Title of the studies: Doctoral Programme in Chemical Science and Technology
RUCT Code: 5600702
ISCED Codes: (0531) Chemistry, (442) Chemistry, (440) Physical, Chemical and Geological Sciences
Responsible Organizing Centers: Escola Internacional de Doutoramento da USC (EDIUS) e Escola Internacional de Doutoramento da UVigo (EIDO).
General Coordinator of the Programme and local coordinator at the USC: Rodil Rodríguez, Mª del Rosario
Local coordinator at the UVigo: Belén Vaz Araújo
Approval and Publication Dates of the Programme. Authorization for Execution by the Xunta de Galicia 05/12/2013. Publication in BOE (Boletín Oficial del Estado) 11/03/2014. Most Recent Accreditation: 26/01/2022
Frequency of offer: Anual
Number of Places Available: 65 (USC 50, UVigo 15)
Study Mode: Part-time and Full-time
Coordinating University: University of Santiago de Compostela
Participating Universities: University of Vigo
General Information
This Doctoral Programme encompasses a broad scientific spectrum, including faculty members and research lines from all departments of Chemistry at the universities of Santiago and Vigo: Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, and Organic Chemistry. As an interdisciplinary Chemistry programme, it provides doctoral training across a wide range of specialized fields, supported by a diverse array of research lines and an equally extensive panel of supervisors.
Additionally, the programme seeks to contribute to the advancement of the information and knowledge society by fostering the generation of new knowledge in the field of Chemistry.
Basic competencies
CB11 Systematic understanding of a field of study and mastery of the skills and research methods related to that field.
CB12 Ability to conceive, design or create, implement, and adapt a substantial process of research or creation.
CB13 Ability to contribute to expanding the frontiers of knowledge through original research.
CB14 Ability to conduct critical analysis, evaluation, and synthesis of new and complex ideas.
CB15 Ability to communicate with the academic and scientific community, as well as with society at large, about their areas of expertise in the customary modes and languages of their international scientific community.
CB16 Ability to promote, in academic and professional contexts, scientific, technological, social, artistic, or cultural advancement within a knowledge-based society.
Specific competencies
CE01 Ability to apply acquired chemical knowledge to propose and carry out a research project in an applied context, aiming to solve a complex problem and defending it with chemistry-based arguments that support the proposed solution.
CE02 Ability to develop and implement, as a responsible party, a safety protocol (general regulations, handling of toxic or flammable substances, waste disposal, equipment or instrumentation, and facilities) for work in a research and/or development laboratory within the field of Chemistry.
CE03 Ability to evaluate research, development, patent, or teaching projects within their area of chemical specialization, assessing their potential to advance existing knowledge and practices.
CE04 Ability to integrate knowledge when addressing a chemical problem and formulate well-founded judgments based on initial hypotheses, leveraging limited information to propose diverse solutions while anticipating potential economic, environmental, and ethical risks.
CE05 Possession of the technical and scientific competence required to obtain precise and reproducible chemical results, from which valid conclusions can be drawn within their specific area of chemical expertise..
CE06 Ability to stay up-to-date with scientific advancements, emerging techniques, and new instrumentation relevant to their specific area of chemical specialization.
CE07 Ability to independently and continuously update their chemical knowledge
Personal Competencies and Skills
CA01 - Operate effectively in contexts with limited specific information.
CA02 - Identify the key questions that must be answered to solve a complex problem.
CA03 - Design, create, develop, and undertake innovative and novel projects within their field of expertise.
CA04 - Work both independently and collaboratively in international or multidisciplinary contexts.
CA05 - Integrate knowledge, tackle complexity, and make informed judgments with limited information.
CA06 - Critically assess and defend intellectual solutions.
The graduates of the programme will be high-level independent researchers capable of proposing, conducting, and carrying out research and innovations that lead to the generation of new knowledge in the field of chemistry and related sciences. Graduates can foster development and innovation from a perspective that improves society's quality of life.
The Programme Coordination gathered information about the graduates' situation through a survey conducted in April 2021, with a 43% response rate. The following key points are noteworthy:
- Very low percentage of graduates remain unemployed (< 3%).
- The relevance of current employment to the chemistry education received: highly relevant (60.5%), moderately relevant (23.7%), and barely relevant (13.2%).
- The majority of graduates are employed in Galicia (65.8%).
Universities, internal
Regulations for Doctoral Studies at the University of Santiago de Compostela. Regulamento de estudos de doutoramento da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (DOGA 30/8/2024)
Regulations for Doctoral Studies at the University of Vigo. Regulamento de Estudos de Doutoramento da Universidade de Vigo
Internal Regulations of the International Doctoral School at the USC. Regulamento de Réxime Interno da Escola De Doutoramento Internacional da USC (EDIUS)
Internal Regulations of the International Doctoral School at the UVigo. Regulamento de Réxime Interno da Escola Internacional de Doutoramento da UVigo (EIDO)
EDIUS Code of Good Practices (Código de Boas Prácticas da EDIUS)
EIDO Code of Good Practices (Código de Boas Prácticas da EIDO)
Specific to the Programme
Full Program Proposal (Memoria do Programa)
The official Doctoral Programme in Chemical Science and Technology is governed by three collegial bodies.
- Academic Committee of the Programme (CAPD, interuniversity)
- Local Academic Subcommittee of the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC)
- Local Academic Subcommittee of the University of Vigo (UVigo)
The table below shows the current composition of the CAPD (latest modification 18/09/2024).
Member | Role |
Rosario Rodil Rodríguez (USC) | General Coordinator of the Programme and Local Coordinator at the USC |
Víctor M. Sánchez Pedregal (USC) | Secretary |
Belén Vaz Araújo (UVigo) | Deputy Coordinator of the Programme and Local Coordinator at the UVigo |
Rosana Álvarez Rodríguez (UVigo) | Member (Local Secretary at UVigo) |
Carlos Bendicho Hernández (UVigo) | Member |
Rosa Carballo Rial (UVigo) | Member |
Berta Fernández Rodríguez (USC) | Member |
María Elena Labisbal Viqueira (USC) | Member |
Antonio Moreda Piñeiro (USC) | Member |
María de los Ángeles Peña Gallego (UVigo) | Member |
María Ramil Criado (USC) | Member |
Jesús Sanmartín Matalobos (USC) | Member |
Martín Fañanás Mastral (USC) | Member |