ECTS credits ECTS credits: 3
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Hours of tutorials: 3 Expository Class: 10 Interactive Classroom: 17 Total: 30
Use languages Spanish, Galician, English
Type: Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Applied Physics, Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology
Areas: Applied Physics, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology
Center Faculty of Pharmacy
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: Sin Docencia (Ofertada)
Enrolment: No Matriculable (Sólo Alumnado Repetidor)
This course aims to introduce students to the application of nanofabrication processes and the application of such nanotechnologies in tissue regeneration. This objective includes:
- Understand the fundamental concepts in regenerative biomedicine,
- Understand the processes of tissue healing, repair and regeneration.
- Know the advantages offered by nanotechnology in the field of regenerative medicine.
- Know the possibilities offered by the incorporation of nanostructures in the design of tissue scaffolds.
- Know techniques for the preparation and characterization of 2D and 3D nanostructured tissue scaffolds.
1. Nanofabrication and characterization of scaffolds
to. Gels and self-assembled systems (2 h)
b. Composites (1h)
c. Supercritical fluids and aerogels (1.5 h)
d. Electrospinning and bioprinting (1.5 h)
2. Tissue engineering
to. Introduction to regenerative medicine: regeneration processes, fibrosis, scaffold vs. implant (1h).
b. Cell modulation through biomechanics, cell adhesion, roughness and nanostructure (1.5 h).
c. Active substance release systems with application in regenerative medicine: conventional drug delivery systems, sustained protein release, gene therapies (1.5 h).
1. Seminars and practical blackboard classes: explanation of practical cases and discussion of related publications.
i. Topics 1A and 1B: 3 h
ii. Topics 1C and 1D: 1 h
iii. Topics 2A, 2B and 2C: 4 h
2. Explanation, tutoring and oral presentation of an individual work aimed at applying the student's knowledge of nanotechnology to tissue regeneration (3 h).
3. Assessment and exams (2 h).
1. Processing of hydrogels, aerogels and composites; applications and techniques of textural characterization of nanostructures: 4h.
2. Workshop on components and operation of equipment with supercritical fluids, 3D bioprinting and electrospinning: 2h.
Workshop of resolution of doubts of the subject (1h).
Ramalingam, Murugan. Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine: a nano approach. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2013. ISBN: 9781439881859. Biblioteca de Farmacia, Sinatura FA-689.
3D printing and nanotechnology in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. L.G. Zhang, J.P. Fisher, K.W. Leong. Elsevier, 2015.
Current scientific literature (review articles and tutorials) provided by the teaching staff of the subject focused on specific aspects and technologies.
CB6: Possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and / or application of ideas, often in a research context.
CB7: That students know how to apply the acquired knowledge and their problem-solving capacity in new or little-known environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study;
CB9: That the students know how to communicate their conclusions –and the ultimate knowledge and reasons that support them– to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way;
CB10: That students possess the learning skills that allow them to continue studying in a way that will have to be largely self-directed or autonomous.
CG1: Master information retrieval techniques related to primary and secondary information sources (including databases with the use of a computer) and critical analysis of information, in Spanish and English.
CG2: Know how to apply knowledge to problem solving in the multidisciplinary field of research and innovation related to nanoscience and nanotechnology.
CG3: Be able to identify scientific theories and models and suitable methodological approaches for the design and evaluation of nanostructured materials.
CG5: Have knowledge and skills to participate in research projects and scientific or technological collaborations, in interdisciplinary contexts and with a high component of knowledge transfer.
CG7: Be able to safely use nanomaterials in a safe way, respecting current regulations on the prevention of occupational hazards and waste treatment.
CG10: Acquire the necessary training to be able to join future doctoral studies in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, or in related fields.
CT2: Know how to develop collaborative work in multidisciplinary teams.
CT4: Have the capacity to manage research, development and technological innovation in nanoscience and nanotechnology.
CE02 - Interrelate the chemical structure, architecture or arrangement of the nanostructured material with its chemical, physical and biological properties.
CE03 - Acquire conceptual and practical knowledge about self-assembly and self-organization processes in macromolecular systems that are necessary for the design of new nanomaterials and nanostructures
CE04- Know the main techniques for preparing small and large scale nanomaterials.
CE07 - Know the interactions of nanostructured materials with living things and the environment.
CE08 - Know the main applications of nanomaterials in various fields of knowledge such as physics, chemistry, engineering, biomedicine, biotechnology, or art, among others.
CE10- Understand the design and characterization stages of nanostructured systems for the release of active substances and / or encapsulation / confinement of biomarkers or harmful substances, evaluation of their efficacy and safety.
- Theoretical classes with student participation.
- Discussion of practical cases in seminars with the support of computer methods and a blackboard.
- Problem-based learning.
- Oral presentations of previously prepared topics, followed by debate with the participation of students and teachers.
- Attendance at conferences or round tables.
- Practices: demonstrations of the use of devices used in nanofabrication. The practices of the subject will be carried out at the University of Santiago de Compostela and the student must move there by their own means.
The evaluation will consist of:
- Written exam on the basic contents of the subject (50% of the grade). The examination of the subject, which will take place on the date indicated in the corresponding course guide, will consist of test questions and / or short answers (including problems). It is required to obtain more than 45% of the note in this section to pass the subject.
- Active participation in seminars, practical classes and work evaluation (35% of the grade). Active participation in seminars and laboratory practices will be evaluated. This evaluation will be carried out through the resolution of questions and problems raised in class, the presentation of work and the intervention in the debates that may arise.
The hours of face-to-face training activities are 30. The hours of personal work of the student are estimated at 45.
The student should avoid the simple memory effort and guide the study to understand, reason and relate the contents of the subject. Participation in interactive activities will allow the student a better understanding of the aspects developed in the expository classes, which will facilitate the preparation of the final exam.