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The University of Santiago de Compostela promotes various actions to raise private funds with which to financially support the development of teaching, research and socio-cultural initiatives along three main lines of action: patronage agreements, micro-patronage initiatives and promotion of institutional chairs.

A Law 49/2002, of 23 December, on the tax system for non-profit entities and tax incentives for patronage, allows contributions made in favour of the USC to be considered as actions of patronage as it is a form of personal participation in the performance of activities of general interest and, consequently, allows individuals or legal entities that carry them out to benefit from tax benefits. Patronage contributions can be donations of money, goods or rights or free services. 

The USC arranges patronage actions with personal entities in order to financially support activity programmes around four areas:

  • Education, with actions such as the provision of scholarships for initiation to research, mentoring programmes, support for social responsibility initiatives or the promotion of cultural and sporting offerings.
  • Entrepreneurship, with actions referring to the promotion of business initiatives, training in innovative business management or the valuation of patents.
  • Employability, to fund programmes to recruit and retain talent, encourage exchanges of Academic and Research Staff and students, improve employment opportunities, carry out field internships and reward teaching or research
  • Digital transformation, to promote the development of new communication tools with the university community.

The USC has a strategy for attracting funds and resources (tangible or intangible assets) with an estimated value of less than €3,000 in the form of free or finalist micro-patronage —for specific projects proposed by donors— and collective financing for the execution of singular projects proposed by the USC. 

The USC has developed the Sumo Valor website to support micro-patronage donations:

  • Research work
  • Initiatives of scientific dissemination
  • Promotion of sport and cultural activities
  • Providing scholarships to low-income students
  • Contributions of movable property that can be inventoried
  • Financing of university-company chairs

The institutional chairs of the University of Santiago de Compostela, conceived as R&D&I activities, are unique areas for reflection, debate, study and research in all areas of knowledge. 

The aim of the institutional chairs is to strengthen the relationship between the university community and its economic, social and cultural environment, as well as to activate the attraction of external resources and intensify collaboration between the USC and companies, institutions or foundations in order to develop complementary activities in the fields of teaching, research or the transfer of knowledge to the productive sectors.

The initiative for the creation of USC Chairs can be based on the initiative of the University faculty  —endorsed by some scope of the organic structure of the USC: Department, Faculty, Institute—of university departments, centres or institutes,  but they can also be created at the proposal of foundations, companies, trusts or institutions outside the USC.

The contents of this page were updated on 01.24.2025.