- Intercentre Building
Rúa Bernardino Pardo Ouro, s/n. Campus Universitario, 27002Lugo
administracion.lugo [at] usc.gal
ScheduleDe 9 a 14h en días laborais
The Administrative Department of the Lugo Campus has been created as a structure dependent on the Executive Board in order to integrate the administrative services dependent on it in the Lugo Campus, which require coordination so that the procedures and criteria to be applied are homogeneous throughout the University.
The Campus Administration Department will be responsible for coordinating the joint management of human resources, economic matters, especially about the monitoring, management and justification of specific agreements for the Lugo Campus signed by the Government Team, and the management of research within the competencies of the Management.
Point of Attention, information and services
Cristina Goy López
- Job title
- Manager PAIS
982 823 559
982 823 500 - cris.goy [at] usc.gal
María del Carmen Torres Ferreiro
- Job title
- Technical Service Assistant
982 823 559
982 823 500 - carmen.torres [at] usc.gal
María del Mar Fernández González
- Job title
- Technical Service Assistant
982 823 559
982 823 500 - mmar.fernandez [at] usc.gal
Benigno López Rodríguez
- Job title
- Technical Service Assistant
- 982 823 500
- benigno.lopez.rodriguez [at] usc.es
Staff of the Lugo Campus Administrative Department
Carmen Martí Fernández
- Job title
- Lugo Campus Administrator
- 982 823 575
- carmen.marti [at] usc.gal
Dolores Vega Fernández
- Job title
- Head of Staff and General Affairs Section
- 982 822 852
- mariadolores.vega [at] usc.gal
Carmen Montes Prado
- Job title
- Head of the Bureau of Registry Assistance Office
- 982 823 583
- mcarmen.montes [at] usc.gal
Sara Arias Díaz
- Job title
- Head of the Economic Management and Administrative Contracting Department
- 982 823 572
- sara.arias [at] usc.gal
Isabel Castro Pena
- 982 823 576
- isabel.pena [at] usc.gal
Rodrigo Santiso Varela
- 982 823 571
- rodrigo.santiso [at] usc.gal
Blanca López Fernández
- 982 823 587
- blanca.lopez.fernandez [at] usc.gal
Cultural Area
Paloma Lugilde Rodríguez
- Job title
- Head of Cultural Activities in Lugo
- 982 821 511
- paloma.lugilde [at] usc.gal
Rocío Arias Vázquez
- 982 821 513
- rocioarias.vazquez [at] usc.gal
Sport Area
Jesús Castro López
- Job title
- Sport activities manager in Lugo
- 982 823 584
- jesus.castro [at] usc.gal