- Mobility Office
Rúa de Lope Gómez de Marzoa, 4. Campus Vida , 15782Santiago de Compostela
international [at] usc.gal
- Oficina de Mobilidade. Mobility Office
Rúa Bernardino Pardo Ouro, s/n. Campus Universitario, 27002Lugo
international.lugo [at] usc.gal
The Office of Mobility is concerned with the coordination and administrative management of the different programmes of academic exchange in which the USC participates (Erasmus +, bilateral agreements, SICUE and so on). The Office of Mobility, cooperating with different sections, contributes to the internationalization of the university community, offering opportunities of academic and professional development to students, professors, researchers and employees.
Among the main tasks of the office are the drafting, publication and resolution of the calls for applications aimed to the university community of the USC, the control and following of the mobilities, the request and justification of funds and the support of incoming students and staff from partner universities.
In order to offer a better support, the Office of Mobility is located at both campuses: Santiago and Lugo.
Mobility Office. Santiago de Compostela
Alba Cachafeiro Requeijo
- Job title
- Head of the Office
- 881 812 840
- international [at] usc.gal
María González Rionegro
- Job title
- Head Mobility Unit
- 881 812 847
- erasmus [at] usc.es
María del Pilar Núñez Cartelle
- Job title
- Erasmus Programme + KA131 (Europe)
- 881 814 564
- erasmus [at] usc.es
Olalla Castro Hierro
- Job title
- Erasmus+ Programme KA131 (Europe)
- 881 812 849
- erasmus [at] usc.es
Sonia González Rodríguez
- Job title
- Bilateral Agreements / SICUE / Staff Mobility
- 881 812 844
- bilateral.exchange [at] usc.es
Guillermo Prieto Acuña
- Job title
- Bilateral Agreement/SICUE
- 881 812 855
- sicue [at] usc.es
Ana Guerra Fidalgo
- Job title
- Erasmus Programme + KA171 (Erasmus Associated Countries)
- 881 811 095
- erasmus.ka107 [at] usc.es
Teresa Lodeiro Vales
- Job title
- Bilateral Agreements / SICUE / Staff Mobility
- 881 812 871
- international [at] usc.gal
Miguel Ángel Gordillo Morales
- Job title
- Técnico superior de administración
- 881 812 854
- erasmus [at] usc.gal
Mobility Office. Lugo
Zaira María López López
- Job title
- Mobility Office
982 823 596
982 823 569 - international.lugo [at] usc.es