Amigas de la Tierra is an environmental association whose mission is to promote local and global change in order to promote a more environmentally friendly, just and caring society.
Zero Waste University
This is a programme aimed at the entire university community interested in learning more about the problems caused by the generation of excessive waste.
Participants will learn to identify and design proposals for action to reduce waste in their daily lives, especially plastics.
It will run from September to November 2023.
Planned activities include:
- Creation of an inter-campus group of volunteers interested in zero waste.
- Training on zero waste and other relevant topics.
- Virtual meetings with people who have already started their journey towards zero waste, so that they can share their experience with us.
- On-site workshops on different aspects of zero waste, such as the reuse and repair of objects.
- Dissemination of the project through social networks, with the collaboration of volunteers.
All actions - however small they may be - will contribute to change.
Se antes de inscribirte no programa de voluntariado queres contactar co equipo de Amigas da Terra podes facelo a través do whatsapp (611063186) ou ben do correo activistas [at] amigasdaterra.net (activistas[at]amigasdaterra[dot]net)