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Mencia Hermida Garcia


Teaching subjects

Behaviour and Business Change
Business Administration and Management Degree
4th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Optional Subjects
Behaviour and Business Change
Business Administration and Management Degree
| Second Semester | Elective Credits | Bridging Course for the Degree in Business Administration - Lugo
Biochemistry and society
Biochemistry Degree (2nd Ed.)
4th year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Compulsory Training
Entrepreneurship and business plan
Degree in Business and Technology (face-to-face)
4th year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Mention in Business Development and Entrepreneurship
International company management
Degree in Business and Technology (face-to-face)
4th year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Mention in Business Development and Entrepreneurship

Tutoring hours

Day Hour Place
Wednesday 11:00-12:30 Sótano 10B, Facultade de ADE
Thursday 09:30-11:00 Sótano 10B, Facultade de ADE
Monday 16:00-17:30 Sótano 10B, Facultade de ADE
Tuesday 16:00-17:30 Sótano 10B, Facultade de ADE

Observations: Tutoría con previo aviso por parte del alumno, con posibilidad de hacerla por Teams