ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 3ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 51
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 9
Interactive Classroom: 12
Total: 75Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Financial Economics and Accounting, Applied Physics, Chemistry Engineering, Plant Production and Engineering ProjectsAreas:
Financial Economics and Accounting, Applied Physics, Chemical Engineering, Engineering ProjectsCenter
Faculty of PhysicsCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
At the end of the study of the subject, the students will know how to evaluate the economic viability of a renewable energy project and to organize its administrative management, evaluate the economic and financial risks associated with the investment it must manage, and the various legal aspects and technicians who must assist in its formulation.
General concepts about investment projects and their feasibility analysis: structure and design of a project; feasibility analysis of a project. Basic financial concepts: value of money over time; economic-financial structure and business benefit. Analysis of the economic and financial viability of a project: classic methods of selecting an investment; valuation through real options.
Basic bibliography:
Idae. Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía. https://www.idae.es/
Morales Plaza, J.I. (2012): La transición de un modelo económico "energívoro" a un modelo económico sostenible. Marcial Pons, Ediciones Jurídicas y Sociales. Disponible en: https://www.marcialpons.es/media/pdf/9788497689779.pdf
Complementary bibliography:
Amaru, A.C. (2008): Administración para emprendedores. Fundamentos para la creación y gestión de nuevos negocios. Pearson.
Castro Abancens, I. (2010): Creación de empresas para emprendedores: guía para la elaboración de un plan de negocio. Pirámide.
Morales Plaza, José I. (2012): Las claves del éxito de la inversión en energías renovables. Marcial Pons, Ediciones Jurídicas y Sociales.
Rodríguez Sandiás, A. (2013): Modelos de Análisis y Valoración de Proyectos, Ed. Andavira.BASIC AND GENERAL
CB7 - That students know how to apply the knowledge acquired and their ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study
CB8 - That students are able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of making judgments based on information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments
CB9 - That students know how to communicate their conclusions and the knowledge and ultimate reasons that sustain them to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way
CB10 - That students have the learning skills that allow them to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous.
CG03 - Ability to carry out studies of planning and design of energy solutions in the field of renewable energies and sustainability and climate change, whether they are planning models or for their application to facilities.
CG04 - Dimension, execute, explore, maintain, manage and evaluate works and installations of renewable technologies
CG09 - Use of the scientific bases applicable in the field of renewable energies, sustainability and energy efficiency to compare and select the most efficient and sustainable alternatives in different socio-economic contexts
CG08 - Understand the social, legal and economic factors involved in the implementation of renewable energies within the framework of sustainability
CG07 - Know the basic legislation at national and regional level related to the field of renewable energies, and be able to access the available bibliographical bases and have the capacity to interpret them.
CT01 - Work effectively in interdisciplinary teams, as well as independently and with initiative.
CT13 - Ability to analyze the demands, needs and expectations of the market.
CE02 - Develop skills in the field of design, implementation, operation and maintenance of efficient, renewable and sustainable energy installations, applying modeling, planning and optimization tools
CE03 - Advise in the development of projects related to renewable energies and energy sustainability, analyze, from the technical, economic and social point of view, energy projects and propose specific and innovative solutions for companies and individuals
CE12 - Use the concepts and sources of law (legal, doctrinal and jurisprudential) to protect the environment and interpret and apply international and domestic legal norms to the regulation and promotion of renewable energies and sustainable development.The program covers a wide range of topics that are considered fundamental in the field of the subject. In the classroom hours of teaching will try to focus on the most relevant and novel aspects for the student, and a more superficial review of those already treated in other subjects but considered important to understand the Analysis and Valuation of Investment Projects in renewable energy. During the course, reference will be made to the specific bibliography to be used to expand the knowledge acquired in each subject.
In the hours of weekly teaching will try to follow the methodological guidelines mentioned below:
- Reconcile the logical rigor of the Financial Theory with the necessary expository clarity that allows a better understanding of the concepts treated, by using examples that specify the concepts introduced and the results obtained.
- The theoretical demonstrations and the mathematical training of the models analyzed will be the subject of attention on numerous occasions in order to introduce students to the use of them before using the computer tools.
- It will be supported by the appropriate IT tools at all times.
- Solve exercises that allow the student to practice and check the assimilation of the exposed contents, either in the classroom or in the computer classroom.
- Promote teamwork both within the teaching center and had been his.
- Encourage dialogue in the classroom and active participation in class.
Students will receive the support of the virtual campus of the USC through the virtual classroom of the subject, in which the periodic programming of the classes and the corresponding supporting material will be offered, both for the lecture and interactive sessions.For all students (including students with exemption to attend classes), all opportunities and all calls:
Exam: 50%
Activities: 40%
Tutorial sessions: 10%
In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of the Regulations for the evaluation of student academic performance and review of grades will apply.
Competence assessment:
- Activities and tutorial sessions: CB7 CB8 CB9 CB10 CG03 CG04 CG07 CG08 CG09 CT01 CT13 CE02 CE03 CE12
Master Classes 9 100
Interactive teaching Computer room 12 100
Group tutoring 3 100
Personal work of the student and other activities 51 0Attend class.
Follow the subject day by day.
Perform the activities.
Personal workClasses will be taught in Galician and Spanish.
Juan Ramon Piñeiro Chousa
- Department
- Financial Economics and Accounting
- Area
- Financial Economics and Accounting
- j.pineiro@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Jose Antonio Rodriguez Añon
Coordinador/a- Department
- Applied Physics
- Area
- Applied Physics
- Phone
- 881814005
- ja.rodriguez.anon@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Pastora Maria Bello Bugallo
- Department
- Chemistry Engineering
- Area
- Chemical Engineering
- Phone
- 881816789
- pastora.bello.bugallo@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: Temporary PhD professor
José Francisco Vaamonde Longueira
- Department
- Plant Production and Engineering Projects
- Area
- Engineering Projects
- josefrancisco.vaamonde@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: LOSU (Organic Law Of University System) Associate University Professor
2º Semester - March 03rd-09th Wednesday 10:00-12:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Boardroom - Block II Thursday 10:00-12:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Boardroom - Block II Friday 10:00-12:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Boardroom - Block II Exams 05.13.2025 09:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom C 06.20.2025 09:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom C