ECTS credits ECTS credits: 3
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Hours of tutorials: 4 Expository Class: 10 Interactive Classroom: 16 Total: 30
Use languages Spanish, Galician, English
Type: Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Applied Physics, Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology, External department linked to the degrees
Areas: Applied Physics, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology, Área externa M.U en Nanociencia e Nanotecnoloxía
Center Faculty of Pharmacy
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: Sin Docencia (Ofertada)
Enrolment: No Matriculable (Sólo Alumnado Repetidor)
This subject addresses the applications and characterization of nanomaterials from the point of view of their mechanical properties. Among its objectives are to learn about the fundamentals of micro- and nano-electromechanical devices and to understand the reasons why the mechanical properties of nanomaterials are different from those of macroscopic materials. Some methods for testing the mechanical properties of nanomaterials will also be released and practiced. In parallel, all these mechanical characteristics of nanomaterials will be related to their applications.
Theory class program (10 h)
Unit 1.- Principles of operation, manufacturing techniques and integration systems for MEMS and NEMS. MEMS / NEMS application in new devices.
Unit 2.- Mechanical properties of nanomaterials (nanoparticles, nanofibers and nanotubes) and nanostructured materials.
Unit 3.- Mechanical characterization methods. Atomic force microscope, nanoindentation, tensile, compression, flexion, torsion, resonance, adhesion, toughness and fracture tests. Tribology y Nanotribology.
Unit 4.- Structural applications of nanomaterials. Nano-composite, nano-structured materials, tribological applications.
Interactive class program (10 h)
In the seminars and practical blackboard classes, students will discuss and solve questions and problems related to the subject. In preparation for the seminars, subject teachers will provide students with research papers or technical reports that address subject-specific case studies, these papers will be discussed in the seminars. In the blackboard practical classes, problems will be solved that apply the theoretical knowledge presented in the expository classes.
Practical classes program (6 h)
Practice 1. Micro-indentation with Vickers durometer (3 h)
Practice 2. Tension, compression, flexion and fatigue tests with a high precision electrodynamic test system (3 h)
Practice 3. Friction and wear tests. Characterization of surfaces with 3D profilometry (1h)
Basic bibliography
Nanomaterials. Mechanics and Mechanisms. K.T. Ramesh. Springer US. 2009.
Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology. 4th ed. B. Bhushan. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg. 2017.
- Mechanical properties of materials. Pelleg, J. Springer Netherlands.2013.
- Foundations of nanomechanics: from solid-state theory to device applications. Cleland, A. N. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 2013.
Further reading
Current scientific literature, review articles and specific cases of interest for the study, provided by the teaching staff of the subject.
CB6: Possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and / or application of ideas, often in a research context.
CG2: Know how to apply knowledge to problem solving in the multidisciplinary field of research and innovation related to nanoscience and nanotechnology.
CG3: Be able to identify scientific theories and models and suitable methodological approaches for the design and evaluation of nanostructured materials.
CT1: Know how to independently plan a research project.
CT2: Know how to develop collaborative work in multidisciplinary teams.
CT3: Use Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) as a tool for the transmission of knowledge, results and conclusions in specialized fields in a clear and rigorous way.
CT4: Have the capacity to manage research, development and technological innovation in nanoscience and nanotechnology.
CT5: Know how to apply the principles contained in The European Charter & Code for Researchers.
CE01 - Know the terminology of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.
CE02 - Interrelate the chemical structure, architecture or arrangement of the nanostructured material with its chemical, physical and biological properties.
CE05 - Evaluate the relationships and differences between the properties of materials on a macro, micro and nano scale
CE06 - Know the main techniques for characterizing nanostructured materials.
CE08 - Know the main applications of nanomaterials in various fields of knowledge such as physics, chemistry, engineering, biomedicine, biotechnology, or art, among others.
Theoretical classes with student participation.
Discussion of practical cases in seminars with the support of computer methods and a blackboard.
Problem-based learning
Attendance at conferences or round tables
The evaluation will consist of:
Written exam on basic content of the subject (70% of the grade). The examination of the subject, which will be carried out on the date indicated in the corresponding course guide, will consist of short answer questions and problem solving.
Active participation in seminars and practical classes (30% of the grade). Active participation in seminars and laboratory practices will be evaluated. This evaluation will also be carried out through the delivery of practice reports and a written assignment.
In cases of fraudulent completion of exercises or tests, the following will apply to the provisions of the "Regulations for evaluating students' academic performance and reviewing grades":
"Article 16. Fraudulent performance of exercises or tests.
The fraudulent performance of any exercise or test required in the evaluation of a subject will imply the qualification of failed in the corresponding call, regardless of the disciplinary process that may be followed against the offending student. It is considered fraudulent, among other things, the realization of plagiarized works or obtained from sources accessible to the public without re-elaboration or reinterpretation and without citations to the authors and the sources ”.
The hours of face-to-face training activities are 26. The hours of personal work of the student are estimated at 45.
The student should avoid the simple memory effort and guide the study to understand, reason and relate the contents of the subject. Participation in interactive activities will allow the student a better understanding of the aspects developed in the expository classes, which will facilitate the preparation of the final exam.
In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of the Regulations for the evaluation of student academic performance and review of grades will apply.