Resultados de investigación do DEQ
Resultados de investigación do Departamento de Enxeñaría Química ata o ano 2024
Read moreResultados de investigación do Departamento de Enxeñaría Química ata o ano 2024
Read moreA xornada de arranque do proxecto está a ter lugar na vila luguesa de Vilalba
Read morePara a súa tese de doutoramento, o enxeñeiro químico e ambiental Jorge González Rodríguez construíu un reactor que emprega irradiación solar como fonte de luz e co que acadou porcentaxes de eliminación de fármacos superiores ao 90%
Read moreThe Environmental Biotechnology Group of CRETUS and Department of Chemical Engineering wins the Fernando Calvet Prats award for a technology to extract struvite from wastewater, a mineral highly valued in the EU as an agricultural fertilizer.
El profesor Juan M. Lema escribe un artículo publicado en La Voz de Galicia
Read moreEl prof. Paulo Augusto, profesor del “Departamento de Ingeniería Química y Textil de la Universidad de Salamanca” visitó el Departamento de Ingeniería Química e impartió una charla con el título “Magnetic nanotechnologies and materials in environment, chemical engineering and Biotechnology” a la que asistió personal investigador del Departamento
Read moreEl Ranking las 50 titulaciones más demandadas del diario El Mundo 2022, que orienta a los estudiantes que deben elegir el centro para cursar sus estudios superiores, coloca al Grado en Ingeniería Química, impartido en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, en el cuarto puesto.
Read moreChemical Engineering is placed in the range between positions 201 to 250 along with other USC disciplines such as History, Modern Languages, Communication and Media and English Language and Literature.
Read moreThe professor took up her position as director of the center after being re-elected in the elections that took place at the beginning of the year.
Read moreResearch results of the Department of Chemical Engineering until 2023
Read moreOn January 25, 2024, the assistant professor, Daniel Franco, reached the position of associate professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering of the University of Santiago de Compostela.
Read moreThe Master in Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering has just been recognized by the Xunta de Galicia in the 2023 edition with the mention of excellence for official university degrees.
Read moreBetween Thursday 5 and Monday 9 October, a course titled "Using Python for the creation of classification and regression models" will be held by Professor Luis Manuel Sousa da Silva, Professor of the Department of Chemical Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Porto.
In the last few weeks, several professors of the Chemical Engineering department have reached new positions, specifically two new positions of full professors and another of associate professor.
The full professor Ignasi Rodríguez-Roda teach the "Pros y contras de la implementación del aprendizaje basado en problemas" course at Departamento de Enxeñaría Química
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