- Accounting and Budgeting Department. Balconada House
Rúa Nova, nº 6, 15782Santiago de Compostela
subarea.contabilidade [at] usc.gal
The Accounting Department records the different phases in the execution of expenses, income and non-budgetary operations, the annual budget settlement account and the annual financial report in the part corresponding to the analysis of the year's accounts.
It also manages the University's treasury -payments and collections-, the management of financial assets and liabilities and the registration of guarantees, as well as acting as manager of the accounts for advances to be justified from the University’s central services.
Minia García Angulo
- Job title
- Head of Accounting Subarea
- 881 811 324
- minia.garcia [at] usc.es
Consuelo Noya Sabel
- Job title
- Head of Treasury Section
- 881 811 320
- chelo.noya [at] usc.es
Jose Luis González Porrúa
- Job title
- Xefe de Sección de Contabilidade
- 881 811 279
- joseluis.gonzalez [at] usc.es
Mª. Lourdes Blanco Calvo
- Job title
- Head of the Accounting Office
- 881 811 321
- lourdes.blanco [at] usc.es
María José Otero Parga
- Job title
- Xefa de Negociado de Tesouraría: transferencias, subvencións
- 881 811 271
- mariajose.otero.parga [at] usc.es
Mayte Díaz Blanco
- Job title
- Tenured
- 881 811 300
- mariateresa.diaz [at] usc.es
María Victoria Varela Pérez
- Job title
- Xefa de negociado de xustificación
- 11274
- v.varela [at] usc.es
Xose Carlos González Añón
- Job title
- Posto base
- 881 811 293
- xosecarlos.gonzalez [at] usc.es
María Adelina Aboy García
- Job title
- Tenured
- 881 811 276
- mariaadelina.aboy [at] usc.es
Nuria Seoane Gómez
- Job title
- Posto base
- 11273
- nuria.seoane.gomez [at] usc.es
Juana María Rivas Vilas
- Job title
- Posto base
- 11277
- juanamaria.rivas [at] usc.es
María Rocío Areosa Novo
- Job title
- Posto base
- 881 811 316
- rocio.areosa [at] usc.es