- Civil Servants' House
Avenida das Ciencias, 7, 15782Santiago de Compostela
servizo.normalizacion [at] usc.gal
- Intercentre Building. Lugo
Rúa Bernardino Pardo Ouro, s/n. Campus Universitario, 27002Lugo
servizo.normalizacion [at] usc.gal
The aim of the Linguistic Normalisation Service is to promote and technically support the process to extend the Galician language at USC. For this, it designs and develops activities, produces and disseminates materials, advises on linguistic issues and plans training activities that can help the various members of the university community to incorporate and maintain Galician as a language.
Manuel Núñez Singala
- Job title
- Director and Head of the Training Department
- 881 814 494
- m.singala [at] usc.gal
Manuel Bermúdez Blanco
- Job title
- Head of the Advisory Area
- 881 814 493
- manuel.bermudez.blanco [at] usc.gal
Xusto A. Rodríguez Río
- Job title
- Head of the Terminology Area
- 982 823 582
- xusto.rodriguez [at] usc.gal
Dolores García Sanjurjo
- Job title
- Administración
- 881814490
- dolores.garcia.sanjurjo [at] usc.gal