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Maria Del Carmen Sanchez Carreira


Teaching subjects

Economics of the scientific and innovation policies
University Master in Psychology
1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Optional Subjects of the Specialty in Experimental Psychology
Economy of the Scientific Policies and of Innovation
Master in Economic Development and Innovation
1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Especialidad en Gestión de la Investigación y de la Innovación
Policies and Support Programmes to the I+D and to the Innovation
Master in Economic Development and Innovation
1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Especialidad en Gestión de la Investigación y de la Innovación
Policies and support programs for R+D and innovation
University Master in Psychology
1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Optional Subjects of the Specialty in Experimental Psychology
Regional Development and Local Development
Bachelor's degree in Economics
3rd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Economic Structure and Development
Sustainability, Socail Development and Inequality
Master in Economic Development and Innovation
1st year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Specialisation in Sustainability and Circular Economy

Tutoring hours

Day Hour Place
Tuesday 10:30-13:30 Despacho 219
Wednesday 10:30-13:30 Despacho 219
Monday 16:00-18:00 Despacho 219
Tuesday 11:30-14:30 Despacho 219
Friday 10:00-11:00 Despacho 219