- Rúa Lope Gómez de Marzoa, s/n, 15782Santiago de Compostela
- Phones
881 816 706
881 816 707
881 816 709 - Schedule
- NORMAL OPENING HOURS: Monday to Friday from 8.30 a.m. to 8.30 p.m.
The Library is located in the teaching building of the Higher Technical School of Engineering (ETSE). It has a 600 m2 area and offers 182 reading places distributed on two floors: 5 computerised places and a group work room with 8 places. All its collections have direct access.
The main areas of knowledge represented in its collections are:
- Basic sciences (Algebra, Geometry, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry).
- Biotechnology.
- Chemical engineering.
- Environmental engineering.
- Computer Science.
- Artificial intelligence.
The printed collections are directly accessible and distributed on two floors: on the lower floor, books for students and the latest issues of printed journals currently under subscription; on the upper floor, research books and the repository of printed journals.
In addition, titles of journals and monographs in the aforementioned subject areas, subscribed or acquired either directly by the BUSC or in consortium with the Interuniversity Consortium of the Galician University System (CISUG), can be consulted in electronic format.
Carlán Loureiro del Caño
- Job title
- Auxiliary staff
- 881 816 709
- carlan.loureiro [at]
- Schedule
- Morning shift
Cristina Villar Lemos
- Job title
- Auxiliary staff
- 881 816 709
- cristina.villar [at]
- Schedule
- Morning shift
Gracia M. Frutos Martínez
- Job title
- Management
- 881 816 706
- gracia.frutos [at]
Hipólito Rodríguez Costas
- Job title
- Technical staff
- 881 816 706
- hipolito.rodriguez [at]
Iria Currás Gato
- Job title
- Auxiliary staff
- 881 816 709
- iria.curras [at]
- Schedule
- Afternoon schedule