa. University professor Knowledge area: Organic Chemistry UDC.
  • Coordinator of the speciality of Chemical Structure and Reactivity. Arturo Santaballa López. University professor Knowledge area: Chemical Physics UDC.
  • Coordinator of the speciality of Synthetic Chemistry. Ángel Rodríguez de Lera. University professor Knowledge area: Organic Chemistry UVIGO.
  • Coordinator of the speciality of Biological Chemistry. Carlos Vázquez Vázquez. University professor Knowledge area: Chemical Physics USC.
  • Coordinator of the speciality of Nanotechnology and New Materials. Miguel Ángel Correa Duarte. University professor Knowledge area: Chemical Physics UVIGO.
  • Coordinator of the speciality of Advanced Analytical Techniques. Antonio Moreda Piñeiro. University professor Knowledge area: Analytical Chemistry USC.
  • Coordinator of the speciality of Chemistry and Industrial Economics. Pastora Bello Bugallo. PhD hired professor Knowledge area: Chemical Engineering. USC.
  • Coordinator of the module of Initiation to Scientific Research. Jesús José Fernández Sánchez. University professor Inorganic Chemistry Area. UDC.
  • Coordinator of the Introduction to Professional Practice module. Jesús Sanmartín Matalobos. University professor Secretary of the Faculty of Chemistry Knowledge area: Inorganic Chemistry USC.
  • Coordinator of the Master's Degree Project. Ezequiel Vázquez López. University professor Knowledge area: Inorganic Chemistry UVIGO
  • Coordinator of training complements and continuous training. José Manuel Vila Abad. University professor Knowledge area: Inorganic Chemistry
  • Quality manager (communication, promotion and quality coordinator). Pedro Rodríguez Dafonte. University professor Vice dean of the Faculty of Chemistry Knowledge area: Chemical Physics USC

Composition of the Interuniversity Commission for the Coordination of the University Master's Degree in Organic Chemistry

  • Doña Mar Gómez Gallego (UCM - General Coordinator of the Master)
  • Doña Belén Cid de lana Plata (UAM Local Coordinator)
  • Mr. Juan Carlos Rodríguez Ubis (Deputy Local Coordinator of the UAM)
  • Doña Mar Gómez Gallego (Head Local Coordinator of the UCM)
  • Doña Silvia Ortega Gutiérrez (Deputy Local Coordinator of the UCM)
  • Mr. Ramón J. Estévez Cabanas (USC Local Coordinator)
  • D. Jesus La. Varela Acarree (Deputy Local Coordinator of the USC)
  • Mr. Pedro Rodríguez Dafonte (Head of Quality of the Faculty of Chemistry of the USC)
  • Mrs. Nadia Hoyas Pérez (Student Representative of the students at the UCM)
  • Mr. Sergio Orgaz (Student Representative of the students at the UAM)
  • Student Representative of the students at USC (Appointment pending)
  • Mr. José Daniel de lana Torre Miguez (Head of the Center and Department Management Unit of the USC Faculty of Chemistry)

Composition of the Interuniversity Commission for the Coordination of the University Master's Degree in Organic Chemistry

  • Doña Mar Gómez Gallego (UCM - General Coordinator of the Master)
  • Doña Belén Cid de lana Plata (UAM Local Coordinator)
  • Mr. Juan Carlos Rodríguez Ubis (Deputy Local Coordinator of the UAM)
  • Doña Mar Gómez Gallego (Head Local Coordinator of the UCM)
  • Doña Silvia Ortega Gutiérrez (Deputy Local Coordinator of the UCM)
  • Mr. Ramón J. Estévez Cabanas (USC Local Coordinator)
  • D. Jesus La. Varela Acarree (Deputy Local Coordinator of the USC)
  • Mr. Pedro Rodríguez Dafonte (Head of Quality of the Faculty of Chemistry of the USC)
  • Mrs. Nadia Hoyas Pérez (Student Representative of the students at the UCM)
  • Mr. Sergio Orgaz (Student Representative of the students at the UAM)
  • Student Representative of the students at USC (Appointment pending)
  • Mr. José Daniel de lana Torre Miguez (Head of the Center and Department Management Unit of the USC Faculty of Chemistry)

Advisory Committee

Consello Consultivo da Facultade de Química

  • D. Jesús Goméz Amoza. Director da Unidade de Negocio de FORESA
  • D. Hector Alonso Fernandez. Responsable de Saúde e Seguridade do Produto de INDITEX
  • D. José Francisco Alonso Picón. Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Xunta de Galicia
  • Dª Sonia Martínez Arca. Directora Xerente da Axencia de Coñecemento en Saúde (ACIS)
  • Dª Patricia Argerey Vilar. Directora da Axencia Galega de Innovación, Xunta de Galicia
  • D. Miguel Angel Ríos Fernandez. Presidente da Academia Galega de Ciencias
  • D. Ramón Soto Otero. Catedrático de Bioquímica, Facultade de Medicina
  • D. Santiago Cortizas González. Subdirector de Servicios Técnicos, REPSOL
  • D. Santiago Cabaleiro Martínez. Presidente do Cluster de Acuicultura de Galicia
  • Dª. Tatiana Lopez del Río. Directora de NANOGAP
  • D. Manuel Lolo Aira. Director Xerente de Amslab
  • D. Jesús Fidalgo Fernández. Catedrático Instituto Rosalía de Castro, Santiago
  • D. Juan Carlos Codesido García. CIFP Politécnico de Santiago
  • Dª. Beatriz Noya Marino. Doutora en Química, Master en Xestión de Proxectos (Autónoma – cuenta propia)
  • D. Jesús Almeida Fernández. Doutor en Ciencias Químicas, Esp. en Bioquímica Clínica e Radiofarmacia. General Electrics Healthcare Unidad Central de Radiofarmacia de Galicia S.L.
  • D. Antonio Macho Senra. Decano do Colexio Oficial de Químicos de Galicia
  • Dª. Virginia Rodríguez Alvarez. Presidenta de ADEGA
  • D. Jesús Sanmartín Matalobos. Decano da Facultade de Química
  • D. Francisco Reigosa Chamorro. Graduado en Química

Degree Coordinators

The contents of this page were updated on 12.03.2021.