Public prices for studies leading to official degrees are set by each autonomous community. The Xunta de Galicia, in the Decreto 164/2024, do 24 de xuño, polo que se fixan os prezos públicos pola prestación de servizos académicos e administrativos nas universidades públicas do Sistema universitario de Galicia para o curso académico 2024/25, set public prices for the provision of academic and administrative services in the universities of the Galician University System for the specific academic year. The other public academic prices in force at the USC are fixed by the Social Council of the University of Santiago.
Price of a credit First enrolment Second enrolment Third enrolment Fourth and successive enrolments Degrees in the branches of Science, Health Science and Engineering and Architecture.
Degrees in the branches of Arts and Humanities and Social Science and Law.
Price of regulated master's degree courses
Price of a credit First enrolment Second enrolment Third enrolment Fourth and successive enrolments University Master in Forestry Engineering, University Master in Industrial Engineering, University Master in General Sanitary Psychology, University Master in Agronomical Engineering, University Master in Roads, Canals and Ports Engineering, University Master in Mining Engineering, University Master in Telecommunications Engineering, University Master in Naval and Ocean Engineering, University Master in Marine Engineering, University Master in Navigation and Maritime Transport, University Master in Chemical Engineering and Bioprocesses, University Master in Computer Engineering, University Master in Occupational Risk Prevention, University Master in Architecture.
University Master’s Degree for Teachers of Mandatory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching, University Master's Degree in Law, University Master's Degree in Prevention of Occupational Risks and Common Risks
Other official master's degree courses
Price of a credit First enrolment
Second enrolment and successive enrolments
Master’s degrees not included in the previous point, relating to the branches of Science, Health Science, Engineering and Architecture and the University Master’s Degree in Management of Sustainable Development
Heading B) Master’s degrees not included in the previous point, relating to the branches of Art and Humanities and Social Science and Law €9,85
€26,68 Studies leading to the PhD regulated by Royal Decree 1393/2007, of 29 October, and Royal Decree 99/2011, of 28 January.
Educational courses or complements in ECTS €32,00/credit
Non-structured courses in ECTS €3,30 /hour
Annual PhD tutoring €200,00 The public prices of the credits of studies and administrative proceedings for the 4th University Cycle are governed by the following table.
Credit €9,85 Opening of the record €22,31 Academic certification €22,31 Issue and maintenance of the university card (TUI) €4,79 Accident insurance and travel assistance €17,50 Issue of the degree €28,65 Duplicate title €28,65 The public prices for undergraduate, master's degrees and PhD studies carried out by non-resident foreign students, excluding nationals of EU Member States and those where the EU system applies, are fixed by a Rectoral Resolution.
Price of the studies leading to the PhD
Annual PhD tutoring: € 200.
Generic prices
1. University entrance exams €63,67 2. Complementary training requirements for the validation of foreign higher education degrees: (a) Aptitude test/combined exam €116,53 (b) A probationary period corresponding to one of the degrees specified under heading (A) €13,25 / credit (c) A probationary period corresponding to one of the degrees specified under heading (B) €9,37 / credit (d) Project or work €116.53. (e) Tutored courses corresponding to one of the degrees specified under heading A) €13,25 / credit (f) Tutored courses corresponding to one of the degrees specified under heading B) €9,37 / credit 3. Examination for the PhD €117,09 4. Equivalence to academic level of PhD €114,34 1. Issue of academic degrees (a) PhD €183,10 (b) Graduate, architect or engineer, degree, official master's degree €123,10 (c) Undergraduate, architect technician or engineer technician €60,10 (d) Diploma for Advanced Studies. €59,16 (e) Duplicates of official and SET university degrees €28,09 2. Secretary’s Office (a) Opening of academic records at the beginning of studies €22,31 (b) Academic certifications and transcripts €22,31 (c) Issue and maintenance of identity cards €4,79 (d) Request for equivalence of foreign studies €27,09 (e) Request for credits transfer €30,00