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facultade de química
Faculty of Chemistry 
  • Avda. das Ciencias, s/n, 15782
    Santiago de Compostela
  • 881814229
  • facultade.quimica.decanato [at]

The Faculty of Chemistry (formerly Faculty of Science) was created at the USC in 1922. It is a centre of national and international prestige in the fields of teaching and research. It currently teaches a Degree in Chemistry and a Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry, as well as Double Degrees in Chemistry and Biology and in Physics and Chemistry. As far as postgraduate studies are concerned, there is a wide range available: University Master's Degree in Chemical Research and Industrial Chemistry, Master's Degree in Organic Chemistry and Master's Degree in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling, all of them inter-university, and more recently, the Master's Degree in Chemistry at the Frontier between Biology and Materials Science.


Conferencia a cargo do profesor David Ferro Costas na Aula Magna da Facultade o vindeiro 26/02/2025.

Xornal USC

Convocatoria do Programa de Titores 24-25

Prazo do 13 ao 24 de Febreiro…
The contents of this page were updated on 10.17.2022.