The Culture area of the Vice-Chancellor’s Office for Communication, Culture and Services offers different programmes, benefits and services of a cultural nature to the members of the University Community.
Cultural promotion. Support provided by the Vice-Chancellor’s Office to encourage cultural activities and cultural creation.
- Call for Grants for Creation and Projects of Theatre and Dance Groups .
- Technical advice and assistance.
Cultural production. Stable activities sponsored by the Vice-Chancellor’s Office in which members of the university community can actively participate by developing their artistic abilities.
- Theatre Classroom .
- USC Symphony Orchestra.
- Dance Space University Choir. Photography Space and Cinema.
Training and extension Activities aimed at acquiring and broadening knowledge in various artistic activities and disciplines.
- Dramatic art courses from the Theatre classroom.
- Photography courses Dance courses (contemporary, traditional, Latin...) from the Dance Space
- Astronomy Cultural Extension Programme. Summer University
- Orchestral Encounters of the Symphonic Orchestra.
Cultural Dissemination. Organisation of concerts, exhibitions, theatre performances, film screenings and other cultural activities aimed at the university community and society in general
- Meetings, discussions and debates (Nerd Nites...). Monographic cycles of chamber music. Exhibitions, International University Theatre Festival and USC’s University Theatre Exhibition.
- University Dance Encounter USC Heritage .
Cataloguing and preserving the Historical-Artistic Heritage of the USC.
- Restoration workshop
- Enhancing the value of Heritage
- Monthly Agenda .
- Theatre Classroom .
- USC Symphony Orchestra. Dance Space University Choir
- Photography Space and Cinema .
- Astronomy Space
- Audio library
- Booking of spaces
Campus of Compostela
- University Auditorium (closed for work)
- USC Assembly Hall
- Roberto Vidal Bolaño Hall.
- Luisa Cuesta Hall .
- University music library.
- Exhibitions Halls: Colegio de Fonseca and University Church
Campus of Lugo
- Casa del Saber
- Theatre and dance room.
- Photography laboratory.