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USC´s Campus Terra and Junior University of Porto make progress in the joint planning of summer camps

Campus Terra de la USC y Universidade Junior de Porto avanzan en el diseño de actuaciones conjuntas en campamentos de verano
Campus Terra de la USC y Universidade Junior de Porto avanzan en el diseño de actuaciones conjuntas en campamentos de verano
The group Science and Technology ¨Young-Scientists (Xuvenciencia)¨ Outreach at USC´s Campus Terra, coordinated by Mercedes Novo Rodríguez and integrated with professors and researchers of distinct...
The group Science and Technology ¨Young-Scientists (Xuvenciencia)¨ Outreach at USC´s Campus Terra, coordinated by Mercedes Novo Rodríguez and integrated with professors and researchers of distinct university centers within the Lugo campus, hosted a work meeting along with the coordinators of the Junior University of Porto with an objective to provoke the youth´s interest in science and research.
The work meeting between coordinators of the Junior University of Porto, the best pre-university education program in Portugal, and the USC´s group ¨Young-Scientists¨ took place in the Vice Rectory of Campus Coordination in Lugo.  The Vice Rector, Javier Bueno, offered a reception for the visiting professors. 
The objective of the bilateral meeting was to tighten connections, analyze potential collaborations, and contemplate future exchanges and mobility of professors and students between the Summer ¨Young-Scientist¨ Camp (Campus de Verano Xuvenciencia) and the Junior University of Porto.  
The work meeting aimed to lay the foundations towards a future internationalization of the Summer ¨Young-Scientist¨ Camp, indicated Novo. 
The contents of this page were updated on 02.25.2022.