ECTS credits ECTS credits: 6
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Total: 0
Use languages Spanish, Galician, English
Type: Training complements PhD RD99/2011
Departments: Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Applied Physics, Particle Physics
Areas: Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Applied Physics, Condensed Matter Physics
Center Faculty of Physics
Call: Annual
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable
Objectives: To inform students about the composition and structure of the different types of materials and the relationships between these characteristics and their main properties and applications. The main processes associated with materials and their handling will also be reviewed.
Chapter 1.- Introduction.
1.1.- Materials and Civilization.
1.2.- Materials and Engineering.
1.3.- Structure, Properties and uses of materials.
1.4.- Types of Materials.
Chapter 2.- Atoms, chemical bonds and Coordination.
2.1.- Atoms and Ions.
2.2.- Chemical bonds.
2.3.- Molecules.
2.4.- Coordination.
Chapter 3.- Atomic order in solids.
3.1.- Crystals.
3.2.- Symmetry.
3.3.- Crystalline systems.
3.4.- Polymorphism and isomorphism.
3.5.- Diffraction of X Rays by crystals.
Chapter 4.- Atomic disorder in solids.
4.1. Impurities in solids.
4.2.- Solid solutions.
4.3. Imperfections and crystalline defects.
4.4.- Amorphous materials.
4.5.- Atomic diffusion. Diffusion processes.
Chapter 5.- Thermodynamics and equilibrium.
5.1.- Introduction. Balances.
5.2.- Thermodynamics of phase diagrams.
5.3.- Systems of a component.
5.4.- Binary systems.
5.5.- Ternary systems.
Chapter 6.- Sintering.
6.1.- Diffusion in solids.
6.2.- Reactions in solids.
6.3.- Sintering.
6.4.- Processing of materials. Processes.
6.5.- Microstructures.
Chapter 7.- Metals
7.1.- Metals and alloys.
7.2.- Metal processing.
7.3.- Alloys of one and two phases.
7.4.- Elastic deformation in metals.
7.5.- Plastic deformations in metals.
7.6.- Recrystallization.
7.7. Properties of polycrystalline metals.
7.8.- Corrosion.
Annex: Steels and smelt of metals
A.1.- Fe-C diagram.
A.2.- Processing. Thermal treatments
A.3.- Properties.
A.4.- Uses.
Chapter 8.- Polymers.
8.1.- Giant molecules.
8.2.- Linear polymers
8.3.- Three-dimensional polymers
8.4.- Variations in molecular structures.
8.5.- Glass transition temperature.
8.6.- Molecular crystals.
8.7.- Deformation in polymers.
8.8.- Processing of polymers.
Annex: Industrial Plastics.
A.1.- Types.
A.2.- Obtaining and processing.
A.3.- Properties.
A.4.- Applications.
Chapter 9.- Ceramics.
9.1.- Ceramic phases.
9.2.- Types of ceramic compounds. Oxides, Silicates and non-oxidic ceramics.
Fracture in ceramics.
9.4.- Ceramic material processing.
9.5.- Advanced ceramics.
9.6.- Refractories.
Annex: Porcelain.
A.1.- Al2O3-SiO2-K2O diagram.
A.2.- Processing.
A.3.- Properties.
A.4.- Uses.
Chapter 10.- Composites.
10.1.- Types of composite materials.
10.2.- Reinforced materials.
10.3.- Mechanical properties. Fracture.
10.4.- Reinforcement mechanisms.
10.5.- Multilayer material.
Annex.- Polyester/glass fibre.
A.1.- Composition.
A.2.- Processing.
A.3.- Properties.
A4.- Uses.
Chapter 11.- Nanomaterials.
11.1.- Materials at nanometric scale.
11.2.- Synthesis of nanoparticles.
11.3.- Properties and applications of nanomaterials.
11.4.- Nanocrystalline coatings.
11.5.- One-dimensional nanomaterials.
11.6.- Nanomaterials of technological interest. Nanomaterials with biological activity.
11.7.- Characterization methods for nanomaterials.
Chapter 12.- Selection of materials. Introduction
12.1.- Design of materials.
Bases of the selection process. Selection criteria.
12.3.- Matter and forms.
12.4.- Matter and processing.
12.5.- Expert systems.
12.6.- Examples of material selection.
Basic Bibliography.
-Callister: Ciencia e ingeniería de materiales. Ed. Reverté.
Complementary Bibliography.
-Van Vlack: Elements of Materials Science and Engineering. Ed. Addison-Wesley.
-Bolton: Engineering Materials and Technology. Ed. Bolton.
-De Saja: Introducción a la física de los materiales. Ed. Serv. Publicaciones. Universidad de Valladolid.
-Albella, Cintas, Miranda y Serratosa: Introducción a la ciencia de materiales. Ed. CSIC. Madrid.
It is intended that the student at the end of the course:
- Have basic knowledge about the constitution of solids, and their main characteristics.
- Know the basic work techniques in science and technology of materials.
- Be able to solve simple problems of design and processing of materials.
The course is structured in 40 hours of expository classes and 20 hours of practices and seminars. Theoretical classes will be given in the classroom, with the support of computer projections and transparencies, and practical classes in seminars and practices.
The students will carry out various types of work:
- A work carried out in groups of two or three students, referring to a ceramic material, which will include a summary on the nature, preparation and properties of the material, its uses and its market.
- An individual report on the course, which includes: the programme of the commented subject, a summary of practices and seminars.
- A report of each one of the visits to factories carried out.
The course will include visits to factories, estimated at three per course. Each visit will be prepared beforehand with a small exhibition about the company, its manufacturing process, its products and its situation in the market.
50% continuous evaluation; 50% examination.
The continuous evaluation includes work prepared by the student and internships.
In cases of fraudulent completion of exercises or tests, the following will apply to the provisions of the "Regulations for evaluating students' academic performance and reviewing grades":
"Article 16. Fraudulent performance of exercises or tests.
The fraudulent performance of any exercise or test required in the evaluation of a subject will imply the qualification of failed in the corresponding call, regardless of the disciplinary process that may be followed against the offending student. It is considered fraudulent, among other things, the realization of plagiarized works or obtained from sources accessible to the public without re-elaboration or reinterpretation and without citations to the authors and the sources ”.
Distribution of activities in hours:
Student's face-to-face work:
Theoretical classes.............................................40h
Evaluation activities............................................2h
TOTAL classroom work........................................64 hours
Student's personal work
Autonomous study....................................................56h
Design, preparation and elaboration of works...............15h
Recommended readings............................................10h
Preparation of presentations, debates, etc....................5h
TOTAL personal work................................................86 hours
It is recommended to have a basic knowledge of chemistry, physics, and physical chemistry as a basis for the study and understanding of Materials Science.