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Training Activities

Information about the Training Activities of the doctoral programme

This Doctoral Programme comprises both mandatory and optional training activities (see table below).

Training Activity Total hours On-site hours Off-site hours Type
Recent advances in Chemistry 21 9 12 Mandatory
Doctoral scientific conference 48 24 24 Mandatory
Writing and presenting scientific results in the field of Chemistry 130 40 90 Mandatory
Publication of scientific articles 100 - - Mandatory
Attendance at conferences and scientific meetings - - - Mandatory
Stay at another research center 500 350 150 Optional
Training in teaching tasks 200 120 80 Optional

Brief Description. Attendance at lectures on topics directly related to the specific competencies of the Doctoral Programme.

Timeline. Each academic year, all doctoral students must attend six lectures, freely chosen from the panel of activities organized annually by the Doctoral Programme. A comprehensive conference program will allow part-time students to complete this training activity.

Competencies. CB13, CB14, CB15, CA05, CA06, CE03, CE04, CE06, CE07

Learning Outcomes. By attending lecture series, you will be able to autonomously and continuously update your scientific and technical knowledge (CB15), as well as stay informed about scientific advances (CE04) to acquire the ability to provide scientific-technical advice to public and private institutions (CE03). This will enhance your ability to communicate with society in general in commonly used languages (CB15), contributing to original research (CB13, with critical synthesis), new and complex ideas (CB14, CB16), formulating judgments, and promoting critical thinking and the defense of solutions (CA05, CA06).

Language(s) of Instruction. Spanish/English (priority).

Control Procedure. The control procedure will be conducted through an attendance signature log and the submission of a critical summary report for each session. The conferences attended will be recorded in the student's Document of Activities.

Mobility Actions and Criteria. The student may undertake similar activities at another university or institution. In such cases, mobility will be covered by the research group to which the doctoral student belongs, through grants from public calls or support from international doctoral schools at the universities of the consortium.

Brief Description of Contents. A mini-symposium to be held in Santiago or Vigo, which will include:

  • Invited lectures, delivered by prominent speakers, preferably visiting professors.
  • Oral communications, where doctoral students will present the most significant aspects of their research conducted throughout the academic year.
  • Poster sessions, where each student will present a poster related to the topic of their doctoral thesis research.

Timeline. This will take place each academic year, preferably in June. Due to the intensive nature of this activity, part-time students will ensure they obtain the necessary permits or authorizations to participate in this training activity.

Competencies. CB11, CB12, CB13, CB14, CB15, CB16, CA03, CA04, CA05, CA06, CE04, CE06, CE07

Learning Outcomes. Use the tools to present the results of their research (Open Office, PowerPoint, etc.). Acquire knowledge about scientific advances, recent techniques, and instrumentation related to the doctoral student's specialized research area. Deepen knowledge in other areas of Chemistry.

Language(s) of Instruction. Spanish/English (priority).

Control Procedure. Students will submit summaries of their oral presentations and posters in advance, following prior organizational criteria. All participants will receive a certificate of participation. The doctoral student's Document of Activities will include the type and title of the presented work and poster, along with the certificate of participation.

Mobility Actions and Criteria. As this event is to be organized each year in Santiago or Vigo, it involves mobility between the two cities. The organization of these activities will be funded by the universities in the consortium. Regarding student expenses, costs may be covered by the doctoral student's research group or through grants or support from public or private institutions.

Brief Description. This is a transversal activity that will include training in the task of writing and presenting a scientific paper. Students will learn to use the necessary software tools, such as word processors, database managers, spreadsheets, presentation software, and other related tools.

Timeline. It is recommended to complete this activity during the second year of the doctoral thesis.

Competencies. CB11, CB14, CB15, CA05, CA06, CE01

Learning Outcomes. The ability to convey knowledge will be assessed. Preparing a public presentation and a scientific article contributes to the understanding, critical analysis, and synthesis of research methods related to a field of study (CB11, CB14), the ability to communicate with the scientific community and society in commonly used languages (CB15), and also helps integrate knowledge, fostering critical thinking and defending solutions both in teamwork and independently (CA04, CA05, CA06, CE01).

Language(s) of Instruction. Spanish/English (priority).

Control Procedure. Attendance and participation. A presentation in English, formatted as a scientific publication, of a scientific article based on the experimental data obtained by the doctoral students in their thesis work. These activities will be recorded in the doctoral student's Document of Activities.

Mobility Actions and Criteria. This training activity may be recognized for students who take similar courses offered by the USC or UVigo Doctoral Schools or other universities or institutions, where the necessary competencies for this training activity can be acquired.

Brief Description. The publication of research findings in international scientific journals will be strongly encouraged. To be authorized to submit their doctoral thesis, students will be required to have either published a scientific article or obtained acceptance for publication.

Timeline. During the period of the doctoral thesis. This training activity will be required in a similar manner for part-time students..

Competencies. CB11, CB16, CA02, CA06, CE01, CE03, CE05

Learning Outcomes. The preparation of a scientific article will contribute to a deeper understanding, critical analysis, and synthesis of research methods within a specific field of study (CB11, CB14). It will also enhance the ability to communicate effectively with both the scientific community and society in commonly used languages (CB15). Additionally, this process promotes the integration of knowledge, fostering critical thinking and the defense of solutions, both in collaborative and independent settings (CA04, CA05, CA06, CE01).

Language(s) of Instruction. English.

Control Procedure. Before submitting their doctoral thesis, the student must present a scientific article and/or proof of acceptance, which will be included in their Document of Activities.

Brief Description. Active involvement in and attendance at national and international scientific meetings, conferences, and symposia.

Timeline. It is recommended that this activity be completed primarily during the latter stages of the doctoral thesis. This training will also be required of part-time students in a similar manner.

Competencies. CB11, CB14, CB15, CB16, CA04, CA05, CA06, CE01, CE03, CE04, CE05, CE06.

Learning Outcomes. Develop proficiency in the tools necessary to effectively present your research findings (e.g., Open Office, PowerPoint, etc.). Gain insights into scientific advancements, recent techniques, and instrumentation relevant to your research specialization. Broaden your knowledge in other areas of Chemistry. Mastering these tools will enhance communication with the scientific community, contribute to original research (CB13, CB14, CB15), support scientific progress by integrating knowledge, formulating informed judgments, and fostering critical thinking and solution defense (CB16, CA05, CA06). Additionally, students will stay up-to-date with the latest scientific developments and techniques related to their specific area of chemical expertise (CE04).

Language(s) of Instruction. Spanish/English (priority).

Control Procedure. The student is required to submit a certificate of attendance at the conference, symposium, or scientific meeting, along with the presented communication, for it to be recorded in their Document of Activities.

Mobility Actions and Criteria. This activity requires mandatory national and/or international mobility for the student. The research group to which the doctoral student belongs will cover mobility expenses, either through grants from public funding or support from the international doctoral schools of the consortium universities.

Brief Description. Research internships at external research centers, as part of the doctoral student’s scientific training and the promotion of collaboration between research groups. The stay will take place at one or more research centers outside the consortium universities, preferably international ones.

Timeline. A minimum stay of three months is required to be eligible for the international doctoral mention. The stay, or stays, will preferably take place during the second half of the doctoral training period. Full-time students must stay for at least three months. For part-time students, multiple shorter stays may be considered.

Competencies. CB11, CB16, CA02, CA06, CE01, CE05.

Learning Outcomes. Acquiring knowledge of scientific advancements, recent techniques, and instrumentation relevant to the doctoral student’s research specialization, while also expanding their understanding of other areas of Chemistry.

Language(s) of Instruction. Spanish/English (priority).

Control Procedure. The student will be guided by a supervisor from the host institution. A certificate of completion and a summary of the work performed must be submitted. This activity will be documented in the student’s Document of Activities.

Mobility Actions and Planning. The Doctoral Programme Academic Committee (CAPD) will promote mobility actions through the following initiatives:

  • Initially, the numerous European student exchange agreements established by the Faculty of Chemistry will be utilized, including doctoral student exchanges.

  • The signing of doctoral student and faculty mobility agreements with other national and international entities and institutions will be encouraged.

  • Other avenues for promoting mobility, such as research group agreements or mobility programs funded by public or private entities, will also be supported.

The scheduling of stays will be aligned with the specific needs of the doctoral research, provided that the research development allows it.

  • If the goal is to learn and develop new methodologies or techniques, the stay will occur during the first phase of the research (first and second years).

  • If the goal is to work specifically with complementary scientific instrumentation, the stay will take place during the final phase of the doctoral thesis (third and fourth years).

Regarding funding for these activities, expenses may be covered by the doctoral student’s research group, the hosting research group, or through grants and funding from public or private institutions.

Brief Description. The student will receive both theoretical and practical training through collaboration in the planning, delivery, and assessment of interactive teaching (seminars, laboratory sessions, tutoring, etc.) for undergraduate Chemistry courses. This activity will be carried out under the supervision of a tutor, who will be a faculty member of the Doctoral Programme. The organization will align with the regulations and guidelines of each university.

Timeline. The activity will be carried out according to the academic teaching calendar for each academic year. Part-time students will also collaborate for a total of 120 hours, but these hours will be distributed throughout the specific duration of their predoctoral training (over 3 years), with teaching tasks assigned in alignment with their availability and schedule.

Competencies. CB15, CB16, OC01, OC02.

Learning Outcomes. 

  • Enhance the ability to effectively convey general Chemistry knowledge to students. 

  • Plan and organize the activities for the assigned student group.

  • Develop skills in assessing student performance.

Language(s) of Instruction. Galician/Spanish/English.

Control Procedure. 

  • Evaluation by the tutor and the Doctoral Programme coordinator, or a designated member of the Doctoral Programme’s Academic Committee (CAPD). 

  • Certification of completion of the training activity. 

  • The overall evaluation of the activity, as determined by the Academic Committee, will be recorded in the student’s Document of Activities.

Mobility Actions. The student may undertake similar activities at another university or institution. In such cases, mobility will be supported by the research group the student is affiliated with, through public grant schemes or funding provided by the doctoral schools of the consortium universities.

The contents of this page were updated on 02.27.2025.