ECTS credits ECTS credits: 3
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Hours of tutorials: 3 Expository Class: 10 Interactive Classroom: 17 Total: 30
Use languages Spanish, Galician, English
Type: Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Applied Physics, External department linked to the degrees, Particle Physics
Areas: Applied Physics, Área externa M.U en Nanociencia e Nanotecnoloxía, Condensed Matter Physics
Center Faculty of Pharmacy
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: Sin Docencia (Ofertada)
Enrolment: No Matriculable (Sólo Alumnado Repetidor)
1) Familiarize students with the physical principles on which current biomedical imaging systems are based, and how nanotechnology can help improve their resolution and sensitivity limits.
2) Familiarize students with the different methodologies currently available to perform a diagnostic analysis of a disease/pathology accurately, and based on the detection of biomarkers such as antibodies, proteins, or DNA/RNA fragments. In addition, the concepts on which the new biodetection methodologies are based in which nanotechnology plays a key role will be introduced in this regard, thanks, for example, to the exploitation of the properties of materials at the nanoscale, such as all those related to optical detection.
3) Introduce the student to a new branch of nanomedicine, such as the manufacture and characterization of so-called theragnostic systems, that is, those nanostructures capable of establishing and/or improving a high quality biomedical image, while serving to initiate in a totally controlled way a therapeutic action to treat the detected pathology.
Introduction to diagnostic techniques: X-rays; magnetic resonance imaging; computed tomography; optical coherence tomography; single emission tomography; positron emission tomography; photoacoustic image, ultrasound image.
Nanodiagnosis: Introduction to medical diagnosis. Biomarkers. Antibody-based diagnostic techniques. Genetic diagnostic techniques. Diagnostic techniques based on immunoassays (Dot blot, Western blot, ELISA, lateral flow). Diagnostic technique based on plasmon sensors (SERS, SEF, FRET). Diagnostic techniques based on microfluidics platforms (lab on a chip).
Nano theragnosis: Nanostructured systems for diagnosis and simultaneous therapy. Physical and chemical requirements. Types of theragnostic systems. Activable theragnostic systems. Stability. Functionalities. Degradability.
Nanotechnology for biomedical imaging and diagnostics: from nanoparticle design to clinical
applications. Mikhail Y. Berezin. Wiley, 2015.
Fundamentals of medical imaging / Paul Suetens ; Suetens, Paul. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2005.
Advances in Nanotheranostics I. Design and Fabrication of Theranosic Nanoparticles. Zhifei
Dai. Springer, 2016.
Complementary bibliography:
Design and applications of nanoparticles in biomedical imaging. Jeff W.M. Bulte, Michel M.J.
Modo. Springer, 2016.
Nanotheranostics Applications and Limitations by Mahendra Rai, Bushra Jamil (Eds.) Springer.
Clinical Oncology for Medical Students: Cancer biology: Molecular and genetic basis. (Version URL:…)
Diagnóstico clínico y tratamiento. Maxine A. Papadakis, Stephen J. McPhee, Michael W. Rabow.
McGraw.Hill, 2017.
CB7: That students know how to apply the acquired knowledge and their problem-solving capacity in new or little-known settings within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study;
CB9: That the students know how to communicate their conclusions and the ultimate knowledge and reasons that support them to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way;
CG3: Be able to identify scientific theories and models and suitable methodological approaches for the design and evaluation of nanostructured materials.
CG4: Have the ability to understand the social and ethical responsibilities arising from research, development and innovation in the area of nanoscience and nanotechnology.
CG5: Have knowledge and skills to participate in research projects and scientific or technological collaborations, in interdisciplinary contexts and with a high component of knowledge transfer.
CG7: Be able to safely use nanomaterials safely, respecting current regulations on the prevention of occupational hazards and waste treatment.
CG9: Have the ability to communicate orally and in writing and scientific interaction with professionals from other areas of knowledge.
CG10: Acquire the necessary training to be able to join future doctoral studies in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, or in related fields.
CT2: Know how to develop collaborative work in multidisciplinary teams.
CT4: Have the capacity to manage research, development and technological innovation in nanoscience and nanotechnology.
CE05 - Evaluate the relationships and differences between the properties of materials on a macro, micro and nano scale.
CE07 - Know the interactions of nanostructured materials with living things and the environment.
CE08 - Know the main applications of nanomaterials in various fields of knowledge such as physics, chemistry, engineering, biomedicine, biotechnology, or art, among others.
CE10- Understand the design and characterization stages of nanostructured systems for the release of active substances and/or encapsulation/confinement of biomarkers or harmful substances, evaluation of their efficacy and safety.
a) Large group blackboard classes (expository).
The theoretical contents of each topic will be exposed deductively with the support of audiovisual media, using the whiteboard and the material available in the Virtual Classroom as an instrument of clarification.
b) Blackboard classes in small groups (interactive seminars).
Fundamentally practical classes in which we will proceed to the discussion of cases and practical exercises, made available to the students with enough advance through the virtual Classroom, in addition to the oral presentation and debate of previously proposed and prepared topics, and attendance at conferences and / or round tables.
The objective is that students apply the theoretical knowledge acquired to the resolution of practical problems, which will help them assimilate the contents of this subject. Student participation is essential here. In addition, the clarification of doubts about theoretical and practical aspects that the student may have when solving the cases and exercises, as well as the supervision, presentation, presentation, debate or comments on proposed works or any other proposed activity, will be carried out both individually and in groups. This activity by the students will be included in their evaluation.
c) Laboratory classes, where students will become familiar with the mechanisms for obtaining nanostructured systems for diagnosis, putting into practice what they have learned in the lectures.
d) Tutoring classes
They are oriented to the resolution of doubts and specific difficulties of a theoretical, conceptual and / or practical nature, paying individual attention to the student or student who needs it, both in person and electronically and whenever the student requests it in advance.
The evaluation will consist of:
- Written exam on the basic contents of the subject (50% of the grade). The exam of the subject, which will be held on the date indicated in the corresponding course guide, will consist of short answer questions and problem solving. The maximum score will be 5 points. A minimum score of 2 points is required in this part for the scores of the other two items that are valued to be computed.
- Active participation in seminars and practical classes (30% of the grade). Active participation in seminars and laboratory practices will be evaluated. This evaluation will be carried out through the resolution of questions and problems raised in class, the presentation of works and the intervention in the debates that may arise. The maximum score will be 3 points.
- Oral presentations (20% of the grade). Expository clarity and the ability to answer the questions that will be asked will be evaluated. The maximum score will be 2 points.
The number of hours for personal work is 75 (30 face-to-face training activities + 45 personal student work).
The student should avoid the simple memory effort and guide the study to understand, reason and relate the contents of the subject. Participation in interactive activities will allow the student a better understanding of the aspects developed in the expository classes, which will facilitate the preparation of the final exam.