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Access and enrollment information

Student Profile 

Access profile without supplementary training:

1) Degree in Chemical Engineering and any of the following master’s from de USC:

  • University Master’s in Chemichal and Bio-process Engineering
  • University Master’s in Chemical and Environmental Processes Engineering.
  • Unvierstiy Master’s in Environmental Engineering
  • as well as those attached to the branch(es) of knowledge in the field of engineering or experimental sciences that grant the student/similar competencies.

2) Students with the Diploma in Advanced Studies obtained through former doctoral programmes in Chemical and Environmental Engineering from the USC.

Other access profiles:

  • Students with other graduate and master's degrees: The Academic Committee evaluates each case individually. The possibility of requiring supplementary training (maximum 15 ECTS credits) will be considered.
  • Students who did not take master's courses: They will need an equivalence of training in research credits, equal to at least the master's degree that provides direct access, which is 60 ECTS credits.

Chemical and Environmental Engineering Program Specific Requirements

Given the characteristics and scientific level of the Doctoral Program, the student must have accredited a minimum level of knowledge of English equivalent to level B1, not only because it is currently the lingua franca of scientific communication at an international level, but because part of the courses, both specific and transversal training, as well as other activities of the program are carried out in English. The level of English will be accredited with the corresponding official certification of those included in the list of accreditations recognized by the Center for Modern Languages (CLM) of the USC for the different levels of the Common European Framework: /en/services/clm/accreditation/. In the event of not having said certification at the time of registration, its acquisition must be demonstrated before 24 months of dedication have elapsed since the beginning of the doctoral studies. Students from a country whose official language and mother tongue is English will be exempt from this requirement.


It is a compulsory requisite for admission in the Doctorate Program to present a viability report or a reference letter of a professor from the Doctorate Program that supports the viability of the future PhD Thesis within the framework of a research line of the program.

The assessment of the admission criteria that CAPD will take into account is as follows:

1.    Academic record (60%): The criterion will be the average of the grades obtained in the master's degree (or DEA or research proficiency)

2.    Research experience and its results (10%): in this section, publications, communications and other scientific contributions to congresses and their suitability to the research lines of the doctoral program will be assessed. Candidates must submit the corresponding documentation that supports the merits claimed.

3.    Professional experience (5%): in this section, the professional experience of the candidates (when related to the research lines of the doctoral program) will be assessed. Candidates must submit supporting documentation (certification of employment life, copy of contracts, scholarships, etc.).

4.    Other aspects indicated in the candidate's CV (10%): in this section, research stays, courses taken and courses taught (when related to the lines of research of the program) and knowledge of English (level B2 or higher) and/or languages other than the mother tongue will be assessed. Candidates must submit supporting documentation.

5.    Personal interview (15%): This section will assess aspects such as motivation and aptitude, communication skills, etc.

More information: Admission criteria

The  Doctorate Program Academic Committee (CAPD), in agreement with the tutor or the director, studying the doctoral student's curriculum will decide on the pertinence of making training complements, contemplated in RD 99/2011. In this case, the list of subjects that must be taken from the postgraduate academic offer of the University of Santiago de Compostela will be defined, considering the specific training required by the doctoral student for the proper development of his/her doctoral thesis.

In this sense, there are currently several Masters related to the program that are:

-Master in Chemical Engineering and Bioprocesses

- Master in Environmental Engineering

These Masters are a source of training complements that is available in case the doctoral student requires it. As a complement of training, a maximum of 15 ECTS can be contemplated, and the subjects that are proposed will be based on the admission profile of the doctoral student and of his doctoral thesis work.

The Academic Committee of the Program will determine which one or which each candidate must take individually, communicating it to the applicant at the time of publication of the provisional list of admitted. The admission may be conditioned to the overcoming of specific training complements.

The accomplishment of these complements will be previous or simultaneous to the tuition in academic tutelage in the program. In the case of simultaneous completion, students must register for these supplements at the time of formalizing the enrollment of academic tutelage in the program, and must be exceeded within a maximum period of three consecutive quarters. Failure to do so, the student will cause loss in the program. In the case of being previous, only these complements will be enrolled and the supervision commitment will not be signed nor will the Document of Activities of the Doctoral student be opened until it is overcoming, and it will not count for the time limit established for the realization of the thesis.

In addition to training complements, there are training activities within the Chemical and Environmental Engineering, both of a transversal nature and of a specific nature, which are courses, lectures and seminars that aim to offer doctoral students and doctorate students complementary training to their research activity. so that students strengthen competences and skills such as the understanding of research methodologies and techniques, scientific documentation processes, techniques and methods of scientific communication and writing research papers.

As a criterion of Quality, the Doctoral Program has as a requirement that PhD students attend at least the five seminars offered in the transversal training activities of the Doctoral Program of the International Doctoral Schools of the USC, or equivalent to throughout his PhD stage.

In order to know the activities offered / recognized by this PhD program, the duration of the Ph.D. student / s has to consult both the section on training activities and news on this website that will be updated regularly, in addition you will receive information about them through your Virtual campus.

Doctoral students from other universities who carry out temporary research stays at the USC must register for the stay at the Academic Management Units during the academic year, with the prior authorisation of the doctoral programme where they will carry out the stay.

more information _ Temporary stays

The contents of this page were updated on 01.03.2024.