The USC’s 3rd Strategic Plan for Equal Opportunities between Men and Women (2021-24) comprises six areas of action (Institutional culture; Teaching, research and transfer; Presence, promotion and representation; co-responsibility for a work-life balance; Harassment and gender violence; Socio-health conditions at work), nine general goals, 21 specific goals and 85 actions, each one of them associated with indicators that allow their execution to be assessed, while at the same time, serving as a guide to adopt decisions that optimise their development. In addition, the units responsible for the execution of the different actions are indicated, thus involving the whole institution in an exercise of co-responsibility in their execution and improvement.
In order to achieve the 3rd Plan’s goals, the principles of action by the University of Santiago de Compostela, which marked the development of the previous ones, are still in force, to which others are added. These come in to reinforce the commitment of our institution: social responsibility; equality; recognition of maternity and paternity as a social value; co-responsibility for conciliation of personal, family and working life; balanced presence or composition in bodies and positions of responsibility at the University; gender mainstreaming; non-sexist use of language and image; inclusive research, innovation and teaching; participation, gender and equality.
The process of drafting the 3rd Strategic Plan for Equal Opportunities between Men and Women was developed taking into account the results of the 2nd Plan’s assessment, as well as by updating the diagnosis on equality at the USC, with a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the situation of men and women at the University, comparing the data from 2014-20 in the Plan’s 6 areas of action: USC policies; training, teaching and research; presence, promotion and representation; work life balance and co-responsibility; harassment and sexist attitudes; and social and health conditions at work.
The main conclusions of this analysis outline the challenges to be faced in the 3rd Plan:
- Provide the Gender Equality Office with specialised technical staff.
- Allocate a budget for the development of the 3rd Strategic Plan for Equal Opportunities between Men and Women.
- Carry out monographic studies on gender gaps in our university: academic and professional careers, work-life balance, salaries, use of time.
- Ensure the use of non-sexist language.
- Strengthen support for the gender equality committees created at the centres.
- Increase the number of female honorary doctorates.
- Consolidate the training offer in gender for staff and students.
- Prepare a diagnosis on the incorporation of the gender dimension in degree programmes.
- Make women's contributions to research more visible.
- Promote the inclusion of the gender dimension in teaching, research and transfer.
- Ensure parity in the different governing and representative bodies.
- Promote policies that favour work-life balance and progress in joint responsibility.
- Strengthen the communication plan for the Protocol for Prevention and Action against sexual harassment and harassment based on sex, sexual orientation and gender identity.
- Promote the implementation of gender-sensitive psychosocial risk assessment.