BastAll, the era of the smart cane
The project promoted by Levi Daniel García, Gabriel Chorén, Nerea Balde, Neil dos Reís and Alexandre Carnero has just won the first prize in the fourth edition of the Terra Creative Jam
The project promoted by Levi Daniel García, Gabriel Chorén, Nerea Balde, Neil dos Reís and Alexandre Carnero has just won the first prize in the fourth edition of the Terra Creative Jam
Four entrepreneurs who participated in the Explorer Program at Campus Terra highlight the incubator's help in promoting and shaping their projects
Profesorado do Departamento organiza o XVII Congreso Nacional y IX Iberoamericano de Pedagogía - Xullo 21
Xornadas "Unha mirada as saídas profesionais das educadoras e educadores sociais"
Eleccións á Dirección do Departamento
O profesor Antón Costa Rico, galardoado co Premio Luís Porteiro Garea
O profesor José Manuel Touriñán López, galardoado co Premio EDUCA-REDIPE
Acto de Nomeamento de Miguel Ángel Zabalza Beraza como Doutor Honoris Causa pola Pontificia Universidade Católica de Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil)