- San Xerome College
Praza do Obradoiro s/n., 15782Santiago de Compostela
area.cultura [at] usc.gal
- Montenegro Palace
Rúa Bernardino Pardo Ouro, s/n. Campus Universitario, 27002Lugo
cultura.lugo [at] usc.es
The Culture Area offers different cultural programmes, services and benefits to the members of the university community and to society in general. Its lines of action are cultural promotion, with support actions for activities and productions and aid for theatre and dance; cultural production, through stable activities of the Theatre Classroom, the Symphonic Orchestra of the USC, the Dance Space and the University Choir; training and cultural extension, with the offer of courses in drama, dance and photography, the Summer University, the Astronomy programme or Orchestral Meetings; cultural dissemination, with the organisation of concerts, exhibitions, stage performances, film screenings and other cultural activities; and the promotion, enhancement and conservation of the historical and artistic heritage of the USC.
Persoal do Campus de Santiago
Pablo Sampedro Magán
- Job title
- Director
- 881 811 123
- p.sampedro [at] usc.es
Mercedes Rosón Ferreiro
- Job title
- Subdirectora
- 881 811 020
- mercedes.roson [at] usc.es
Roberto Salgueiro González
- Job title
- Director of the Theatre Classroom
- 881 811 021
- roberto.salgueiro [at] usc.es
Juan Carlos Zahera
- Job title
- Director of the University Dance Space
881 811 318
982 821 510 - jcarlos.zahera [at] usc.es
Mario Diz Otero
- Job title
- Director of the orchestra
- 881 811 315
- mario.diz [at] usc.es
Eloy Blanco Posada
- Job title
- Deputy Director
- 881 811 315
- eloy.blanco [at] usc.es
Víctor Manuel Pereira López
- Job title
- Oficial de servizos
- 881 811 315
- victormanuel.pereira [at] usc.es
Fina Busto Blanco
- Job title
- Head of the Culture Department
- 881 811 103
- fina.busto [at] usc.es
Sigrid Provost Arias
- Job title
- Tenured
- 881 811 018
- sigrid.provost [at] usc.es
Persoal do Campus de Lugo
Paloma Lugilde Rodríguez
- Job title
- Technician Specialist in Cultural Activities
- 982 821 511
- paloma.lugilde [at] usc.es
Rocío Arias Vázquez
- Job title
- Posto base
- 982821513
- rocioarias.vazquez [at] usc.es