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Cellular Biology

Animal Physiology I

Degree in Biochemistry

[in extinction]

2nd year | First Semester | Basic Training | Basic formation

Animal Physiology II

Degree in Biochemistry

[in extinction]

2nd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Compulsory Subjects

Basic Biology

Bachelor of Mathematics

1st year | Second Semester | Basic Training | Basic Transversal Training


Bachelor of Optics and Optometry

1st year | First Semester | Basic Training | Basic training

Cell Biology

Bachelor in Biotechnology

[in extinction]

1st year | First Semester | Basic Training | Common Basic Subjects

Cell biology

Biotechnology Degree (2nd Ed. )

1st year | First Semester | Basic Training | Basic Training

Cellular Biology

Bachelor of Biology

[in extinction]

1st year | First Semester | Basic Training | Basic training

Cellular Biology

Double bachelor degree in Chemistry and Biology (2ªed)

1st year | First Semester | Basic Training | Basic Training in Biology

Cellular Biology

Bachelor of Biology

1st year | First Semester | Basic Training | Basic Training

Cellular Biology of the Nervous System

Doctoral Programme in Neuroscience and Clinical Psychology

1st year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Training complements (master's degree/degree subjects)

Cellular technology tools

Degree in Biochemistry

[in extinction]

4th year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Compulsory Subjects

Comparative Neuroanatomy

Máster Universitario en Neurociencia (2ª ed)

1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY MODULE

Cytology and histology

Degree in Biochemistry

[in extinction]

1st year | First Semester | Basic Training | Basic formation

Development biology

Bachelor of Biology

2nd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Compulsory Training

Developmental Biology

Bachelor of Biology

[in extinction]

2nd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Compulsory subjects

Developmental Biology

Double bachelor degree in Chemistry and Biology (2ªed)

3rd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Compulsory subjects for Biology

Developmental biology

Degree in Biochemistry

[in extinction]

3rd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Compulsory Subjects

Developmental biology

Doctoral Programme in Endocrinology

1st year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Training complements (master's degree/degree subjects)

Developmental biology

Doctoral Programme in Molecular Medicine

1st year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Training complements (master's degree/degree subjects)

Developmental biology

Master in Biomedical Research

1st year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Optional Subjects 1st Semester


Master in Marine Biology

2nd year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | External Practices and Dissertation


Máster Universitario en Neurociencia (2ª ed)

1st year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | COMPULSORY SUBJECTS MODULE

External Internship

Bachelor of Biology

[in extinction]

4th year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Elective Credits | External work placements

External internship

Bachelor in Biotechnology

[in extinction]

4th year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Compulsory Credits | Final Degree Project and External Internship

External Practices

Master in Marine Biology

2nd year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Compulsory Credits | External Practices and Dissertation

Final degree project

Bachelor in Biotechnology

[in extinction]

4th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Final Degree Project and External Internship

Final Dissertation

Bachelor of Biology

[in extinction]

4th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | End of Degree Project and Work Placements

Final Dissertation

Double bachelor degree in Chemistry and Biology (2ªed)

6th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | End of degree project Biology

Final Dissertation

Biotechnology Degree (2nd Ed. )

4th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Internship and Final Dissertation

Frontiers in immunology

Master's Degree in Molecular Biosciences

1st year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Compulsory Subjects

Frontiers in immunology

Master's Degree in Molecular Biosciences

1st year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Materias Obligatorias

Genetics 1

Bachelor of Biology

[in extinction]

2nd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Compulsory subjects

Genetics II

Bachelor of Biology

[in extinction]

2nd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Compulsory subjects

Initiation to research

Master in Aquaculture

2nd year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Elective Credits | Module of Specialization and Master's Thesis


Bachelor of Biology

[in extinction]

4th year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Compulsory Credits | End of Degree Project and Work Placements


Double bachelor degree in Chemistry and Biology (2ªed)

6th year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Elective Credits | Optional subjects for Biology


Bachelor of Biology

4th year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Compulsory Credits | Internship and Final Dissertation


Biotechnology Degree (2nd Ed. )

4th year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Compulsory Credits | Internship and Final Dissertation

Master's Thesis

Master in Aquaculture

2nd year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Module of Specialization and Master's Thesis

Master´s disertation

Master´s Degree in Optometry

1st year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | External Internships and Master Dissertation

Master´s Thesis

Master in Biomedical Research

1st year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Master Dissertation

Nervous system development

Máster Universitario en Neurociencia (2ª ed)

1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY MODULE

Nervous system evolution

Máster Universitario en Neurociencia (2ª ed)

1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY MODULE

New development project

Master in Aquaculture

2nd year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Elective Credits | Module of Specialization and Master's Thesis

Ocular immunology

Master´s Degree in Optometry

1st year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Compulsory subjects

Practical training

Master´s Degree in Optometry

1st year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | External Internships and Master Dissertation

Prácticas externas

Bio-manufacturing Master's Degree

1st year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Compulsory Credits | Prácticas Externas y Trabajo Fin de Máster


Bachelor's degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics

4th year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Practicum and End of Degree Project

Professional training placement

Bachelor of Mathematics

4th year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Elective Credits | Optional Subjects

Professional training placement

Double bachelor degree in Mathematics and Physics

5th year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Elective Credits | External work placements and End of Degree Project in Mathematics

Professional training placement

Double Bachelor's Degree in Informatics Engineering and Mathematics

6th year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Elective Credits | Optativas de Matemáticas

Professional training placement

Bachelor of Biology

[in extinction]

4th year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Compulsory Credits | External work placements

Tissues and Organs Biology

Double bachelor degree in Chemistry and Biology (2ªed)

1st year | Second Semester | Basic Training | Basic Training in Biology

Trabajo fin de máster

Bio-manufacturing Master's Degree

1st year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Prácticas Externas y Trabajo Fin de Máster

Undergraduate dissertation

Bachelor of Mathematics

4th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | End of degree project

Undergraduate dissertation

Double bachelor degree in Mathematics and Physics

5th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | External work placements and End of Degree Project in Mathematics

Undergraduate dissertation

Double Bachelor's Degree in Informatics Engineering and Mathematics

6th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Traballo Fin de Grado de Matemáticas

Undergraduate dissertation

Bachelor of Biology

[in extinction]

4th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | End of degree project

Undergraduate dissertation

Double bachelor degree in Chemistry and Biology

[in extinction]

6th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | End of degree project Biology

Undergraduate Dissertation

Bachelor of Optics and Optometry

4th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | End of degree project

Undergraduate Dissertation

Double bachelor degree in Phamacy and Optics and Optometry

6th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | EDP and Optics Work Placements

Undergraduate dissertation

Bachelor of Medicine

6th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Supervised Work Placements and End of Degree Project

Undergraduate dissertation

Bachelor's degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics

4th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Practicum and End of Degree Project


Degree in Biochemistry

[in extinction]

4th year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Compulsory Subjects

Visual system biology

Master´s Degree in Optometry

1st year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Compulsory subjects

Work experience placements

Master in Aquaculture

2nd year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Elective Credits | Module of Specialization and Master's Thesis