ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 3ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 51
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 9
Interactive Classroom: 12
Total: 75Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Applied PhysicsAreas:
Faculty of PhysicsCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | (Yes) -
This subject is offered in the University Master's Degree in Physics (MP) and the University Master's Degree in Quantum Information Sciences and Technologies (MQUIST).
This subject provides the MP student to know and understand different conceptual and formal aspects of quantum light, namely:
-A rigorous understanding of light quantization and temporal and spatial propagation
of quantum light
-Know different quantum states of light, and also know how to transform (manipulate) said
states with different optical systems. Also know and understand different optical systems for generating quantum states of light.
-Know and understand the concepts of polarization, interference and quantum coherence of light through
different orders, and know how to formalize them, all with the aim of characterizing quantum states of light
and verify fundamental aspects of physics.
-Know how to quantitatively describe both light and optical systems to manipulate quantum states
of light intended for relevant applications in the fields of fundamental quantum optics
and applied quantum optics (quantum computing, quantum cryptography, quantum metrology, etc.)
-Know and understand different fundamental nonlinear optical systems such as quantum light generators, as well as quantum light measurement and detection systems and techniques in order to identify and characterize quantum states of light.
learning outcomes
-Understand in some depth the quantization of light and the temporal and spatial propagation of quantum light.
-Know different quantum states of light, also knowing how to transform (manipulate) these states with optical systems. Also know and understand different optical systems to generate quantum states of light.
-Know and understand the concepts of polarization, interference and quantum coherence of light in different orders and know how to formalize them, all with the aim of characterizing the quantum states of light, checking fundamental aspects of physics and understanding different applications.
This subject provides the MQUIST student with the theoretical aspects and the conceptual and formal tools of Quantum Optics, that is, understanding the concept of quantum states of light, how they are generated, how they propagate spatially and temporally, how they are transformed with optical systems, and how they are detected. The knowledge acquired allows, on the one hand, to study in depth fundamental opto-quantum aspects (discrete and continuous variable, entanglement and hyperentanglement, measurement without interaction, quantum noise compression, quantum polarization, quantum coherence and interference, etc.) and, on the other hand, apply them in any field where photonic science and technology can be used (quantum processing/computing, quantum communications, quantum metrology,...)
learning outcomes
CON7.-The student will acquire knowledge about therole of quantum optics and the properties of quantum light and its manipulation for information processing, quantum communications and quantum metrology.The contents for the MP and the MQUIST are the same, namely
-Quantum propagation of light. Hamiltonian formulation. Temporal quantum propagation.
Moment Operator. Space quantum propagation. Study of different quantum states of light (number, chaotic, coherent, squeezed, entangled, cat, phase, ...) and their representations (Q, P, W, Phase, E, ...).
Quantum states of pure and mixed light.
-Quantum states and optical devices. Quantum study of optical devices with spatial modes.
Optical field states. Homodyne detection. Dissipation and opto-quantum decoherence. Applications to quantum processing (logic gates, generation of N-qudits, projective measurements, ...).
-Quantum polarization of light. Spin Operator. Concept of quantum polarization. Stokes operators. Quantum polarization degree. Orbital angular momentum. Devices (polarizers, retarders,...) and applications to quantum processing, quantum teleportation and quantum cryptography.
-Interference and opto-quantum coherence: Glauber probability of detection. Opto-quantum interferometry. Opto-quantum coherence functions of arbitrary order. Metrological applications (phase measurement, subdiffractive lithography, quantum imaging, ...)
-Nonlinear quantum optics. Second and third order nonlinear moment operators. Generation
of quantum states of light (squeezed, cat, ...). Double pass SPDC. Non quantum demolition. Applications.The Bibliography will be the same for both Masters, although there will be an exclusive bibliography for the Master in Physics (indicated in parentheses):
Basic Bibliography
-Teaching material prepared by the professor on "Quantum Optics" and available in the Virtual Classroom of the subject.
Complementary Basic Bibliography
-Fox, M, 2005. Quantum Optics, Oxford University Press
-Gerry C. and Knight P., 2005, Introductory Quantum Optics, Cambridge University Press
-Loudon, R., 1983 (2nd ed), 2003 (3rd ed), The Quantum Theory of Light, Oxford University Press -Scully M.O. and Zubairy M.S., 1997, Quantum Optics, Cambridge (MP)
-Mandel, L., Wolf, E., 1995. Optical Coherence and Quantum Optics, Cambridge University Press (MP)
Bibliographic resources on the net
-In the teaching material prepared by the professor on "Quantum Optics" located in the Virtual Classroom there are links to web pages.
-Pathak A., Banerjee A., Optical Quantum Information and Quantum Communications, http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/3.2240896
-G.Grynberg, A.Aspect, C.Fabre, Introduction to Quantum Optics
CG01 - Acquire the ability to carry out research work as a team.
CG02 - Have the capacity for analysis and synthesis.
CG03 - Acquire the ability to write texts, articles or scientific reports in accordance with publication standards.
CG04 - Become familiar with the different modalities used for the dissemination of results and dissemination of knowledge in scientific meetings.
CG05 - Apply knowledge to solve complex problems.
CB6 - Possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a research context
CB7 - That students know how to apply the knowledge acquired and their ability to solve problems in new or little-known environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study
CB8 - That students are able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of making judgments based on information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments
CB9 - That students know how to communicate their conclusions and the ultimate knowledge and reasons that support them to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way
CB10 - That students have the learning skills that allow them to continue studying in a way that will have to be largely self-directed or autonomous.
CT01 - Ability to interpret texts, documentation, reports and academic articles in English, the scientific language par excellence.
CT02 - Develop the capacity to make responsible decisions in complex and/or responsible situations.
CE10 - Understand and assimilate both fundamental and more applied aspects of the Physics of light and radiation.
CE11 - Acquire knowledge and mastery of light and radiation transmission strategies and systems.
Students who take this subject will acquire the skills and abilities of critical and creative thinking, communication and collaborative work indicated in the Master' Degree verification report (HD0, HD1, HD2, HD3).
In addition to the basic (CB1-CB5), general (CG1-CG4) and transversal (CT1-CT8) skills specified in the title verification report, students will acquire the following specific skills:
CE6-Know and understand the nature of the physical platforms for processing quantum information in photonic systems: quantum optics, integrated optical systems, opto-atomic systems, detection and measurement systems, and semiconductor photonics.Lectures will be given according to the official calendar of the Masters. The theoretical contents of the subject will be explained by using all the audio-visual media to be available (expository method) and besides illustrative/enlightening exercises and problems about such theoretical contents will be introduced (interactive method). Students are supplied with a material (usually in electronic format) which includes both the theoretical development explained in the classroom and exercises and problems statements, emphasizing that it is a follow-up material which must be completed with the student's work (autonomous work and assisted by tutoring).
The assessment of the subject will consist basically of a continuous evaluation taking into account that:
-It is obligatory to attend the expository and interactive classes and perform the exercises proposed in them.
-Specific tasks will be proposed where the student will put into practice the methods and techniques learned in some specific aspects of the course.
-The possibility of taking an exam will be exceptional if one of the above criteria is not fulfilled and it is necessary to evaluate if the student has acquired the competences of the subject.
Activities to evaluate and their weight in the global note:
-Assistance to classes and completion of the exercises: 60%.
-Presentation of specific works and/or projects: 40%.
In the event that a student cannot attend classes for justified reasons or is exempt from attending class, such attendance will be replaced by another activity: completion of an academic assignment, completion of a final test, etc., at the discretion of the teacher in charge of the subject under evaluation.
In cases of fraudulent completion of exercises or tests, the provisions of the "Regulations for the evaluation of the academic performance of students and the review of grades" will apply:
Article 16. Fraudulent performance of exercises or tests.
The fraudulent performance of any exercise or test required in the evaluation of a subject will imply a failure in the corresponding call, regardless of the disciplinary process that may be followed against the offending student. Being considered fraudulent, among others, the realization of plagiarized works or obtained from sources accessible to the public without re-elaboration or reinterpretation and without citations to the authors and sources.PM
3 ECTS distributed as follows:
Hours with attendance
-Lecture and interactive hours: 31
Hours without attendance (44hours) dedicated to:
-Study about theoretical content (conceptual and formal ones)
-Realization of Exercises / activities
-Reworking Exercises / activities
3 ECTS distributed as follows:
Hours with attendance
-Lecture and interactive hours: 26
Hours without attendance (49hours) dedicated to:
-Study about theoretical content (conceptual and formal ones)
-Realization of Exercises / activities
-Reworking Exercises / activitiesIt is recommended that the student have knowledge of Classical Optics and Quantum Mechanics, and above all that they read the Class Notes (located on the USC Virtual Campus), and that they do (and redo) the exercises, problems and activities proposed with constancy.
The subject of Quantum Optics is offered in the Master's Degree in Physics (PM) and in the Master's Degree in Quantum Information Sciences and Technologies (MQUIST). The PM corresponds to 30 hours with attendance, and the MCTIC corresponds to 25 with attendance. MQUIST students will be exempt from advanced content, therefore they will not need, if they wish, to attend classes where said content is presented. These hours must be invested in the development of autonomous work. The teacher will indicate the days on which said advanced content will be taught.
Jesus Liñares Beiras
- Department
- Applied Physics
- Area
- Optics
- Phone
- 881813501
- suso.linares.beiras@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor