- Research Support Building (CACTUS)
- Rúa de Constantino Candeira, 1. Campus Vida , 15782Santiago de Compostela
- Teléfonos
- 881 816 242
- esteban.guitian [at] usc.es
- Horario
- Monday to Friday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Mass spectrometer with QTOF type analyser. Quadrupole-Time Of Flight hybrid analyser for qualitative-quantitative analysis of high resolution and mass accuracy, with capability to perform MS/MS fragmentation also at high resolution.
- GC-APCI chromatographic system (456-GC, Bruker).
Gas chromatograph with APCI (Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionisation) source for qualitative and quantitative analysis. Configured with PAL-LSI system (robot for automatic introduction of samples). - UHPLC chromatographic system (ELUTE-PAL xt, Bruker)
Ultra High-Performance Liquid Chromatography, with faster separations than conventional ones and higher resolution, suitable for qualitative and quantitative analysis. Compound screening with target screener. Chromatograph with double binary pump, compartment for 6 chromatographic columns. Configured with PAL-xt system (robot for automatic introduction of samples) for both FIA and chromatography. - Ionisation sources interchangeable with other systems of the unit: ESI, APCI (with possibility to adapt a probe for solid samples), APPI (with possibility to adapt a probe for solid samples), GC-APCI.
- ESI-Electrospray (medium-high polarity analytes).
- APCI-Chemical ionisation at atmospheric pressure (low-medium polarity analytes).
- APPI-Photo-ionisation at atmospheric pressure (non-polar aromatic analytes or analytes with chromophore groups).
Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics Unit
- Research Support Building (CACTUS)
- Rúa de Constantino Candeira, 1. Campus Vida , 15782Santiago de Compostela
- 881 816 242