ECTS credits ECTS credits: 6
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Total: 0
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Training complements PhD RD99/2011
Departments: Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Applied Physics, Particle Physics
Areas: Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Applied Physics, Condensed Matter Physics
Center Faculty of Physics
Call: Annual
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable
The aim of the course is to initiate the students in the experimental techniques used in Materials Science from a practical point of view.
General aspects. Introduction and applications of thermal analysis. Thermogravimetry (TGA). Differential thermal analysis (DTA). Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Thermomechanical analysis (TM). Interpretation of results: glass transitions, fusions, crystallizations.
2.1-Molecular spectroscopies.
Infrared spectroscopy (IR) visible and ultraviolet (UV)
Infrared absorption spectra. Dispersive infrared spectrophotometer. Fourier-transform infrared spectrophotometer (FTIR). Absorption spectra in the visible and ultraviolet. Fluorescence and phosphorescence. Photometers. Spectrophotometer in the visible and ultraviolet spectrum.
Raman Spectroscopy
The Raman effect. Applications. Experimental techniques.
2.2-Atomic spectroscopies.
Emission and absortion atomic spectroscopies.
X ray fluorescence spectroscopy.
Basics. The NMR spectrum. Applications to the study of materials.
- Optical Microscopy: Components of the optical microscope. Resolution aberrations: chromatic, spherical and astimagtism.
- Scanning electron Microscopy (SEM): Optical vs electron microscopy. Schematic of a SEM. Elastic interaction: electron diffraction. Inelastic interaction: processes generating X-rays
- Transmission electron microscopy (TEM): Schematic of a TEM. Basics. Electron diffraction. Interpretation of diffraction patterns. Types of TEM.
- Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM): The tunnel effect. Tunneling spectroscopy. The atomic force microscope.
X-ray Diffraction. Basics. Components of a X-ray diffractometer. Electron diffraction. Neutron diffraction. Applications.
Determination of mechanical properties. Testing machines. Hardness measurements. Microstructural determinations: specific surface area, porosity, particle size. Other trials.
The literature of the subject is too extensive to be reflected here. Each technique studied in the program should have two or three recommended references and include them all here is manifestly impossible.
Basic bibliography:
Introduction to Materials Science: preparation and characterization techniques. Albella, J. M; Tapes, A. M.; Miranda, T.; Serratosa, J. M. Editorial CSIC, 1993.
1. Knowledge of techniques of analysis and characterization of materials.
2. Understanding the nature, fundaments and characteristics of these techniques.
3. Study of the application of each of the techniques.
Improve the students' abilities in typical problems arising in materials science. The course will also improve the ability to work in groups, and to prepare technical reports.
The course includes 60 hours of lectures and 15 hours of seminars and laboratory classes. For the lectures transparencies and computer projections will be used. The laboratory classes will be in the laboratories of the General Services, the Institute of Ceramics, and the different departments involved.
Students will complete several types of work:
• A study conducted in groups (of two or three) concerning the characterization of a material, and about the experimental technique used.
• An individual report about the course syllabus, and a summary of the work done in laboratories and seminars.
50% continuous assessment (this includes the work in the laboratories and the reports prepared by the students)
50% exams.
Lectures ........................60h
Laboratory.................... 15h
Tutoring course work .... 10h
Evaluation activities ..... . 5h
TOTAL ......................... 90h
Personal work:
study .................................... 20h
preparation of reports ............ 15h
Recommended Reading .......... 15h
Preparation of presentations ... 10h
TOTAL .................................. 60h of personal work
knowledge of physics, chemistry, physical chemistry and, of course, materials science
Tutorials will be online or in person, and will require an appointment