ECTS credits ECTS credits: 6
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Hours of tutorials: 3 Expository Class: 22 Interactive Classroom: 26 Total: 51
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Applied Physics
Areas: Applied Physics, Optics
Center Faculty of Biology
Call: First Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable | 1st year (Yes)
Students must acquire a solid scientific basis in general aspects of physics, being able to identify, at least qualitatively, the most outstanding physical phenomena in biosciences and engineering.
- Know how to identify and describe the main elements of Fluid Physics.
- Know how to identify and describe transport phenomena and processes.
- Understand the wave concept and identify light as electromagnetic radiation perceived by the human eye.
- Know how to identify, distinguish, and describe the processes that generate the changes in the atomic nuclei.
- Know how to choose and apply physical concepts to biotechnology.
Contents of expository and interactive seminar classes (22 h + 14 h)
Introduction. The language of Physics. Notions of kinematics and dynamics. Work and energies Laws of scale. Metabolic rates. (4 h+3 h)
Elements of Physics of Fluids. States of the material. Density and pressure Statics of fluids. Continuity equation. Fluid dynamics Movement of solids within fluids. Forces of resistance, drag and lift. Surface phenomena. (4 h + 3 h)
Transportation processes. Flow. Transportation of matter: fundamentals. Movement of diffusion: Laws of Fick. (3 h + 1 h)
Transport through membranes. Heat transport. Electric transport: fundamentals. Nerve cells. Balance Donnan. Rest potential. Action potential. (4 h + 3 h)
Waves and Optics. Types of waves and general characteristics. Propagation of light and border problems. Light-matter interaction. Polarimetry and interferometry and biological applications. Geometric optics, visual system and optical instruments. Propagation of sound and border problems. Auditive System. (3.5 h + 2 h)
Nucleonic and biophysics of radiation. Atomic nucleus. Fusion and nuclear fission. Types of radiation Radiation-matter interaction. Detection and measurement of radiation. Effects and biological applications of ionizing radiation. Nuclear medicine. (3.5 h + 2 h)
- Resolution of problems and questions related to each issue.
Laboratory (12 h)
Each student will have 3 sessions of laboratory work, all of the same duration (4 h), in which 3 of the proposed practices will be carried out:
-Hooke's law and its application for the determination of densities
-The simple pendulum
-Experimental determination of density and viscosity
-Determination of the surface tension of liquids by the ring method
-Laws of scale
Tutoring in a small group (3 h):
The student will have 3 sessions of small group tutoring, all of the same duration (1 h), aimed at the task of clarifiying of concepts arising in regular classes.
The order of the topics and contents is indicative and can be slightly modified according to the specific development of the course.
Cromer, Alan H., 1996. Física para las ciencias de la vida. 2ª ed. México: Reverté.
Cussó, Fernando, López, Cayetano y Villar, Raúl 2004. Física de los procesos biológicos. Barcelona: Ariel.
Giancoli, Douglas C. 2009. Física: principios con aplicaciones. 6ª ed. México: Pearson. 2 vol.
Jou Mirabent, David, LLebot Rabagliati, Josep E. y Pérez García, Carlos 2008. Física para ciencias de la vida. 2ª ed. Madrid: McGraw-Hill.
Kane, Joseph W. y Sternheim, M.M. 1998. Física. 2ª ed. Barcelona: Reverté.
Lea, Susan M. y John R. Burke 2001. Física. La naturaleza de las cosas. Madrid: Paraninfo
Electronic books and webs:
Campus Virtual da USC,
Young, Hugh D. y Freedman, Roger A. 2018. Física universitaria con física moderna (Sears y Zemansky Física universitaria con física moderna) [Electronic format]. Vols. 1 y 2. 14ª ed. México: Pearson Educación
Manuales de Acceso: Curso preparatorio de acceso a la universidad para mayores de 25 años. 20. Física, José Luis Trenzado Diepa, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Servicio de Publicaciones y Difusión Científica de la ULPGC 2014. Accessible in Prelo
Macho, Marta. Mujeres con ciencia. [blogon line]. Accessible in:
Teresa Martín y Ana Serrano, Curso de Física Básica,
José L. Fernández, Principios de Óptica Geométrica,
-Comp01: Students can collect and interpret relevant data (usually within their area of study) to make judgments that include a reflection on relevant social, scientific, or ethical issues.
-Comp02: That students are able, both in writing and orally, to discuss and transmit information, ideas, problems, and solutions related to Biotechnology to the public both specialized and non-specialist/general.
-Comp03: That students have developed the learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.
-Comp04: That students know how to apply the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired in the degree in a professional way and are competent in the approach/resolution of problems, as well as in the elaboration/defense of arguments in both academic and professional contexts related to innovation and the biotechnology industry.
- Comp05: Study and learn autonomously, organizing time and resources, new knowledge and techniques in Biotechnology and acquire the ability to work as a team.
-Con01: To know the most important concepts, methods, and results of the different branches of Biotechnology.
H/D01: Think in an integrated way and approach problems from different perspectives with critical reasoning.
• H/D02: Search, process, analyze/interpret and synthesize relevant information and results from various sources and obtain conclusions on issues related to Biotechnology.
• H/D03: Organize and plan your work.
• H/D04: Interpret experimental results and identify consistent and inconsistent elements.
• H/D05: Work in a team
• H/D10: Know how to analyze data and interpret experimental results specific to the fields of Biotechnology.
• H/D11: Understand and know how to apply the physico-chemical principles of biological processes with application in Biotechnology, as well as the main tools used to investigate them.
The general methodologies of the degree described in section 4.3 of the report will be followed. Thus, the following methodologies will be used:
-Virtual Campus: A course will be activated in the Moodle platform of the Virtual Campus, to which information of interest to the student as well as diverse teaching material will be uploaded.
-Master lectures, which will explain the concepts of the subject with the support of audiovisual and computer media.
-Seminars in small groups, in which applications of the theory are proposed and solved.
- Laboratory practical classes, in which the students, following the protocols prepared for this purpose, will handle the appropriate equipment and solve practical issues.
-Tutorials (individual or group) to clarify doubts, provide information or guide the students, as well as to know the progress in the acquisition of skills. Complementary activities may be carried out.
Individual tutorials can be face-to-face or telematic, if telematic require an appointment, which is also recommended for face-to-face.
Mandatory activities in principle not evaluable:
Assistance to planned activities.
Mandatory activities to be assessed:
The overall grade of the student in the subject is a weighted average among the various grades obtained by their performance throughout the course, in several differentiated parts:
- final examination (70% of final qualification)
- completion of the internship with the corresponding reports (20% of the final grade)
- carrying out the activities proposed in the tutorials (10% of the final grade. Of this 10%, 5% will correspond to the first four topics and the other 5% to the topics of Waves and Nucleonics). The grade achieved in this part will only be retained for the first and second chance of the academic year in which it is made, that is, in case the student does not exceed the subject, the grade achieved in the tutorials will not be retained for later courses.
The examination shall assess the skills: Comp02, Comp03, Comp04, H/D01, H/D03, H/D11
Laboratory: Comp01, Comp02, Comp03, Comp04, Comp05, H/D02, H/D03, H/D10
Other activities (tutorials, seminars): Comp01, Comp02, Comp03, Comp04, Comp05, H/D02, H/D03.
Attendance at all scheduled activities is mandatory, especially for laboratory practices.
To make the sum with the indicated weighting of the different evaluable parts it is necessary to have a minimum of 4,0 out of 10 in the examination (4,0 out of 10 at least in each part) and another 4,0 out of 10 in laboratory practices.
Laboratory practices are considered outdated if in addition to attending the scheduled sessions, the memory is delivered and a minimum grade of five is obtained.
Students who do not pass either of these two parts exam and internship, will have a maximum overall score of 4.0 out of 10 at the corresponding opportunity.
In case of passing laboratory practices (note greater or equal than 5,0 out of 10), but not the subject, these are saved for the two later years.
For cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of the "Student Performance Assessment and Grade Review Regulations" shall apply:
"Article 16. Fraudulent performance of exercises or tests. The fraudulent performance of any exercise or test required in the evaluation of a subject will imply a failure grade in the corresponding call, regardless of the disciplinary process that can be followed against the offending student. It is considered fraudulent, among other things, the performance of works plagiarized or obtained from sources accessible to the public without reworking or reinterpretation and citations to authors and sources."
With general character, an average of 150 hours of work is estimated for this subject, of which 51 hours correspond to the attendance of theoretical and practical classes, seminars and tutorials (22 h expository classes, 14 h interactive seminar classes, 12 h interactive laboratory classes and 3 h group tutorials), 95 hours for autonomous student work (study time and redaction of the laboratory report) and the 4 h remaining to exams and their reviews.
-Assistance to all teaching activities
-Participate actively in the classes
-Consult the recommended bibliography
-Use the virtual classroom
-Make use of the tutorials for any matter related to the subject
Maria Concepcion Nistal Fernandez
- Department
- Applied Physics
- Area
- Optics
- Phone
- 881813529
- mconcepcion.nistal [at]
- Category
- Professor: Temporary PhD professor
Maria Villanueva Lopez
Coordinador/a- Department
- Applied Physics
- Area
- Applied Physics
- Phone
- 881814005
- maria.villanueva [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Maria Jesus Garcia Guimarey
- Department
- Applied Physics
- Area
- Applied Physics
- mariajesus.guimarey [at]
- Category
- Xunta Post-doctoral Contract
José Manuel Liñeira Del Río
- Department
- Applied Physics
- Area
- Applied Physics
- josemanuel.lineira [at]
- Category
- Posdoutoral USC
Monday | |||
12:00-13:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician, Spanish | Classroom 01. Charles Darwin |
Tuesday | |||
12:00-13:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician, Spanish | Classroom 01. Charles Darwin |
Wednesday | |||
12:00-13:00 | Grupo /CLIS_01 | Galician, Spanish | Classroom 05 (video-conference). Rita Levi Montalcini |
13:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLIS_02 | Spanish, Galician | Classroom 06. Diane Fosey and Jane Goodall |
Friday | |||
12:00-13:00 | Grupo /CLIS_02 | Galician, Spanish | Classroom 06. Diane Fosey and Jane Goodall |
13:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLIS_01 | Spanish, Galician | Classroom 05 (video-conference). Rita Levi Montalcini |
01.10.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 04: James Watson and Francis Crick |
06.24.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 03. Carl Linnaeus |