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Prices for academic degrees

Public prices for undergraduate, master's and doctoral degrees from Galician Universities are among the cheapest in Spain, far below the average cost of degrees in other autonomous communities.

Public prices for studies leading to official degrees are set by each autonomous community. The Xunta de Galicia, in the Decreto 164/2024, do 24 de xuño, polo que se fixan os prezos públicos pola prestación de servizos académicos e administrativos nas universidades públicas do Sistema universitario de Galicia para o curso académico 2024/25, set public prices for the provision of academic and administrative services in the universities of the Galician University System for the specific academic year. The other public academic prices in force at the USC are fixed by the Social Council of the University of Santiago. 

Generic prices

The contents of this page were updated on 07.08.2024.