ECTS credits ECTS credits: 6
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Hours of tutorials: 2 Expository Class: Interactive Classroom: 0.6 Total: 2.6
Use languages Spanish, Galician, English
Type: Work placements for Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Physiology, Applied Physics, Physical Chemistry, Electronics and Computing, Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology, Functional Biology, Particle Physics
Areas: Physiology, Applied Physics, Physical Chemistry, Computer Architecture and Technology, Electronics, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology, Ecology, Condensed Matter Physics
Center Faculty of Pharmacy
Call: Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees
Teaching: Sin Docencia (Ofertada)
Enrolment: No Matriculable (Sólo Alumnado Repetidor)
- Know the state of the art of nanoscience and nanotechnology applications.
- Know the organization and prioritization criteria in a business environment.
- Know how to develop collaborative work in multidisciplinary teams.
- Know the criteria and quality standards of the facilities in which nanomaterials or nanostructured materials are produced or handled.
- Know the risks associated with nanomaterials and the techniques used in their preparation.
- Acquire skills in handling equipment for the preparation and characterization of nanomaterials.
- Master the techniques of writing and reporting results.
- Acquire skills related to employability and entrepreneurship
External internships will be carried out in companies, public or private organizations, or in Centers, Departments, Institutes and research groups, in institutions that participate in the Master or with which the University of Santiago de Compostela or the University of Vigo have the corresponding agreements signed. For each student an external tutor belonging to the center or entity where the external practices will be carried out and a tutor professor who teaches in the Master will be appointed.
Under the supervision of the tutors, the student must:
-Search for the necessary bibliography to know the current state of the subject of work in external practices
-Adapt to the working methods of the center or receiving institution
-Actively participate in the entrusted activity
-Select the conferences, courses and workshops that can complement your training
- Prepare the final memory
The specific bibliography that each student will have to manage will be determined by the specific work to be carried out, contained in their individual training plan.
Básicas: CB6, CB7, CB8, CB9, CB10
Generales: CG1, CG2, CG3, CG4, CG5, CG6, CG7, CG8, CG9, CG10
Transversales: CT2, CT3, CT4, CT5
Específicas: CE02, CE04, CE06, CE07, CE08, CE10
- Tutorials for planning the work associated with the development of the project.
- Individual work under supervision, with the appropriate infrastructure and means to be able to address the proposed objectives.
- Use of databases and computer programs
- Attendance at conferences, courses and workshops
- Presentation and discussion of partial results in seminars organized by the tutor or the Interuniversity Academic Commission of the Master.
-Continuous evaluation during the realization of the practices issued by the tutors: 40%
-Memory of the activity carried out: 60%
Contact hours: 110
Non-contact hours: 40