ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 3ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 51
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 9
Interactive Classroom: 12
Total: 75Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Applied PhysicsAreas:
Faculty of PhysicsCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
The specific objectives of this subject are that the student:
- Acquire or coñecement two fundamental parameters used to characterize spatial sinais, develop two linear systems in theory and as Fourier transformations and their application to
- Acquire the necessary knowledge to address specific issues regarding image formation and frequency spectrum, transfer function of a system, optical spatial signal processor.Scalar diffraction Theory. From a vector to a scalar theory. Mathematical preliminaries. The Kirchhoff formulation. Fresnel and Fraunhofer Diffraction. Asymptotic expansion of diffraction integrals. Numerical evaluation of diffraction integrals. Examples.
Analysis of two-dimensional signals and systems. Fourier analysis in two dimensions. Fourier Transform Theorems. Separable functions. Linear systems. Two-Dimensional Sampling Theory. Examples.
Frequency analysis of optical imaging systems. Generalized treatment of imaging systems. Frequency response for diffraction-limited coherent and incoherent imaging. Aberrations and their effects on frequency response. Comparison of coherent and incoherent imaging. Resolution beyond the classical diffraction limit. Examples and applications.
Optical information processing. Incoherent and coherent image processing systems. Optical correlators. Spatial frequencies filtering and its applications.Basic and complementary bibliography
1. J. W. Goodman, "Introduction to Fourier Optics", 3rd
edition, Roberts & Company, 2005
2. G. O. Reynolds, J. B. de Velis, G. B. Parrent, Jr. and B. J.
Thompson, "Tutorials in Fourier Optics", SPIE Optical Engineering Press,
3. J. D. Gaskill, "Linear systems, Fourier transforming and Optics",
John Wiley & Sons, 1978
4. E. L. O'Neill, "Introduction to Statistical Optics", Dover
Publications, Inc, 2nd ed., 1993
5. M. L. Calvo Padilla, "Optica Avanzada", Ariel Ciencia, 2002
6. O. K. Ersoy, "Difracction, Fourier Optics and Imaging", John Wiley
& Sons, 2007
7. A. Papoulis, "Systems and Transforms with Applications in Optics",
Krieger, 1981.
8. J. Stamnes, "Waves in Focal Regions", Adam Hilger, 1986
9. E. G. Steward, "Fourier Optics: An introduction", Ellis Horwood, 1987
Basic and General Competences
CG.01 - Acquire the ability to perform team research work.
CG02 - Be able to analyze and synthesize.
CG03 - Acquire the ability to write texts, articles or scientific reports according to publication standards.
CG04 - Become familiar with the different modalities used to disseminate results and disseminate knowledge in scientific meetings.
CG05 - Apply knowledge to solve complex problems.CB.6 - Poseer e comprender coñecementos que aporten unha base ou oportunidade para seren orixinais no desenvolvemento e/ou aplicación de ideas, moitas veces nun contexto de investigación
CB7 - Knowledge about how to apply the knowledge acquired and their ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study
CB8 - Ability to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of making judgments based on information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments
CB9 - Ability to communicate conclusions and the knowledge and ultimate reasons that sustain them to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way
CB10 - Learning skills allowing to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous.
Transversal competences
CT01 - Ability to interpret texts, documentation, reports and academic articles in English, scientific language par excellence.
CT02 - Develop the capacity to make responsible decisions in complex and / or responsible situations.
Specific Competences
CE10 - Understand and assimilate both fundamental and applied aspects of the Physics of light and radiation.
CE11 - Acquire knowledge and mastery of the strategies and systems of transmission of light and radiation.
Learning results:
This subject provides the student with a first approach to the field of nonlinear optics, and it deals with very relevant effects with an infinite number of
of applications in different branches of modern science. When taking this subject the student:
-You will master the methodology and acquire the basic structures for understanding nonlinear optical phenomena.
- You will operationally master the models and theories on which current Nonlinear Optics is based.
- You will acquire a satisfactory knowledge of basic nonlinear optical phenomena, and their most relevant applications.
All these competencies will be evaluated through continuous supervision, development of practical cases, student self-assessment systems, in addition to the exams stipulated on the official dates of the center.This subject will be developed in sessions of master class and interactive seminars, using all media available to make the subject attractive and instructive for the student.
The seminar sessions will be devoted to solve exercises and / or exhibition of personal works.
The virtual classroom will be used as a platform to provide students support material for the study of matter and the
preparation of interactive sessions.
Discussion forums and / or consultation will be opened in the virtual classroom to complement face-to-face class and tutorialsContinuous assessment based on tests that have been developed either in person or through the virtual classroom or other telematic platforms.
Contact hours (physical or virtualy): 30
Non-contact hours of personal work: 44
Tutoring Hours: 1
Total hours of student work: 75Understanding of the subject, not memorization
Maria Teresa Flores Arias
- Department
- Applied Physics
- Area
- Optics
- Phone
- 881813502
- maite.flores@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
1º Semester - September 09th-15th Monday 12:00-13:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Galician Classroom 4 Tuesday 12:00-13:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Galician Classroom 4 Wednesday 12:00-13:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Galician Classroom 4 Thursday 12:00-13:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Galician Classroom 4 Friday 12:00-13:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Galician Classroom 4 Exams 01.08.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 5 06.18.2025 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 7