Documentary repository of regulations related to Teaching Staff
Legislation of the Autonomous Community of Galicia
Decree 266/2002, of September 6th (D.O.G. of 09-17-2002) on the hiring of teaching staff and of correction of errors
(DOG nº 179, 09-17-2002)
(Correction of errors, DOG no. 221, 11-15-2002)
Rules on the additional payments related to individual teaching, research and management merits of university teaching staff
Protocol of evaluation developed by the Galician Committee of Reports, Evaluation and Accreditation (CGIACA)
Decree 394/2003, of October 16, which creates the Register of Contracted University Professors
DOG of 10/29/2003
II agreement for teaching and research staff at the Universities of A Coruña, Santiago de Compostela and Vigo
Agreement to extend the second collective agreement for teaching and research staff at the universities of A Coruña, Santiago de Compostela and Vigo
DOG (07-29-2013)
Agreement between the University of Santiago de Compostela and the Galician Health Service, for the use of health institutions in university research and teaching
(D.O.G. of June 29, 2001)
(Correction of D.O.G. errors no. 185, September 24, 2001, and no. 194, October 5, 2001)
Addendum to the Agreement between the University of Santiago de Compostela and the Galician Health Service, for the use of health institutions in university research and teaching
Order of December 17, 2018 ordering the publication of the addendum to the agreement between the USC and the SERGAS, for the use of health institutions in university research and teaching
Published in the DOG on 03-01-2019
Positions and selection procedures
USC Professor Selection Regulations
Agreement of the Government Council of 10-11-2023
Regulations governing the procedure for preparing and approving the list of positions of teaching and research staff at the USC
Approved in the Governing Council on 12-20-2004
Agreement of the General Council that repeals the Regulation for the allocation of university professor positions by internal promotion round at the USC
Approved in the Government Council on 11-29-2022
Regulations for quality teaching in foreign languages at the University of Santiago de Compostela (“LEDUS” regulations)
Published on the USC electronic bulletin board on 02/06/2018
Regulation on the change of assignment to the area of knowledge of the teaching staff with permanent link to the USC
Published on the USC electronic bulletin board on 07/29/2020
Regulations for the Emeritus Professorship of the USC
Approved by the Governing Council on 07-18-2019
Amendment to the Regulations for Emeritus Professors of the USC. Consolidated text
Approved in the Government Council on 07-22-2022
Regulations on granting sabbatical leave
Approved by the Governing Council on 06-05-2015
Regulations for honorary teaching staff and research staff
Approved by the Governing Council on 10-29-2019
Regulations that establish the procedure for attention to the reconciliation of the personal and professional life of teachers in the teaching assignment process.
Approved by the Governing Council on 01-26-2023. Published on the electronic notice board on 02-6-2023
Modification of the Regulations for the recognition of the supplement for teaching merits (five-year periods)
Approved in the Government Council on 12/27/2024. Published on the electronic board on 12/30/2024
Agreement on the recognition of the research productivity supplement for assistant professors at USC
Ratified in the Government Council on 11/26/2021
Regulations on the Pension Plan of the University of Santiago
Approved by the Control Commission on December 17, 2004
Regulations on priority of teaching categories and determination of seniority for internal purposes at the USC
Approved in the Governing Council on 06/29/2022 and published on the USC notice board on 07/06/2022