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Transfer Accelerator
The programme aims to advance the maturation process of research results, facilitating their transfer to the social and economic environment.

The social and economic impact of research results is often hindered by the existence of a gap between the status of the knowledge at the end of the R&D project and the desirable state of maturity from the point of view of a potential party interested in its application.

This is the reason why the USC incorporated Campus Vida in its Campus of International Excellence project; an action that allows progress to be made in demonstrating the commercial potential of research results.

The purpose of the Transfer Accelerator is to carry out the necessary actions to bridge the gap between the results of a research project and sufficiently mature knowledge to be of interest to a company or other external agent, with the aim of increasing the possibilities of transfer and, therefore, the opportunities for the knowledge generated at the USC to have a social and economic impact.

The Transfer Accelerator is open to research groups from all areas of knowledge that have identified a research result with transfer potential.

The contents of this page were updated on 03.10.2025.