- Students Pavilion. 1.st floor
Rúa de Lope Gómez de Marzoa, 4. Campus Vida , 15782Santiago de Compostela
orientacion.laboral [at] usc.gal
The aim of the Labour and Employment Guidance Area is to develop information, training and guidance actions with the aim of improving employment options and the labour integration process of students and graduates, as well as facilitating the transition from the educational system to the labour market.
Staff Santiago Campus
Charo García Gancedo
- Job title
- Employment counsellor
- 881 812 851
- charo.garcia [at] usc.es
Nuria Rey Quintás
- Job title
- Employment counsellor
- 881 812 839
- nuria.rey [at] usc.es
Puri Torrente Sánchez
- Job title
- Employment counsellor
- 881 812 853
- puri.torrente [at] usc.es