- Research Support Building (CACTUS)
- Rúa de Constantino Candeira, 1. Campus Vida , 15782Santiago de Compostela
- Horario
- De luns a venres, de 10 a 14 h e de 16 a 18 h.
7.04 T spectrometer (300 MHz 1H resonance).
- 1H/ 19F,31P,13C Self-switching liquid probe (5 mm) for double resonance experiments with Z-gradient.
- Automatic sample changer robot with capacity for 50 tubes.
- VNMRJ 4.0 control software under Linux operating system.
- 1D: 1H, PRESAT, 13C, DEPT, APT.
- 2D Homonuclear: COSY, NOESY, TOCSY, gdqcosy, DQCOSY, ROESY, gCOSY, etc.
- 2D Heteronuclear: ghmbc, gHMQC, gHSQC, etc.
Magnetic Resonance Unit
- Research Support Building (CACTUS)
- Rúa de Constantino Candeira, 1. Campus Vida , 15782Santiago de Compostela
Magnetic Resonance Unit
- Research Support Building (CACTUS). Lugo
- Campus Lugo s/n, 27002Lugo
Magnetic Resonance Unit
- Biological Chemistry and Molecular Materials Research Center