- Avda. de Castelao, s/n, 15782Santiago de Compostela
- Phones
- 881 811 752
- Schedule
- NORMAL OPENING HOURS: Monday to Friday, from 8:30 to 21:25 h. SUMMER OPENING HOURS: From June 3rd to July 31st from 9:00 to 21:00 h. August from 9:00 to 15:00 h. The centre will be closed from 5 to 18 August.
The library's collections comprise more than 210,000 volumes of textbooks and over 2,500 journal titles, of which 214 are in the process of being received.
The collection has increased in recent years with several donations.
- In 2000, the archive and personal library of the poet José Ángel Valente (8,669 volumes) were donated. His writing is considered one of the most ambitious and deep-thinking in contemporary Spanish literature. The José Ángel Valente Chair of Poetry and Aesthetics was created in 1999, named after the writer himself, following the donation of his library to the University of Santiago de Compostela. A specific space was created on the top floor of the Philology Library to house all the donated material.
- In 2006, the family of Professor Enrique Moreno Báez donated his library (4,088 volumes) to the University, which became part of the Philology Library. Books of varied subject matter, most of them published in the 20th century and a smaller number from the 19th century. Romance and Spanish literary critic of the Generation of '27, he was a professor at the University of Santiago de Compostela from 1954 until his retirement.
- In 2008, the son of Professor Walter Haug, thanks to the mediation of Professor Víctor Millet, donated the library (4,144 volumes) of the professor at the University of Tübingen and one of the most important scholars of medieval German literature. The library contains works on epics, novels, short stories, mysticism and orientalism.
- In 2008, the library of Professor Constantino García (1,579 volumes). Philologist, founder of the Instititute of the Galician Language and of the Ramón Piñeiro Centre, worked for many years as a lecturer in the Faculty of Philology, occupying the chair of Romance Philology until his retirement. He was also a member of the Royal Galician Academy.
- In 2019, the Library received a donation from Professor Johann Tischler. An Austrian linguist, specialist in Indo-European and Ancient Near Eastern studies at the University of Innsbruck until his retirement in 2011. The books fill very important gaps in Indo-European studies.
The works that are part of these donations can be found in the BUSC catalogue by indicating their provenance.
The main areas of knowledge represented in these collections are:
- Spanish Philology.
- French Philology.
- Galician Philology.
- Portuguese Philology.
- Italian Philology.
- Romance Philology.
- German Philology.
- English Philology.
- Latin Philology.
- Greek Philology.
- Linguistics.
- Theory of literature.
Andrés Carrasco Solla
- Job title
- Technical staff
- 881 811 987
- andres.carrasco.solla [at]
Aurora Bouza Piñeiro
- Job title
- Technical staff
- 881 811 754
- aurora.bouza [at]
Blanca Rodríguez Agrasar
- Job title
- Auxiliary staff
- 881 811 752
- blancaavelina.rodriguez [at]
- Schedule
- Afternoon schedule
Carmen María Cabo Pérez
- Job title
- Technical staff
- 881 811 754
- carmenmaria.cabo [at]
Cristina Gómez Fernández
- Job title
- Auxiliary staff
- 881 811 752
- cristina.gomez.fernandez [at]
- Schedule
- Morning shift
Fernando José López Casal
- Job title
- Auxiliary staff
- 881 811 752
- fernandojose.lopez.casal [at]
- Schedule
- Morning shift
José María Costa Lago
- Job title
- Auxiliary staff
- 881 811 752
- josemaria.costa [at]
- Schedule
- Afternoon shift
Pilar Díez Jambrina
- Job title
- Management
- 881 811 751
- pilar.diez [at]
Xosé Domínguez Salgado
- Job title
- Auxiliary staff
- 881 811 752
- xose.dominguez [at]
- Schedule
- Afternoon shift