- Management of the Offer and Academic Programming Department. San Xerome College
Praza do Obradoiro s/n., 15782Santiago de Compostela
sxopra [at] usc.es
The Department's aim is to support the academic structures of the USC so that these structures can configure an annual and integrated offer of studies. Its Supply and Study Programmes section is in charge of the procedures for the approval, modification and renewal of official study plans and programmes and of collaborating in the preparation of reports regarding the demand for studies, the analysis of results and the degree of student satisfaction. Its Academic Organisation section manages the teaching organisation programmes of the departments and centres.
Jesús Lamas Alvariño
- Job title
- Head of the Service of Offer and Academic Management and Programmning
- 881 811 120
- suso.lamas [at] usc.gal
Ana Seijas Rey
- Job title
- Head of the Academic Organisation Section
- 881 811 097
- ana.seijas [at] usc.es
Soledad Rey Rodríguez
- Job title
- Head of the Student Services and Study Programmes Section
- 881 811 017
- Soledad.Rey [at] usc.es
Elena Recouso Padín
- Job title
- Head of the Teaching Programming Department
- 881 811 107
- mariaelena.recouso [at] usc.es
María Mónica Regos Casal
- Job title
- Xefa do Negociado de Programas de Estudo
- 11027
- mmonica.regos [at] usc.gal
Trinidad Rodríguez Valeiras
- Job title
- Jefa del Negociado de Oferta de Programas de Doctorado
- 881 811 158
- trinidad.rodriguez [at] usc.es
María del Carmen Rico Álvarez
- Job title
- Posto base
- Address
- Praza do Obradoiro, s/n - Reitoría
- 11023
- mariacarmen.rico [at] usc.gal
- Schedule
- 08:00 - 15:00
David Fernández Fraga
- Job title
- Posto base
- Address
- Praza do Obradoiro, s/n - Reitoría
- 11143
- david.fernandez.fraga [at] usc.gal
- Schedule
- 08:00 - 15:00
Noelia Vázquez Gómez
- Job title
- Tenured
- Address
- Pazo San Xerome (Praza do Obradoiro)
- 881 811 133
- noelia.vazquez.gomez [at] usc.es
- Schedule
- 8:00 - 15:00 h
Yolanda Torres Bergaña
- Job title
- Puesto base
- Address
- Servizo de Xestión da Oferta e Programación Académica - San Xerome
- 11158
- yolanda.torres [at] usc.gal
- Schedule
- 08:00 - 15:00
Ana Isabel López Paz
- Job title
- Puesto base
- 11064
- anaisabel.lopez.paz [at] usc.gal