ECTS credits ECTS credits: 3
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 51 Hours of tutorials: 3 Expository Class: 9 Interactive Classroom: 12 Total: 75
Use languages Spanish, Galician, Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: History of Art, Political Science and Sociology
Areas: History of Art, Psicoloxía Organizacional e Xurídico-Forense
Center Faculty of Economics and Business Studies
Call: First Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable | 1st year (Yes)
- Approximation to the more important Historical-Artistic Values of Urban Heritage.
- Introduction to the Historical Analysis of the Town.
- To refer a Methodology of Interpretation dedicated to the Urban Heritage.
- Planning of Urban Touristic Routes. Objectives of the asignatura
A. Basic knowledge of Social Psychology applied to the Turismo.
B. Analyze and deepen theoretical and methodological contributions arising from Social Psychology for the study of the tourist fact.
C. Promote the development of the social perspective of tourism.
Analysis of the valid rule in subject of relative heritage to the historical city. Methods of analysis and protection of the city and very cultural. Knowledge of the indicadores of state of urban conservation. Put in value and interaction of the distinct normative mechanisms in relation with the cultural heritage urban.
Theoric Sessions
Item 1.- Historical city, heritage and tourism.
1.1.- Introduction.
1.2.- Concepts.
1.3.- Acts.
1.4.- Values.
Item 2.- The evolution of the concept of historical city.
2.1.- Introduction: background.
2.2.- The consolidated city and the existing city.
2.3.- The current values of the historic city.
2.4.- Conclusion.
Item 3.- The historic city as a frame of reference and cultural framework.
3.1.- Introduction.
3.2.- Reference framework.
3.3.- Tourist system.
3.4.- Impact.
3.5.- Conclusion
Item 4.- The protection of urban goods
4.1.- The different regulations
4.2.- The protection derived from the patrimonial legislation
4.2.- Protections in light of urban regulations
Item 5: Heritage and Society: The case of Compostela
5.1.-World Heritage Cities
5.2.- Social heritage before the tourist
5.3.- The tourist impact on the urban landscape
Interactive sessions:
Interactive. Route through Santiago de Compostela. Urban implantation.
1. Social psychology of tourism Turismo.
2. Social Psychology. Attitudes and turismo.
3. Motivation and satisfaction.
Practices are included in this part of the matter in the classroom in which seminars and practical classes will take place (articles, group dynamics, analysis of cases, simulations) that illustrate the theoretical content. It will take contact with the instrumentation and application design.
- Aymonino, C.: El significado de las ciudades. Ed. Blume, Madrid, 1981.
- Castillo, M. A. ed., Ciudades Históricas: conservación y desarrollo, Fundación Argentaria-Visor, Madrid, 2000.
- Consorcio de Santiago. Compostela. Urbanismo y Arquitectura en el ámbito de la ciudad histórica, 1990-2000, presente y futuro.
- Fariña Tojo, J., La protección del patrimonio urbano. Instrumentos normativos, Akal, eds, Madrid, 2000.
- Morales Miranda, A., Guía práctica para la interpretación del patrimonio: el arte de acercar el legado natural y cultural al público visitante. Junta de Andalucía, Sevilla, 1998.
- Mumford, L.: La ciudad en la historia. Ed. Infinito, Buenos Aires, 1976. 2 vols.
- Rossi, A.: La arquitectura de la ciudad. Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 1976.
- Sica, P.: La imagen de la ciudad: de Esparta a Las Vegas. Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 1977.
- Troitiño Vinuesa, M. A., Cascos Antiguos y Centros Históricos: problemas, políticas y dinámicas urbanas, MOPT, Madrid, 1992.
- VV.AA.: Historia del Urbanismo. I.E.A.L., Madrid, 1985. 5 vols.
La ciudad histórica como destino turístico
Manuel de la Calle Vaquero
Ariel, 2002. ISBN 84-344-3632-9
Turismo cultural y gestión de museos
coord. por Javier de Esteban Curiel, Victoria Eugenia Sánchez García, Arta Antonovica
Dykinson, 2013. ISBN 978-84-9031-564-4
Espacio público en la ciudad mediterránea
Almudena Nolasco-Cirugeda (coord.), Leticia Serrano Estrada (coord.), Pablo Martí Ciriquián (coord.)
Bubok Publishing, 2014. ISBN 978-84-15768-68-5
Alegoría del patrimonio
Françoise Choay
Gustavo Gili, 2007. ISBN 84-252-2236-2
Turismo y patrimonio
Beatriz Jiménez Jiménez
Universidad Católica de Avila, 2021. ISBN 978-84-9040-704-2
Turismo, patrimonio y representaciones espaciales
coord. por Ilia Alvarado Sizzo, Álvaro López López, Lourdes Godínez Calderón, José María Casado Izquierdo
PASOS, Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural, 2018. ISBN 978-84-88429-38-4
Turismo y Patrimonio, entramados narrativos
coord. por Llorenç Prats, Agustín Santana Talavera
Asociación Canaria de Antropología, 2011. ISBN 978-84-88429-15-5
Ciudades patrimonio de la humanidad: patrimonio, turismo y recuperación urbana
Miguel Ángel Troitiño Vinuesa (ed. lit.)
Universidad Internacional de Andalucía : Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Cultura, 2008. ISBN 978-84-7993-071-4
Turismo cultural en ciudades Patrimonio de la Humanidad
coord. por Juan Antonio Mondéjar Jiménez, Miguel Angel Gómez Borja
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 2009. ISBN 978-84-8427-586-2
Innovación para la gestión integrada del patrimonio, el paisaje y el turismo
coord. por Antonio Tejedor Cabrera, Mercedes Linares Gómez del Pulgar, Marina López Sánchez, Rebeca Merino del Río
Universidad de Valladolid, Ediciones Universidad de Valladolid : Universidad de Sevilla, Editorial Universidad de Sevilla, 2020. ISBN 9788447229703 Basic Bibliography.
Arias, A. V. Morales, F.J. Nouvilas, E. Pallejá, y Martínez, J.L. (2012).Psicología social aplicada. Madrid: Panamericana.
Castaño, J.M. (2005). Psicología Social de los viajes y del turismo. Madrid: Thomson.
Expósito, F. y Moya, M. (2005) (Coords.). Aplicando la Psicología Social. Madrid: Pirámide.
Martínez, V. (2006). Ocio y turismo en la sociedad actual. Madrid: McGraw-Hill.
Morales, J.F. (2007). Psicología Social. Madrid. MCGraw-Hilll.
Moya, M. (Coord.) (1999). Prácticas de Psicología Social. Madrid: UNED.
Pearce, P. L. (1982). The social psychology of tourist behaviour. Pergamon Press. Oxford.
Quintanilla, I. (2002). Psicología del consumidor.Madrid: Pearson.
San Martín, J.E. (1997). Psicosociología del Ocio y el Turismo. Archidona: Ediciones Aljibe.
Complementary bibliography will facilitate the student guide corresponding to each tema
– G1 Define the urban tourism and the management of tourists companies
– G2 Apply the knowledges purchased to the reality of tourist.
– G5 Communicate information, ideas, problems and proposals of solution to publics.
– E 5 Describe the competitions and functions of the areas of management.
– E 6 Identify the new trends in the management of urban destinations.
– E 7 Define the principles of the sustainable management.
Transversal competitions:
– T2 Show of critical reasoning.
– T3 Analyse and sintetizar the information.
Resultados of the learning process.
After studying this matter, the student will be able of:
- apply the elementary knowledge and indispensable tools for the analysis of individual and collective behavior in his practice
- Explain the theoretical and methodological contributions arising from Social Psychology for the study of the tourist fact.
Competencies of the degree to which contributes the matter:
- Define the urban tourism and the management of tourist companies.
- Apply the knowledge acquired from the reality of the tourism sector.
- Communicate information, ideas, its pluses and minuses and proposed solutions to public specialized and non-specialized
- To identify trends and the dynamics of the tourism markets
- Describe a tourist destination as a system.
Transversal competencies:
- Analyze and synthesize information.
- Work in teams of different composition.
The theoric sessions will explain the fundamental contents of the topics that make up the program, emphasizing particularly relevant aspects and relations between them, and the necessary additional information allowing an adequate development of the autonomous learning process will be provided to students. These interactive sessions will guide to the practical application of the theoretical knowledge and the development of managerial skills. This case studies will be carried out, will discuss readings of texts and articles, and discuss issues raised by the teachers. These activities will students access to relevant sources of information, in particular to magazines of interest, which are familiar with featured authors, meet business experiences of interest to the subject and develop the capacities of analysis, synthesis and resolution of problem in addition, shall draw up a work and expose it orally in class. All this is intended to stimulate cooperative work and develop the analytical, communication and argumentation skills. Personal work of students activities include, in addition to the time dedicated to the study, the reading of the material provided by teachers, finding information in the library, archive or database and the elaboration of a work which will be guided by the teacher in the hours of small group tutoring.
In these it will guide students on the work to be done, case studies and lectures; they will also serve to solve questions and solve problems that face students in the process of learning and as a channel for feedback on the results of the same.
- Teorical Teaching.
Expository teaching focuses on master classes which will encourage the involvement and participation of the students. Audiovisual media, mainly presentations in power point, video clips, movies, will be used generically for...
- Interactive teaching.
The practical teaching will be carried out analysis and discussion of interesting articles, analysis of cases, simulations and group dynamics. Work will be done individually or in groups, with a maximum of five students, as appropriate and directed by the teacher.
- Action tutorial.
Face-to-face mentoring or online for addressing issues related to the training process.
The learning assessment should understand both the process and the result obtained. The
student performance in the subject matter depends, among others, on the combination of two
factors: the effort made and the student's ability. The review undervalued the
result but does not allow accurate support for the learning process. This
process, through ECTS credits, adjusts the ongoing assessment that must be
contribute decisively to encouraging students to follow the process and get involved
more in their own training.
The evaluation will be carried out through two joint and complementary actions:
continuous evaluation, final theoretical-practical testing and voluntary group work.
The first will be developed with the periodic assessment of the interactive ones, with exhibitions
active participation in both theoretical classrooms and seminars, reaching a weight
in the final valuation even 50%.
This percentage shall be applied as follows:
1.- Classroom participation: 10 %
2.- Performing work for the classroom, readings, ect.: 20 %
The final test, which will be theoretical and practical, will have a weight of 70% of the final valuation. In this
proof should be achieved a rating above 2 out of 5. Such evidence will consist of an examination
type test to be developed through the virtual classroom in the computer classrooms of the faculty with the following
Features: 60 questions, sequential navigation, 1 attempt, 90 minutes duration.
In the event that any student could not meet at the May opportunity with the
requirements for continuous evaluation, subject to justification for the reasons
prevent, you will be fixed the singularized procedure through which you can cover that part of the
final qualification through the materials, works and readings arbitrated pole professor.
Such materials must be delivered in good time
evaluation in the virtual classroom, five days before the date set for the examination.
This same procedure will apply to those students who could not comply in the call
July with the requirements for continuous evaluation, always prior to
justification for the reasons that prevent it. In this case such materials will be delivered to the
the day and time when the examination of that call for the subject was set.
Students who are granted the class attendance waiver (following Xeral Secretariat Instruction No. 1/2017 on the waiver of class attendance in certain circumstances) will be evaluated with a specific final test that will account for 100% of the qualification.
Fraudulent conduct of exercises or tests:
For cases of fraudulent conduct of exercises or tests, the requirements of the Evaluation Regulations of the
Academic performance of students and ratings review.ratings review. A continuous and summative evaluation criterion will be applied, with the following weighting in the final score:
- Activities in the classroom (40%). In this section, attendance and participation in all activities (theoretical classes, seminars and other complementary activities), and the quality and relevance of the reports provided by the students will be assessed.
- Preparation and presentation of works related to the competences of the subject (10%). Their quality, originality and relevance will be evaluated.
- Exam (50%). It will consist of a written test and its date will be set on the official calendar of the center.
To pass the course, a minimum attendance of 80% will be required to the programmed face-to-face teaching activities. Repeating students will be exempt from attending the mandatory face-to-face activities, provided that they have previously passed them.
The same evaluation system will be applied in all evaluations. If the student does not pass the subject in the first evaluation in May-jinuo (1st opportunity) in the second evaluation in July (2nd opportunity), the exam will be repeated. In addition, the score obtained in the activities carried out throughout the course will be kept.
Students who are granted a waiver of attendance in accordance with Instruction No. 1/2017 of the General Secretariat on the waiver of attendance to classes in certain circumstances, will be evaluated by means of a written test that will account for 100% of the note.
For cases of fraudulent completion of exercises or tests, the provisions of the Regulations for the evaluation of the academic performance of students and the review of grades will be applied.
- Preparation of Theoretical Part with the Complement of the Bibliography: 2 Hours a Week.
- Preparation of the Practice Part: 1 Hour a Week.
The working hours are distributed as follows:
- Contact hours: hours of expository teaching, interactive teaching, tutorials and evaluation: 27.
- Student's personal work: 48
- Attendance to Theoretical Classes.
- Preparation of Module Work.
Other complementary activities for a more complete development of the subject: practices of field, visits to museums and exhibitions, assistance to conferences, cycles of cinema, ect.
Ivan Moure Pazos
- Department
- History of Art
- Area
- History of Art
- ivan.moure [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Manuel Vilariño Vazquez
Coordinador/a- Department
- Political Science and Sociology
- Area
- Psicoloxía Organizacional e Xurídico-Forense
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Sara Carreño López
Coordinador/a- Department
- History of Art
- Area
- History of Art
- sara.carreno [at]
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) PhD Assistant Professor
Friday | |||
16:00-17:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | Classroom 18 |
17:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLIS_01 | Spanish | Classroom 18 |
01.24.2025 17:00-19:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 18 |
01.24.2025 17:00-19:00 | Grupo /CLIS_01 | Classroom 18 |
07.01.2025 17:00-19:00 | Grupo /CLIS_01 | Classroom 18 |
07.01.2025 17:00-19:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 18 |