ECTS credits ECTS credits: 6
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Hours of tutorials: 2 Expository Class: 30 Interactive Classroom: 20 Total: 52
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Physiology
Areas: Physiology
Center Faculty of Biology
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable
To provide students with the knowledge to understand the integrated functioning of organs and systems of animals as well as the mechanisms that control and regulate these functions, emphasizing homeostatic processes.
Lectures program: 30 hours
Unit 1. Concept of Animal Physiology. Homeostasis and control. Feedback systems. (0.5h)
Unit 2. Structure and function of the Nervous System. Electrical signals.
Unit 3. Synapses
Unit 4. Sensory Physiology I: Sensory systems: Generalities. Skin and deep sensitivity.
Unit 5. Sensory Physiology II. The special senses. Chemoreception.- Receptors of taste and smell. Visual system. Auditory and balance system.
Unit 6. Motor and integrative physiology. General characteristics. Central control of motility
Unit 7. The autonomic nervous system
Unit 8. Hypothalamic-pituitary axis. Thyroid. Adrenals
Unit 9. Endocrine control of glycemia and calcium. Growth and development control
Unit 10. Reproductive System. Reproduction in males.Reproduction in females.
Unit 11. General properties. Functions of the blood. Hematopoiesis. Erythrocyte physiology. Platelet physiology. Hemostasis and blood clotting.
Unit 12. Stimulation and contraction of the heart muscle.
Unit 13. The heart as a bomb. Cardiac cycle.
Unit 14. Peripheral circulation: arteries and veins. Microcirculation.
Unit 15. Integrative functions: regulation of blood pressure in the short term.
Unit 16. Respiratory system. Ventilation mechanics. Diffusion of gases. Ventilation control.
Unit 17. Transport and exchange of gases.
Unit 18. General structure. Renal blood flow. Regulation.
Unit 19. Urine formation: filtration, reabsorption and secretion. Regulation. Concentration and dilution of urine.
Unit 20. Regulation of water and salt balance. Regulation of acid-base balance
Unit 21. General structure. Innervation. Motility. Gastrointestinal peptides
Unit 22. Secretion, digestion and absorption. Gastrointestinal electrolyte transport.
Interactive class program: 22 hours
Computer classroom practices: 10 hours. They are taught in two 5-hour sessions.
Practice 1. Neurophysiology of the nerve impulse. Physiology of the endocrine system. (5h)
Practice 2. Cardiovascular dynamics. Respiratory mechanics. Physiology of the renal system. (5h)
Seminars: 10 hours
Completion of questions, case studies, etc. related to the topics of the expository classes
Seminar 1: Nervous system (2h)
Seminar 2: Endocrine system (2h)
Seminar 3: Cardiovascular system (2h)
Seminar 4: Respiratory system (2h)
Seminar 5: Integration (2h)
Tutorials: They are used for the review of concepts and clarification of doubts. They are held upon students' request, presential or telematic, indivudual or in group. They will have a maximum duration of 1 hour.
Exam: The exam is compulsory and presential. This is a written test with test questions and / or short questions. It will have a maximum duration of 3 hours.
• Costanzo, L.S., 2018. Fisiología [en liña]. 6ª ed. Barcelona: Elsevier. Dispoñible en:…
• Levy, M.N., Stanton, B.A. y Koeppen, B.M., 2018. Berne y Levy, fisiología [en liña]. 7ª ed. Madrid: Elsevier. Dispoñible en:…
• Boron, W.F. & Boulpaep, E.L. eds., 2012. Medical physiology: a cellular and molecular approach. Up.2nd ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier.
• Guyton, A.C. & Hall, J.E., 2021. Tratado de fisiología médica [en liña]. 14ª ed. Madrid: Elsevier. Dispoñible en:…
• Hill, R.W. Wise, G.A. y Anderson, N., 2006. Fisiología Animal. Madrid: Editorial Médica Panamericana.
• Silverthorn, D.U., Johnson, B.R., Ober, W.C., Garrison, C.W. y Silverthorn, A.C., 2014. Fisiología humana: un enfoque integrado [en liña]. 6ª ed. Buenos Aires: Editorial Médica Panamericana. Dispoñible en:…{%22Pagina%22:%22Cover%22,%22Vista%22:%22Indice%22,%22Busqueda%22:%22%22}
• Tortora, G.J. y Derrickson, B., 2018. Principios de anatomía y fisiología [en liña]. 15ª ed. Buenos Aires: Editorial Médica Panamericana. Dispoñible en:…{%22Pagina%22:%22Portada%22,%22Vista%22:%22Indice%22,%22Busqueda%22:%22%22}
Con01: To know the most important concepts, methods and results of the different branches of Biology.
Con05: To know the structure of biomolecules, their physicochemical properties and relate it to their functions, integrating the different levels of organization of living beings
Con09: To understand and integrate the functioning and regulation of the main physiological processes of living beings as well as their interaction with the biotic and abiotic environment.
H/D01: To apply in an integrated manner the theoretical-practical knowledge acquired in the transmission of information/ideas and in the formulation and resolution of problems, both in academic and professional contexts.
H/D02: To know how to obtain and interpret relevant information and experimental results and obtain conclusions on topics related to Biology.
H/D03: To study and learn autonomously, with organization of time and resources, new knowledge and techniques in Biology.
H/D07: The ability to search, process, analyze and synthesize information from various sources, including the use of ICTs in the field of Biology.
H/D09: The ability to organize and plan work.
Com01: That students have demonstrated that they possess, understand and use knowledge of the different areas of Biology, including some cutting-edge aspects of their field of study.
Comp02: That students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.
Comp03: That students know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and possess the capabilities that are usually demonstrated through elaboration and defense.
Type of master class that will consist of the development by the teacher of the fundamental aspects of the topics of the program. The presentations used and / or complementary didactic material will be left in the virtual classroom. Non-compulsory activity.
Interactive classes:
In the seminars, which will be face-to-face, issues and problems related to the topics of the program will be discussed and resolved. Generally, students must work on the content of the seminar beforehand. The seminars will be evaluated with questionnaires and problems that will be delivered by physical or telematic means. Non-compulsory activity.
They will be practices performed with computer simulators. Students will carry out the practices autonomously, in person in the classroom within the schedules established by the center. Students will have time to resolve questions with the teacher. They will be evaluated for the delivery of the results of the simulations and / or test-type questionnaires. Non-compulsory activity.
Group or personal tutorials.
They will be taught by face-to-face or virtual means, either synchronous (Teams) or asynchronous (email, virtual classroom forum, etc.). Non-compulsory activity.
Assessment: The final grade (100%) is divided into the following sections:
1. Exam on the subject taught in theory classes and seminars: 70% of the grade. The exam is compulsory and face-to-face. The qualification of the exam is complementary to the continuous assessment. It is necessary to obtain a minimum of 4 out of 10 in the exam to add the mark of the continuous assessment.
2. Continuous assessment: 30% of the grade. Not mandatory. Distributed as follows:
2a. Practices: 5%. They will be evaluated by means of a test at the end of each practice (only for students who have completed each practice) which will be delivered by physical or telematic means.
2b. Seminars: 25%. In order for the student to be qualified in a seminar, he / she must attend it. They will be evaluated by means of a test or work for each seminar, which will be delivered by physical or telematic means.
All students in either group will be assessed equally on both opportunities. The percentages of examination assessment and continuous assessment will be the same on both opportunities. Students who do not pass the first opportunity will maintain in the second opportunity the qualification of the continuous evaluation and will have to do the examination.
The marks obtained in section 2 (continuous assessment) will be saved for the July opportunity and also for the next two courses. The same applies to repeaters who want to get these grades, they can ask to use those from previous courses if they have them. Repeaters must in any case take the exam.
In cases of fraudulent completion of exercises or tests, the provisions of the Regulations for the evaluation of students' academic performance and the review of grades will apply.
Assessment of competencies:
Exam: Con01, Con05,Con09, H/D01, H/D02, H/D07, H/D09, Com01, Com02,
Seminars: Con01, Con02, Con09, H/D01, H/D02, H/D07, H/D09, Com01, Com02, Com03
Practices: Con01, Con09, H/D01, H/D02, H/D03, H/D07, H/D09, Com01, Com03
6 ECTS. 25 hours / credit: 150 hours
Presential hours: 30 lectures, 10 seminars, 10 practical, 2 tutorials, 3 exam. Total 55 hours
Hours of personal study: 80 lectures, 15 seminars, total 95 hours.
Total: 150 hours.
To have a good foundation on previous subjects: Cell Biology, Biophysics, Biochemistry.
To participate in training, presential or virtual activities.
To study regularly and to avoid accumulating study hours in the last days of the course.
To consult any questions with the teachers.
Students enrolled in this subject will have at their disposal, in the Virtual Campus of the USC, much of the material that teachers use in their classes to develop explanations of different topics. Likewise, it will be the preferred route for warnings and other issues.
For some activities, English may be used as a language of support
The preferred direct communication channel with teachers will be through institutional email. Under agreement, virtual sessions can be scheduled through MS-Teams.
Celia Maria Pombo Ramos
- Department
- Physiology
- Area
- Physiology
- Phone
- 881815413
- celiamaria.pombo [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Anxo Vidal Figueroa
Coordinador/a- Department
- Physiology
- Area
- Physiology
- Phone
- 881815417
- anxo.vidal [at]
- Category
- Professor: Temporary PhD professor
Mª Isabel Ben Batalla
- Department
- Physiology
- Area
- Physiology
- misabel.ben [at]
- Category
- Profesor Distinguido
Beatriz Rodríguez Lemus
- Department
- Physiology
- Area
- Physiology
- beatriz.rodriguez.lemus [at]
- Category
- Predoutoral Fund. AECC
Celia Fernandez Rial
- Department
- Physiology
- Area
- Physiology
- celia.fdez.rial [at]
- Category
- Xunta Pre-doctoral Contract
Miguel Angel Prados Sanchez
- Department
- Physiology
- Area
- Physiology
- miguelangel.prados.sanchez [at]
- Category
- Xunta Pre-doctoral Contract
Tuesday | |||
12:00-13:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician, Spanish | Classroom 01. Charles Darwin |
13:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_02 | Spanish, Galician | Classroom 02. Gregor Mendel |
Wednesday | |||
12:00-13:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician, Spanish | Classroom 01. Charles Darwin |
13:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_02 | Galician, Spanish | Classroom 02. Gregor Mendel |
06.04.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 01. Charles Darwin |
06.04.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 02. Gregor Mendel |
06.04.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 03. Carl Linnaeus |
07.08.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 01. Charles Darwin |
07.08.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 02. Gregor Mendel |