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Addressing “undruggable” intracellular targets in oncology
  • Libera Bio is a biopharmaceutical company devoted to the development of a new class of therapeutics to address unmet medical needs in cancer.

    Libera Bio aims at changing cancer therapy by allowing biologics to cross the cell membrane and reach “undruggable” intracellular targets:  the “Holy Grail” in oncology.

    Libera Bio leverages  its unique proprietary nanotechnology to hold and protect biologicals (e.g., antibodies) in the blood stream following IV administration and to deliver them intracellularly to tumor cells and to metastatic cells.

  • Valuation, Transfer and Entrepreneurship Area

    AVTE, Edificio Emprendia.
    • Avenida das Ciencias, 6, 15782
      Santiago de Compostela

    Valuation, Transfer and Entrepreneurship Area

    AVTE. Edificio CACTUS Lugo